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La lutte antivectorielle en France

Didier Fontenille
Christophe Lagneau
Sylvie Lecollinet
et al.

General recommendations. Eight great priorities

Appendix to priority recommendation n° 1

Testo integrale

Create a National Centre of Expertise on Vectors and vector risk (CNEV)

1As for the CNRs and LNRs, supervising ministries will contribute to the financing of the CNEV to enable it to fulfil its missions. The budget will be sufficient to employ at the minimum one secretary, an ingénieur d’étude and an ingénieur de recherche assigned entirely to the centre, and to carry out surveys commissioned, or have them carried out by the associated laboratories. The experts from the central laboratory and the associated laboratories, including the director, will devote part of their time to the CNEV according to a quota fixed by their institutions, universities or agencies, after discussion with the supervisory bodies. The CNEV will therefore work as a network around a hub, the central laboratory. The overall annual contribution for running costs (salaries for one secretary and two ingénieurs, operational costs, survey costs) will be paid annually by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Agriculture.

Figure 6. Institutional architecture

Order proposal


2In the framework of the control of arthropod-vector borne transmissible diseases, a structure bringing together the competences coming from higher education or research establishments, national agencies of expertise and vector control operational organizations is founded. It is named the Centre national d’expertise sur les vecteurs et le risque vectoriel de maladies humaines et animales (CNEV).

3The CNEV has the following missions:

  1. Expertise concerning vector taxonomy and their surveillance in France, and vector control.
  2. Vector surveillance, notably the harmonization of indicators and methods, in a perspective of vector control assessment.
  3. Contribution to the epidemiological surveillance of vector-borne diseases.
  4. Issue warning, by transmitting information immediately to the InVS, the DGS and the DGAL, on the occasion of any observation that could have consequences for the health of the human or animal population.
  5. Contribution to investigations on vector emergence.
  6. Technical consultancy for public authorities, health and safety agencies and professionals in human and animal health.
  7. Act as the interface with research in the perspective of providing aid for decision-making and calling for applied or cognitive research work on vector control.
  8. Contribution to training on vector risk and vector control.
  9. Interaction with other equivalent structures in Europe, on the Mediterranean rim, in the rest of the world and with international organizations, in particular the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE).

4These tasks and purposes are stipulated in a specific set of specifications.

5In order to fulfil these missions, the Centre national d’expertise sur les vecteurs et le risque vectoriel de maladies humaines et animales is composed of a central laboratory headquarters with the director, the secretariat, a permanent technical team, and several associate laboratories representing complementary competences known as “Laboratoires du Centre National d’Expertise Associés” which can come under the research establishments (CIRAD, CNRS, Institut Pasteur, INRA, IRD), universities, public administrative agencies or establishments (AFSSA, AFSSET, INPES, InVS), operational structures (département council services, EIDs, ADEGE).


6The ministries responsible for Health and for Agriculture designate for four years the laboratory in charge of the CNEV and the associate laboratories after a call for applications.


7The CNEV and the associate laboratories execute their missions in the framework of conventions concluded with the DGS and the DGAL and established according to:

  • a four-yearly work programme drawn up in compliance with the particular specifications provided for in article 1 of the present order;
  • the description of the organization’s means: the number and qualifications of personnel and the character of the technical support base, its own financial means and funds provided by the ministries of Health and Agriculture;
  • where relevant, activity reports for the organization for the previous four years, including the list of its publications.

8Each year the CNEV director transmits an annual report to the ministers responsible for Health and for Agriculture. When missions of the CNEV are exercised in relation with one or more of the associate laboratories, the head of the national reference centre is responsible for coordination of the whole set of activities and mentions the activities realized by the different laboratories in the annual report.


9The managing organization of the CNEV and the associate laboratories receive annually, for the fulfilment of the missions assigned to them, a subsidy from the DGS and the DGAL.


10A Scientific committee is constituted. Its role and duties are:

  • write the set of specifications for specific aspects mentioned in article 1 of the present order;
  • analyse the projects and classify the applications for associated laboratory in the framework of a call for applications;
  • assess the CNEV annually and at the close of the four years of activity;
  • make recommendations concerning the expertise, training and research activities.


11The committee is composed of representatives of the DGS, the DGAL, the Ministry of Research, the Ministry of Ecology, of specialists in entomology, vector control, epidemiology, microbiology, infectious diseases or public health appointed for their competences.

12Two-thirds of its members belong neither to the DGS nor to DGAL. The committee members are named for four years jointly by the DGS and the DGAL.

Proposal of specifications for the CNEV

13The missions of the Centre national d’expertise sur les vecteurs et le risque vectoriel de maladies humaines et animales are defined in article 1 of the present order. These missions concern biological expertise, the contribution to epidemiological surveillance, the contribution to training, the contribution to research, warning information and technical consulting.



  • Identification of haematophage arthropods concerned by the vector control services.
  • The maintenance, holding and diffusion of techniques of diagnosis and/or identification and typing: collections of type species, reference genetic sequences.
  • Participation in the final development, assessment and provision of recommendations concerning vector control techniques.
  • Contribution to assessment of sensibility to insecticides.
  • Contribution to the definition and assessment of entomological surveillance indicators.
  • Contribution to the assessment of the effectiveness of vector control.
  • Providing information, training and, where appropriate, contribution to the drawing-up and publication of technical guides.
  • Act as the interface between operational vector control and research on vectors and vector control.

Contribution to surveillance

  • Participation in writing intervention plans in cases of vector-borne disease (like the West Nile plan, Chikungunya plan, PSAGE).
  • Participation in the surveillance of vector insecticide resistance.
  • Participation in investigation of epidemic phenomena of vector-borne diseases.
  • Contribution to the international surveillance networks, especially European ones.
  • Contribution to occasional enquiries at the request of the Ministry of Health or the Ministry of Agriculture.
  • Promoting the development of operational research programmes linked to vector surveillance.

Warning role

  • Give warning of any phenomena that are abnormal or new in public health terms to the InVS, the AFSSA, DGS and DGAL, even to other agencies covering complementary fields (environment, legal aspects), for example:
  • identification of a new or potential vector;
  • abnormal level of proliferation of a vector or potential vector;
  • the appearance of resistance to insecticides;
  • give information concerning events of any similar events in other countries.


  • For the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Institut de Veille Sanitaire, and health safety agencies:
  • participation in devising vector control measures;
  • responding to requests for specialist expertise and advice;
  • technical advice for professionals;
  • for recommendations on research avenues to develop on vector control and vectors.


14Organization of continuous-training sessions at different levels on vector control, vectors and vector risk, in liaison with the DGS, DGAl, EHESP, the veterinary and medical schools, vector control organisms similar to ADEGE.


  • Identification of timely, relevant research questions in the field of vectors and vector control.
  • Participation in research projects, wherever possible.
  • Act as principal intermediary for the Ministries of Research, Health, Agriculture and Ecology, for the formulation of calls for research proposals.


Annual report

15An annual report must be sent to the Ministers for Health and for Agriculture before the end of the first six months of the following year. This document must comprise:

  • a description of the different activities in conformity with the set specifications and a summary on the contribution to epidemiological surveillance. The information gathered could be published in the specialist journals of the Ministries of Health and of Agriculture;
  • a list of publications or communications produced in the course of the year relating to the missions of the CNEV ;
  • forth coming prospects for the centre for the following years.

16A feedback of information should systematically be sent to the corresponding laboratories.

Indice delle illustrazioni

Legenda Figure 6. Institutional architecture
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