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Isolationism or the Self-Preservation of Burma’s Military Regime

This book argues that the Burmese military regime has always favoured an isolationist-type policy that finds its grassroots in Ne Win’s autarchic and xenophobic era as well as in Burma’s royal traditions, but without being completely cut off from the outside world.

This policy approach is well suited to the Burmese authoritarian state which boasts an important strategic position in the region. In the past decade, the politics of “isolationism without isolation” has been skilfully devel...

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  • Editor : Institut de recherche sur l’Asie du Sud-Est contemporaine
  • Colección : Carnets de l’Irasec | 7
  • Lugar de edición : Bangkok
  • Año de edición : 2008
  • Publicación en OpenEdition Books : 03 juillet 2018
  • EAN (publicación papel) : 978-974-383-406-6
  • EAN electrónico : 978-2-9564470-6-1
  • DOI : 10.4000/books.irasec.498
  • Número de páginas : 92 p.
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