p. 293-306
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Nicolas Salem-Gervais is an associate professor at the Southeast Asia Department, INALCO University, France. He has been working on education in Myanmar for almost two decades, most recently through several collaborations with young researchers from Myanmar. Affiliated with Centre Asie du Sud-Est (CASE), he conducted this project while in a secondment at IRASEC.
Summer Aung is an independent researcher focusing on forced migration, education, and community resilience. She recently completed her Masters of Human Rights at IHRP, Mahidol University, with a thesis focusing on migrant education on the Thai-Myanmar border.
Amber Spreelung is an independent researcher who currently resides and works in Southeast Asia. Her research output has primarily focused on education policy, planning, and political economy analysis.
Ja Seng is an independent researcher from Kachin State specializing in conflict, displacement, education, drugs, and mining. She has over a decade of experience working with think tanks, academics, and the media.
Phyo Wai is a graduate of West Yangon University and Yangon Institute of Education. He has contributed to academic journals and newspapers on topics related to urban politics, interfaith studies, culture, and education. He has also served as a faculty member at two religious universities in Yangon, and is currently affiliated with IHRP, Mahidol university, as well as RCSD, Chiang Mai university.
Myo Sett Paing is an affiliated researcher with the RCSD, Chiang Mai University, and holds a Masters of Research in Contemporary East Asian Studies from Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon. Prior to academia, he worked for not-for-profit and development institutions in Myanmar. His research interests include gender and sexuality, Buddhism, folklore, the Sino-Burmese diaspora, and migration.
Pau Sian Lian is a Myanmar-born research fellow at IHRP, Mahidol University, holds a Masters in Development Management, and graduated cum laude from the University of the Cordilleras, Philippines. From 2014 to 2019, he completed his Masters and PhD in Political Science at Waseda University, Japan, receiving an academic award for his dissertation.
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