URL originale : https://books.openedition.org/iheid/952
p. 257-264
Texte intégral
I. Questionnaire
Personal Data
11. First name
22. Last name
33. Date of birth (day/month/year)
44. Place of birth
55. Sex
66. Status (single, married, partnered)
77. Do you have any children? And if so, how many?
88. Occupation
99. If you do not want your first name and/or your last name to appear in any work done from this questionnaire, please say so here.
1010. If you want to remain anonymous, could you state your reason for doing so?
111. Address
122. E-mail address
133. If for any reason you do not want me to contact you to get further information on one or several of the questions you answered hereafter, please state so here.
141. Do you travel very often?
152. If so, for what purpose? (e.g. business, family)
163. Have you ever been to another country?
174. And if so, to which country(ies) and for what purpose?
185. Have you ever been to other Indian states?
196. And if so, which states and for what purpose?
201. What is your religion?
212. If you define yourself as a Buddhist, what particular Buddhist sect or movement do you follow?
223. And who is the leader of the Buddhist sect or movement you follow?
234. Would you say that you are a very religious person?
245. More so than your parents?
256. More so than your children?
267. Do you think that religion and politics should be inseparable? Why?
278. Do you think that they should be separated? Why?
289. Would you say that religion plays a role in the conduct of Tibetan politics in exile?
2910. Do you think it is religion which has made the Dalai Lama opt for a Middle Way approach in his negotiation with the Chinese Government?
3011. Or can you think of any other reason?
311. What is your nationality?
322. What kind of identity document(s) do you possess? (e.g. passport, « Refugee Travel Document » or any other kind of identity document)
333. If you possess a passport, from what country is your passport?
344. What is the nationality stated on your identity document?
355. Do you possess any identity document given to you by the Tibetan Government in Exile?
366. Would you like to change nationality?
377. For what other nationality would you like to change? And why?
388. Do you consider yourself a refugee?
399. Do you possess any document stating that you have a refugee status?
Political Engagement
401. Would you say that you are involved in Tibetan politics in exile?
412. And if so, what is your degree of involvement? (e.g. high, low, medium)
423. Who is your political leader in exile? (e.g. Dalai Lama, Prime Minister)
434. Do you agree with the policy of the Government in Exile?
445. And if so, would you say that you agree totally or partially with this policy?
456. And if you answered partially, could you state more precisely which element(s) of the policy you agree with and which element(s) you disagree with?
467. Would you say that non-violence is more a political or a religious element in the policy of the Government in Exile?
478. Do you think it should play a role in the definition of the policy of the Government in Exile?
489. Do you think it would be a good thing to have several political parties?
4910. Would you vote for another political party if there were one?
5011. Did you vote in the last elections held by the Government in Exile?
5112. Do you think that the goal of democratization of Tibetan politics favoured by the Dalai Lama has now been achieved?
5213. Or are you still in favour of more democracy in the political process?
5314. What do you think of the Dalai Lama’s Middle Way approach?
5415. Do you agree with it?
5516. Would you say it is rather efficient or inefficient?
5617. What would you like to see changed, if anything, in the way Tibetan politics are handled?
Host country
571. Would you say that the Indian government has done a lot to help Tibetan refugees in the past fifty years?
582. And if you do not think so, what else do you think could have been done?
593. Do you think that the Indian government should more openly support the Tibetan cause?
604. Would you say that the Indian government is impeding the political expression (e.g. by censuring Tibetan media or by prohibiting demonstrations) of Tibetan refugees or of the Tibetan Government in Exile (e.g. by preventing the Dalai Lama to meet other political leaders in India or by prohibiting any political activity of the Tibetan Government in Exile)? Please specify.
615. Do you think that the Indian government is still doing a lot to help Tibetan refugees and to support the Tibetan cause?
626. Would you say that the Indian government’s attitude towards Tibetan refugees is dictated by the Chinese government (totally, partly, not at all)?
637. Do you get on well with the local Indian population (i.e. Indian people living in the same area as you)?
648. Do you have many Indian friends? How many?
659. Would you say that the local Indian population supports the Tibetan cause?
6610. More so than Indian people who live in areas where there are no Tibetan refugees?
671. In case the Dalai Lama and the Chinese government reach an agreement on the status of Tibet, are you prepared to go back to a more autonomous Tibet even if this means getting a Chinese nationality and a Chinese passport?
682. Or would you rather stay in India?
693. And if so, for what reason(s)?
704. Or would you rather like to change residence? (e.g. move to the United States or to a European country)
715. And if so, for what reason(s)?
726. Are you prepared to go back to an independent Tibet?
737. Or would you rather stay in India?
748. And if so, for what reason(s)?
759. Or would you rather like to change residence? (e.g. move to the United States or to a European country)
7610. And if so, for what reason(s)?
77Additional Comments
II. Cartes
A. Carte du Tibet
B. Carte des camps de réfugiés tibétains en Inde et au Népal
III. Lignées des hauts dignitaires religieux tibétains
A. Les Dalaï-Lamas
781. Gendun Drub (1391-1474/1475)
792. Gendun Gyatso (1475-1542/1543)
803. Sonam Gyatso (1543-1588)
814. Yönten Gyatso (1589-1616/1617)
825. Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso (1617-1682)
836. Tsangyang Gyatso (1682/1683-1706)
847. Kelsang Gyatso (1708-1757)
858. Jamphel Gyatso (1758-1804)
869. Lungtok Gyatso (1806-1815)
8710. Tsultrim Gyatso (1816-1837)
8811. Khedrup Gyatso (1838-1856)
8912. Trinle Gyatso (1856-1875)
9013. Thubten Gyatso (1875/1876-1933)
9114. Tenzin Gyatso (1935-…)
B. Les Panchen Lamas
921. Khedrup Gelek Pelsang (1385-1438)
932. Sonam Chökyi Langpo (1438/1439-1504/1505)
943. Ensapa Lobsang Dhondrup (1505-1564/1568)
954. Lobsang Chökyi Gyaltsen (1570-1662)
965. Lobsang Yeshe (1663-1737)
976. Lobsang Palden Yeshe (1738-1780)
987. Lobsang Tenpe Nyima (1782-1853/1854)
998. Lobsang Palden Chökyi Drakpa Tenpe Wangchuk (1855-1882)
1009. Chökyi Nyima Gelek Namgyal (1883-1937)
10110. Chökyi Gyaltsen (1938-1989)
10211. Gendun Chökyi Nyima (1989-…)
C. Les Karmapas
1031. Dusum Khyenpa (1110-1193)
1042. Karma Pakshi (1204-1283)
1053. Rangjung Dorje (1284-1339)
1064. Rölpe Dorje (1340-1383)
1075. Deshin Shekpa (1384-1415)
1086. Tongwa Dönden (1416-1453)
1097. Chödrak Gyatso (1454-1506)
1108. Mikyö Dorje (1507-1554)
1119. Wangchuk Dorje (1556-1603)
11210. Chöying Dorje (1604-1674)
11311. Yeshe Dorje (1676-1702)
11412. Changchub Dorje (1703-1732)
11513. Dudul Dorje (1733-1797)
11614. Thegchok Dorje (1798-1868)
11715. Khakyab Dorje (1871-1922)
11816. Rangjung Rigpe Dorje(1924-1981/1982)
11917. Orgyen Trinle Dorje (1985-…)
Le texte seul est utilisable sous licence Creative Commons - Attribution - Pas d'Utilisation Commerciale - Pas de Modification 4.0 International - CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. Les autres éléments (illustrations, fichiers annexes importés) sont « Tous droits réservés », sauf mention contraire.
Les réfugiés tibétains en Inde
Ce livre est cité par
- Bentz, Anne-Sophie. (2021) Political Activism in Canada: When Tibetans in Toronto Enter into Local Politics. South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal. DOI: 10.4000/samaj.7449
- Henrion-Dourcy, Isabelle. (2012) Une rupture dans l’air. Anthropologie et Sociétés, 36. DOI: 10.7202/1011721ar
- Bentz, Anne-Sophie. (2023) Refugee citizenship: citizenship as a means to make a claim about refugeehood. Citizenship Studies, 27. DOI: 10.1080/13621025.2023.2202897
- Baujard, Julie. (2012) Être réfugié à Delhi. e-Migrinter. DOI: 10.4000/e-migrinter.582
Les réfugiés tibétains en Inde
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