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List of acronyms

Texte intégral

1CFEJ Commission Fédérale pour l’Enfance et la Jeunesse / Federal Commission for Childhood and Youth

2CSO civil society organization

3C4D Communication for Development

4DDC Direction du Development et de la Cooperation / Swiss Development Agency

5EU European Union

6FGC Fédération Genevoise de Cooperation

7FIFA Federation of International Football Associations

8FITDH International Federation Terre des Hommes

9GCPK Global Community of Practice and Knowledge on child rights and social accountability

10IFI international financial institutions

11IHRI international human rights institutions

12IMF International Monetary Fund

13IO international organization

14IOC International Olympic Committee

15ILO International Labor Organization

16IOM International Organization for Migration

17INGO international non-governmental organization

18NGO non-governmental organization

19NSA non-state actor

20OHCHR Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

21OP Optional Protocol

22RSDE Réseau Suisse des Droits de l’Enfant

23RSECI Réseau Suisse Education et Coopération Internationale

24SBCC social and behavior change communication

25SFC Swiss Federal Council

26SFDHA Swiss Federal Department of Home Affairs

27SRA Sport and Rights Alliance

28TDH Terre Des Hommes

29TDHS Terre Des Hommes Suisse

30UN United Nations

31UNCRC United Nations Child Rights Convention

32UNGA United Nations General Assembly

33UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

34UNICEF United Nations International Children Emergency Fund

35WFP World Food Program

36WHO World Health Organization

37WTO World Trade Organization

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