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Texte intégral
Cette bibliographie est organisée par chapitres afin de la rendre plus facilement utilisable pour le lecteur qui souhaiterait approfondir plus particulièrement certains des problèmes abordés dans chacun d’entre eux. Tous les ouvrages consultés qui sont mentionnés sous une forme succincte dans les notes infrapaginales des différents chapitres y figurent donc. Toutefois, on y a aussi inclus un certain nombre d’autres ouvrages qui sont incontournables et doivent être mentionnés dans un travail pluridisciplinaire tel que celui ci. Il peut arriver qu’un ouvrage apparaisse plus d’une fois dans le cas où il couvre la matière de plusieurs chapitres. Je les ai toutefois placés pour le plus grand nombre d’entre-eux dans la catégorie des ouvrages généraux. Comme cela a été indiqué dans la note technique du préambule, les cinq premiers chapitres ne comportent presque pas d’articles, car les connaissances nouvelles qu’ils ont pu apporter au moment de leur parution dans des revues spécialisées ont été intégrées dans les nombreux ouvrages publiés ultérieurement. J’ai toutefois fait des exceptions pour certains articles « historiques » qui ont marqué leur temps. En revanche, les articles de périodiques deviennent plus nombreux dans les chapitres 6 et surtout 7, sur lesquels il y a encore peu d’ouvrages disponibles. Pour le dernier chapitre, j’ai même eu recours à de nombreux articles de presse parus sur l’excellent site de la revue en ligne australienne New Mandala, spécialisée sur l’analyse des problèmes politiques, économiques et sociaux des pays d’Asie du Sud-Est et en particulier de l’Indonésie.
Ouvrages généraux
Bellwood Peter
1978 Man’s Conquest of the Pacific. The Prehistory of Southeast Asia and Oceania. Auckland, Collins, 462 pages.
Bellwood Peter, James Fox and Darell Tyron (Eds.)
1995 The Austronesians. Historical & Comparative Perspectives. Canberra, The Australian National University (ANU), Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies (RSPAS), Department of Anthropology, 359 pages.
Boserup Esther
1970 Évolution agraire et pression démographique. Paris, Flammarion, Nouvelle bibliothèque scientifique, 221 pages.
Bray Francesca
1986 The Rice Economies. Technology & Development in Asian Societies. Oxford and New York, Basil Blackwell, 254 pages.
Bresnan John (Ed.)
2005 Indonesia: The Great Transition. Lanham and Boulder/ Rowman& Littlefiels Publishers, Inc, 318 pages.
Brown Colin
2003 A Short History of Indonesia. The Unlikely Nation. Crows Nest (NSW) Allen & Unwin, 290 pages.
Bruneau Michel
2006 L’Asie d’entre Inde et Chine. Logique territoriale des États. Paris, Belin, 317 pages.
Elson Robert E.
1997 The End of the Peasantry in Southeast Asia.
A Social and Economic History of Peasant Livelihood, 1800-1990’s.
London and New York, Macmillan and St. Martin’s Press, in association with the Australian National University/Canberra, 335 pages.
Evers Hans-Dieter (Ed.)
1980 Sociology of South-East Asia. Readings on Social Change and Development. Kuala Lumpur, Oxford University Press, 282 pages.
Frank Andre-Gunder
1998 Re-Orient. Global Economy in the Asian Age. Berkeley, University of California Press, 416 pages.
Friend Theodore
2003 Indonesian Destinies. Cambridge and London, The Belknap Press, Harvard University Press, 628 pages.
Fukuyama Francis
1992 The End of History and the Last Man. London, Penguin Books, 418 pages.
Gourou Pierre
1947 Les pays tropicaux. Principes d’une géographie humaine et économique. Paris, PUF, Pays d’Outre-Mer, 271 pages.
1964 L’Asie. Paris, Hachette, 608 pages.
1982 Terres de bonne espérance. Le monde tropical. Paris, Plon, Terre Humaine, 1982, 456 pages.
2000 Riz et civilisations. Paris, Fayard, 299 pages.
Hadiz Vedi R. and Daniel Dhakidae (Eds.)
2005 Social Sciences and Power in Indonesia. Singapore and Jakarta, ISEAS and Equinox Publishing, 281 pages.
Hall Daniel G.E.
1970 A History of South-East Asia. London and New York, Martin and St Martin Press, 1019 pages.
Hefner Robert W. (Ed.)
2018 Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Indonesia. Abington and New York, Routledge, 442 pages.
Huntington Samuel P.
1991 The Third Wave. Democratization in the Late Twentieth Century.
Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 366 pages.
Lipset Seymour Martin
1959 Some Social Requisites of Democracy : Economic Development and Political Legitimacy. Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill Company, Reprints Series, 105 pages.
Madinier Rémy (sous la direction de)
2016 Indonésie contemporaine. Bangkok et Paris, IRASEC (Institut de recherche sur l’Asie du Sud-Est contemporaine) et Les Indes Savantes, 629 pages.
McVey Ruth T. (Ed.)
1963 Indonesia. New Haven, Yale University, HRAF Press, Survey of World Cultures, Southeast Asia Studies, 600 pages.
Osborne Milton
2010 Southeast Asia. An Introductory History. Crows Nest (NSW), Allen & Unwin, Tenth Edition, 351 pages.
Oshima Harry T.
1987 Economic Growth in Moonsoon Asia. A Comparative Survey. Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press, 371 pages.
Pelzer Karl J.
1948 Pioneer Settlement in the Asiatic Tropics. Studies in Land Utilization and Agricultural Colonization in Southeastern Asia. New York, American Geographical Society, Special Publication No 29, 288 pages.
Pisani Elizabeth
2014 Indonesia: Exploring the Improbable Nation. London, Granta, 404 pages.
Purdey Jemma, Antje Missbach and Dave McRae
2020 Indonesia: State and Society in Transition. London and Boulder, Lynne Rienner Publishers, 260 pages.
Reid Anthony
1993 Southeast Asia in the Age of Commerce 1450-1680. New Haven and London, Yale University Press, Two volumes (Volume One: The Lands below the Winds; Volume Two: Expansion and Crisis), 275 + 390 pages.
2015 A History of Southeast Asia. Critical Crossroads. Oxford and Chichester, Wiley Blackwell, 450 pages.
Ricklefs Merle C.
2008 A History of Modern Indonesia since c. 1200. London, Palgrave Macmillan, Fourth Edition, 492 pages.
Robequain Charles
1946 Le monde malais. Paris, Payot, 510 pages.
Rock Michael T.
2017 Dictators, Democrats, and Development in Southeast Asia. Implications for the Rest. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 342 pages.
Rostow Walt W.
1963 Les étapes de la croissance économique. Paris, Éditions du Seuil, 203 pages.
Scott James C.
1976 The Moral Economy of the Peasant. Rebellion and Subsistence in Southeast Asia. New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 246 pages.
Sievers Allen M.
1974 The Mystical World of Indonesia. Culture and Economic Development in Conflict. Baltimore and London, The John Hopkins University Press, 425 pages.
Somers Heidhues Mary
“Indonesia” in Lynn Pan (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Chinese Overseas. Singapore, Archipelago Press and Landmark Books, pp. 151-168.
Tate, Donna J.M.
The Making of Modern South-East Asia. 1971 Volume 1 : The European Conquest. 1979 Volume 2 : The Western Impact. Economic and Social Change. Kuala Lumpur, Oxford University Press, 582 + 618 pages.
Tarling Nicholas (Ed.)
1992 The Cambridge History of Southeast Asia. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2 volumes (Volume 1 : From Early Times to c. 1800; Volume 2 : the 19th and 20th Centuries), 655 + 706 pages.
Todd Emmanuel
2011 L’origine des systèmes familiaux. Paris, Gallimard, NRF Essais, Tome 1 : l’Eurasie, Chapitre VI : L’Asie du Sud-Est, pp. 255-302.
Vickers Adrian
2013 A History of Modern Indonesia. New York, Cambridge University Press, Second Edition, 306 pages.
Vlekke Bernard H.M. 1965 Nusantara. A History of Indonesia. The Hague, W. van Hoeve Ltd, 479 pages.
Wallace Alfred Russel
1886 The Malay Archipelago. London and New York, Macmillan and Co., 653 pages.
Waterson Roxana
1990 The Living House. An Anthropology of Architecture in South-East Asia. Singapore, Oxford University Press, 263 pages.
Chapitre 1
Anderson Benedict R. O’G.
1965 Mythology and the Tolerance of the Javanese. Ithaca, Cornell University, SEAP, Modern Indonesia Project, 77 pages.
CERM (Centre d’Études et de Recherches Marxistes) (Ed.)
1974 Sur le « mode de production asiatique ». Paris, Éditions Sociales, Préface de Jean Suret-Canale, 400 pages
Charras Muriel
1995 « Indonésie : le premier archipel du monde » in Benoît Antheaume, Joël Bonnemaison, Michel Bruneau et Christian Taillard (Eds.), Asie du Sud-Est, Océanie, Géographie Universelle sous la direction de Roger Brunet. Paris, Belin-Reclus, 480 pages, pp. 42-76.
Coèdes Georges
1964 Les états hindouisés d’Indochine et d’Indonésie. Paris, Éditions E. de Boccard, 494 pages + annexes.
Cribb Robert
2000 Historical Atlas of Indonesia. Richmond, Curzon, 256 pages.
2010 Digital Atlas of Indonesian History. Copenhagen, NIAS (Nordic Institute of Asian Studies), CD + 70 pages.
D’Arcy Wood Gillen
2015 Tambora. The Eruption that Changed the World. Princeton and Oxford, Princeton University Press, 2015.
De Koninck Rodolphe
2005 « L’Indonésie » in L’Asie du Sud-Est. Paris, Armand Colin, Collection U, 2e édition, 361 pages, pp. 138-180.
Fisher Charles A.
1966 « The Equatorial Archipelago : Indonesia» in Charles A. Fisher, South-East Asia, A Social, Economic and Political Geography. London, Methuen & Co. Ltd., Second Edition, 831 pages, pp. 205-404.
Geertz Hildred
1961 The Javanese Family. A Study of Kinship and Socialization, New York, The Free Press of Glencoe, 174 pages.
1963 « Indonesian Cultures and Communities » in Ruth T. Mc Vey (Ed.), Indonesia, New Haven, Yale University, HRAF Press, Survey of World Cultures, Southeast Asia Studies, pp. 24-96.
Gittinger Mattiebelle
1990 Splendid Symbols. Textiles and Tradition in Indonesia. Singapore, Oxford University Press, 1990, 243 pages.
Hall Kenneth
1992 “Economic history of Early Southeast Asia” in Nicholas Tarling (Ed.). The Cambridge History of South-East Asia. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp. 183-275.
Hitchcock Michael
1991 Indonesian Textiles. New York, HarperCollins Publishers, 192 pages.
Keeler Ward
1987 Javanese Shadow Plays, Javanese Selves. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 282 pages.
1975 Introduction to the Peoples and Cultures of Indonesia and Malaysia. Menlo Park, California, Cummings Publishing Company, 193 pages.
1985 Javanese Culture. Singapore, Oxford University Press, ISEAS (Institute of Southeast Asian Studies), 550 pages.
Lombard Denys
1990 Le carrefour javanais. Essai d’histoire globale.
Paris, Éditions de l’École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Histoire et Civilisations 79, 3 volumes (1: Les limites de l’occidentalisation; 2: Les réseaux asiatiques; 3: L’héritage des royaumes concentriques), 267 + 423 + 337 pages.
Missen Geoff
1972 Viewpoint on Indonesia. A Geographical Study. Melbourne, Thomas Nelson Ltd, 360 pages.
Peacock James L.
1973 Indonesia : An Anthropogical Perspective. Pacific Palisades, California, Goodyear Publishing Company, 168 pages.
Pelzer Karl J.
1963 « Physical and Human Resource Patterns » in Ruth T. McVey (Ed.), Indonesia, New Haven, op. cit., pp. 1-23, and « The Agricultural Foundation », ibid, pp. 118-154.
Scott James C:
1985 Weapons of the Weak. Everyday Forms of Peasant Resistance. New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 389 pages.
2009 The Art of Not Being Governed. An Anarchist History of Upland Southeast Asia. New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 442 pages.
1976 A Story of Majapahit. Singapore, Singapore University Press, 301 pages.
Ulbricht Heinrich
1970 Wayang Purwa. Shadows of the Past. Kuala Lumpur, Oxford University Press, 114 pages.
Van Setten van der Meer Nancy C.
1979 Sawah Cultivation in Ancient Java. Aspects of Development during the Indo-Javanese Period, 5th to 15th Century. Canberra, Australian National University (ANU), Faculty of Asian Studies, Oriental Monograph Series No 22, 168 pages.
Winchester Simon
2003 Krakatoa. The Day the World Exploded, 27th August 1883. London, Penguin Book, Viking, 432 pages.
Wittfogel Karl A.
1977 Le despotisme oriental. Étude comparative du pouvoir total. Paris, Les Éditions de Minuit, 655 pages.
Wolters Oliver W.
1967 Early Indonesian Commerce. A Study of the Origin of Srivijaya. Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 404 pages.
Chapitre 2
Abdullah Taufik (Ed.)
1997 The Heartbeat of the Indonesian Revolution. Jakarta, P.T. Gramedia Pustaka Utama in cooperation with LIPI (Lembaga Ilmu Pengatahuan Indonesia), Program of Southeast Asian Studies, 346 pages.
Abeyasekere Susan
1987 Jakarta : A History. Singapore, Oxford University Press, 298 pages.
Alexander Paul, Peter Boomgaard and Ben White (Eds.)
1991 In the Shadow of Agriculture. Non-Farm Activities in the Javanese Economy, Past and Present. Amsterdam, KIT (Royal Tropical Institute) 154 pages.
Allen Georges C. and Audrey Donnithorne
1954 Western Enterprise in Indonesia and Malaysia. London, George Allen & Unwin Ltd, 321 pages.
Anderson Benedict
1983 Imagined Communities. Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism. London and New York, Verso, 224 pages.
Angoulvant Gabriel
1926 Les Indes Néerlandaises. Leur rôle dans l’économie internationale. Paris, Le Monde Nouveau, 842 pages en 2 volumes.
1980 Pantjasila. Trente années de débats politiques en Indonésie. Paris, Éditions de la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme et CERI (Centre d’études et de recherches internationales), Études insulindiennes/Archipel 2, 428 pages.
Baum Vicky
1948 Sang et volupté à Bali. Paris, Éditions Stock, 443 pages.
Bertrand Romain
2011 L’histoire à parts égales. Récits d’une rencontre Orient-Occident (XVIe-XVIIe siècles). Paris, Éditions du Seuil, 664 pages.
Blussé Leonard
1988 Strange Company. Chinese settlers, mestizo women and the Dutch in VOC Batavia. Dordrecht/Holland and Providence/USA, Foris Publications and KITLV (Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies), 302 pages.
Boeke Julius H. (principaux écrits réunis avec ceux d’autres auteurs)
1961 Indonesian Economics. The Concept of Dualism in Theory and Practice. The Hague, W. van Hoeve Publishers Ltd, 443 pages.
Boomgaard Peter
1989 Children of the Colonial State. Population Growth and Economic Development in Java (1795-1880). Amsterdam, Free University Press, Center for Asian Studies Amsterdam (CASA), Monographs 1, 247 pages.
Boomgaard Peter and Abrahamine J. Gooszen
1991 « Population Trends 1795-1942 » in Peter Boomgaard (Ed.), Changing Economy in Indonesia (op.cit.), Volume 11. Amsterdam, KIT (Royal Tropical Institute), 256 pages.
Booth Anne
1988 Agricultural Development in Indonesia. Sydney, Allen & Unwin, ASAA (Asian Studies Association of Australia), 295 pages.
1998 The Indonesian Economy in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. A History of Missed Opportunities. London, Macmillan Press in association with the ANU (Australian National University), Canberra, 377 pages.
2007 Colonial Legacies. Economic and Social Development in East and Southeast Asia. Honolulu, University of Hawai’i Press, 241 pages.
Booth Anne, William O’ Malley and Anna Weidemann (Eds.)
1990 Indonesian Economic History in the Dutch Colonial Era. Newhaven, Yale University, Yale University Southeast Asia Studies, Monographs Series 35, 367 pages.
Boxer Charles P.
1965 The Dutch Seaborne Empire, 1600-1800. London, Hutchinson, 326 pages.
Breman Jan
1989 Taming the Coolie Beast. Plantation Society and the Colonial Order in Southeast Asia. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 321 pages.
Burger D.H.
1957 Structural Change in Javanese Society: the village sphere. Ithaca, Cornell University, SEAP (Southeast Asia Program), Modern Indonesia Project, 17 pages.
CEI Changing Economy in Indonesia.
1975 A Selection of Statistical Source Material from the Early 19th Century up to 1942.
1996 Initiated by W.F.M Mansvelt and continued by P. Creutzberg and P. Boomgaard. Amsterdam, Royal Tropical Institute, 16 volumes published from 1975 to 1996.
Chailley-Bert Joseph
1907 Java et ses habitants. Paris, Librairie Armand Colin, 391 pages.
Day Clive
1966 The Dutch in Java (The policy and Administration of). Kuala Lumpur, Oxford University Press, Oxford in Asia Historical Reprints (first published in New York by the Macmilan Company in 1904), 434 pages.
Dick Howard, Vincent J.H. Houben, J. Thomas Linblad and Thee Kian Wie
2002 The Emergence of a National Economy. An Economic History of Indonesia1800-2000. Leiden, KITLV Press with ASAA, 286 pages.
Elson Robert
1994 Village Java under the Cultivation System 1830-1870. Sydney, Allen & Unwin for ASAA, 532 pages.
Fanon Frantz
1961 Les damnés de la terre. Paris, La Découverte, 251 pages.
Fasseur, Cornelis
1992 The Politics of Colonial Exploitation. Java, the Dutch and the Cultivation System. Ithaca, Cornell University, SEAP Publications, 266 pages.
Ferro Marc
1994 Histoire des colonisations. Des conquêtes aux indépendances (XIII-XXe siècles). Paris, Seuil, Collection L’Univers Historique, 540 pages.
2003 Le livre noir du colonialisme (XVI-XXIe siècles). De l’extermination à la repentance. Paris, Robert Laffont, 843 pages.
Franck Manuelle
1993 Quand la rizière rencontre l’asphalte. Semis urbains et processus d’urbanisation à Java-Est. Paris, EHESS, Études insulindiennes/Archipel No 10, 282 pages
Furnivall, John S.
1939 Netherlands India. A Study of Plural Economy. Cambridge at the University Press, 502 pages.
1948 Colonial Policy and Practice. A Comparative Study of Burma and the Netherlands India. Cambridge, Cambridge at the University Press, 569 pages.
Geertz Clifford
1963 Agricultural Involution. The Processes of Ecological Change in Indonesia. Berkeley, Los Angeles and London, University of California Press, 176 pages.
Gooszen Hans
1999 A Demographic History of the Indonesian Archipelago, 1880-1942. Leiden, KITLV Press, 274 pages.
Hugo Graeme J., Terence H. Hull, Valerie J. Hull, Gavin W. Jones
1987 The Demographic Dimension in Indonesian Development. Singapore, Oxford University Press, East Asian Social Sciences Monographs, 417 pages.
Ingleson John
1979 The Road to Exile. The Indonesian Nationalist Movement, 1927-1934. Singapore, Heinemann Educational Books and ASAA, 254 pages.
Jay Robert R.
1960 Javanese Villagers. Social Relations in Rural Modjokuto. Cambridge, The Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, 468 pages.
Kahin, George McTurnan
1952 Nationalism and Revolution in Indonesia. Ithaca and London, Cornell University Press, 490 pages.
Koentjaraningrat (Ed.)
1967 Villages in Indonesia. Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 445 pages.
Leclerc Jacques
2000 « La circonscription : remarques sur l’idéologie du territoire national en Indonésie » in Françoise Cayrac-Blanchard, Stéphane Dovert et Frédéric Durand, Indonésie : un demi siècle de construction nationale. Paris, L’Harmattan, Recherches asiatiques, pp. 15-48 (Publié en premier en 1975 dans la revue périodique de l’Université Catholique de Louvain Cultures et développement, Vol VII, No 2, pp. 283-317).
Levang Patrice
1997 La terre d’en face. La transmigration en Indonésie. Paris, ORSTOM, Collection à travers Champs, 419 pages.
Maddison Angus and Gé Prince (Eds.)
1989 Economic Growth in Indonesia, 1820-1940. Dordrecht/Holland and Providence/USA, Foris Publications, 300 pages.
Maurer Jean-Luc
1997 « A New Order Sketchpad of Indonesian History » in Michael Hitchcock and Victor T. King (Eds.), Images of Malay-Indonesian Identity, Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 209-227 + 18 photographs.
2006 Les Javanais du Caillou. Des affres de l’exil aux aléas de l’intégration. Sociologie historique de la communauté indonésienne de Nouvelle-Calédonie. Paris, EHESS, Cahier d’Archipel 35, 367 pages.
Memmi Albert
1957 Portrait du colonisé précédé du Portrait du colonisateur. Paris, Buchet/Castel, 176 pages.
Money James W.B.
1985 Java or How to Manage a Colony. Singapore, Oxford University Press, 311 pages (Historical Reprint of 1861).
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1968 Max Havelaar (première publication en hollandais en 1860) Paris, Éditions universitaires, 325 pages.
Pluvier Jan
1974 Southeast Asia from Colonialism to Independance. Kuala Lumpur, Oxford University Press, 571 pages.
Raffles Thomas Stamford
1978 The History of Java. Kuala Lumpur, Oxford University Press, 2 volumes, 479 + 291 pages + annexes (Historical Reprint first published in 1817).
Reid Anthony
2010 Imperial Alchemy. Nationalism and Political Identity in Southeast Asia. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 248 pages.
2011 To Nation by Revolution. Indonesia in the 20th Century. Singapore, National University of Singapore Press, 348 pages.
Sartono Kartodirdjo
1973 Protest Movements in Rural Java. A Study of Agrarian Unrest in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries. Singapore, Oxford University Press/P.T. Indira, 229 pages.
Schrieke Bertram J.O.
1955 Indonesian Sociological Studies. Selected writings of B. Schrieke. Part One. The Hague, W. van Hoeve Publishers Ltd, 313 pages
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Sutherland Heather
1979 The Making of a Bureaucratic Elite. The Colonial Transformation of the Javanese Priyayi. Singapore, Heinemann Educational Books (Asia) Ltd, and ASAA, 182 pages.
Van der Eng Pierre
1996 Agricultural Growth in Indonesia. Productivity Change and Policy Impact since 1880. London and New York, Macmillan Press Ltd and St. Martin’s Press Inc., 375 pages.
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1960 The Emergence of the Modern Indonesian Elite. The Hague, W. van Hoeve Publishers Ltd, 314 pages.
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1956 Indonesian Society in Transition. The Hague, W. van Hoeve Publishers Ltd, 360 pages.
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1983 « ‘Agricultural Involution’ and its Critics. Twenty Years After ». Critical Asian Studies, Vol 15, No 2, pp.18-31.
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1970 Population Trends in Indonesia. Ithaca and London, Cornell University Press, 266 pages.
Chapitre 3
Adams, Cindy
1966 Sukarno. An Autobiography as told to Cindy Adams. Jakarta, Gunung Agung, 324 pages.
Alisjahbana Takdir S.
1966 Indonesia. Social and Cultural Revolution. Singapore, Oxford University Press, 206 pages.
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1971 A Preliminary Analysis of the October 1, 1965, Coup in Indonesia. Ithaca, Cornell University, SEAP, Modern Indonesia Project, 162 pages.
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1972 « The Idea of Power in Javanese Culture » in Claire Holt (Ed.), Culture and Politics in Indonesia. Ithaca and London, Cornell University Press, pp. 1-69.
1980 Pantjasila. Trente années de débats politiques en Indonésie. Paris, op.cit., 428 pages.
Bevins Vincent
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Boland B.J.
1982 The Struggle of Islam in Modern Indonesia. The Hague, Martinus Nijhof, 283 pages.
Booth Anne
1998 The Indonesian Economy in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. A History of Missed Opportunities. London and Canberra, Macmillan Press in association with the ANU, 377 pages.
Brackman Arnold C.
1969 Indonesian Communism. A History. New York, Frederick A. Praeger, 336 pages.
Cayrac-Blanchard Françoise
1973 Le Parti communiste indonésien. Paris, Armand Colin, Fondation nationale des sciences politiques, 217 pages.
Cayrac-Blanchard Françoise
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Cayrac-Blanchard Françoise, Stéphane Dovert et Frédéric Durand (Eds.)
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Coppel Charles C.
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Cribb Robert (Ed.)
1990 The Indonesian Killings of 1965-1966. Studies from Java and Bali. Clayton, Monash University Centre on Southeast Asian Studies, 279 pages.
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1978 The Army and Politics in Indonesia. Ithaca and London, Cornell University Press, 377 pages.
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Dick Howard
1987 The Indonesian Interisland Shipping Industry. An Analysis of Competition and Regulation. Singapore, ISEAS, 216 pages.
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2002 The Emergence of a National Economy. An Economic History of Indonesia,1800-2000. Leiden, KITLV Press with ASAA, 286 pages.
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1995 Islam et armée dans l’Indonésie contemporaine. Les pionniers de la tradition. Paris, Éditions L’Harmattan, Cahier d’Archipel 28, 379 pages.
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Feith Herbert
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1970 Indonesian Political Thinking, 1945-1965. Ithaca and London, Cornell University Press, 505 pages.
Geertz Clifford
1960 The Religion of Java. Chicago and London, The University of Chicago Press, 396 pages.
1968 Islam Observed. Religious Development in Morocco and Indonesia. Chicago and London, The University of Chicago Press, 136 pages.
Glassburner Bruce (Ed.)
1971 The Economy of Indonesia. Selected Readings. Ithaca and London, Cornell University Press, 443 pages.
Hefner Robert
2000 Civil Islam, Muslims and Democratization in Indonesia. Princeton, Princeton and Oxford University Press, 286 pages.
Heryanto Ariel
2006 State, Terrorism and Political Identity in Indonesia. Fatally Belonging.
London and New York, Routledge, 242 pages.
Higgins Benjamin
1957 Indonesia’s Economic Stabilization and Development. New York, Institute of Pacific Relations, 179 pages.
1963 Indonesia : the crisis of the millstones (avec son épouse Jean Higgins) Princeton, D. van Nostrand Company, 144 pages.
Hughes John
2002 The End of Sukarno. A Coup that Misfired, a Purge that Ran Wild. Singapore, Archipelago Press, 312 pages.
Kahin Audrey R. and Georges McTurnan Kahin,
1995 Subversion as Foreign Policy. The Secret Eisenhower and Dulles Debacle in Indonesia. New York, The New Press, 318 pages.
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2012 The Contours of Mass Violence in Indonesia, 1965-68. Honolulu, University oh Hawai’i Press, 305 pages.
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1978 The Year of Living Dangerously. Melbourne, Nelson, 296 pages.
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1972 Sukarno. A Political Biography. Harmmondsworth, Penguin Books, 431 pages.
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1976 The Chinese in Indonesia. Five Essays (Ed.).
Melbourne, Nelson with Australian Institute of International Affairs, 282 pages
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2012 L’Indonésie entre démocratie musulmane et Islam intégral. Histoire du parti Masjumi (1945-1960). Paris, Karthala, 466 pages.
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1986 Modernisation agricole, développement économique et changement social. Le riz, la terre et l’homme à Java. Paris, Presses Universitaires de France et IUHEI/Genève, 323 pages + 2 cartes.
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2009 Military Politics, Islam and the State in Indonesia. From Turbulent Transition to Democratic Consolidation. Singapore, ISEAS, 426 pages.
Mortimer Rex
1974 Indonesian Communism under Sukarno. Ideology and Politics, 1959-1965. Ithaca and London, Cornell University Press, 464 pages.
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1973 The Modernist Muslim Movement in Indonesia 1900-1942. Kuala Lumpur, Oxford University Press, 390 pages.
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Dont en priorité les contributions suivantes :
Anderson Patrick, Asep Firdaus and Avi Mahaningtyas, « Big commitments, small results : environmental governance and climate change mitigation under Yudhoyono », pp. 258-278.
Baker Jaqui, « Professionalism without reform: the security sector under Yudhoyono », pp. 114-135.
Bush Robin, « Religious politics and minoriyt rights during the Yudhoyono presidency », pp. 239-257.
Butt Simon, « The rule of law and anti-corruption reforms under Yudhoyono : the rise of the KPK and the Constitutional Court », pp. 175-195.
Fealy Greg, « The politics of Yudhoyono : majoritarian democracy, insecurity and vanity » , pp. 35-54.
Fitriani Evi, « Yudhoyono’s foreign policy : is Indonesia a rising power? », pp. 73-90.
Hill Hal, « The Indonesian economy during the Yudhoyono decade », pp. 281-302.
Jones Sydney, « Yudhoyono’s legacy on internal security : achievements and missed opportunities » , pp. 136-154.
Tomsa Dirk, « Toning down the ‘Big Bang ‘: the politics of decentralization during the Yudhoyono years », pp. 155-174.
Sukma Rizal, « Indonesia’s 2009 Elections: defective system, resilient democracy », pp. 53-74.
Erb Maribeth and Priyambudi Sulistiyanto (Eds.)
2009 Deepening Democracy in Indonesia ? Direct Elections for Local leaders. Singapore, ISEAS, 392 pages
Ford MIchele and Thomas B. Pepinsky (Eds.)
2014 Beyond Oligarchy. Wealth, Power, and Contemporary Indonesian Politics. Ithaca, Cornell University, Southeast Asia Program Publications, 178 pages.
Hill Hal M.E. Khan and J. Zhuang (Eds.)
2012 Diagnosing the Indonesian Economy. Towards Inclusive and Green Growth. Manila and London, Asian Development Bank and Anthem Press, 482 pages.
Hill Hal (Ed.)
2014 Regional Dynamics in a Decentralized Indonesia. Singapore, ISEAS and ANU/CAP, Indonesia Update Series, 536 pages.
Manning Chris and Sudarno Sumarto (Eds.)
2011 Employment, Living Standards and Poverty in Contemporary Indonesia. Singapore, ISEAS and ANU/CAP, Indonesia Update Series, 363 pages.
Maurer Jean-Luc
2016 « La dimension humaine et sociale du développement économique indonésien : un bilan critique du début de l’‘Ordre Nouveau’ à l’ère de la Reformasi » in Rémy Madinier (Ed.), Indonésie contemporaine, Paris et Bangkok, op.cit., pp. 511-539.
Mietzner Marcus
2013 Money, Power and Ideology. Political parties in Post-Authoritarian Indonesia. Singapore and Copenhagen, NUS Press and NIAS Press, 301 pages.
Milanovic Branko
2019 Inégalités mondiales. Le destin des classes moyennes, les ultra-riches et l’égalité des chances. Paris, La Découverte, 288 pages.
Piketty Thomas
2013 Le capital au XXIe siècle. Paris, Seuil, 976 pages.
Reid Anthony (Ed.)
2012 Indonesia Rising , The Repositioning of Asia’s Third Giant. Singapore, ISEAS and ANU/CAP, Indonesia Update Series, 198 pages.
Rigg Jonathan and Peter Vandergeest (Eds.)
2012 Revisiting Rural Places. Pathways to Poverty and Prosperity in Southeast Asia. Singapore, National University of Singapore Press, 351 pages.
Sumner Andy
2018 Development and Distribution Structural Change in Southeast Asia. Oxford and New York, Oxford University Press, 240 pages.
Suryadarma Daniel and Gavin W. Jones (Eds.)
2013 Education in Indonesia. Singapore, ISEAS and ANU/CAP, Indonesia Update Series, 278 pages.
Yudhoyono Soesilo Bambang
2014 Selalu Ada Pilihan, Jakarta, Kompas Gramedia, 807 pages.
Chapitre 7 (+ quelques références liées à la Conclusion et à l’Épilogue)
Ananta Aris, Evi Nurvidya Arifin, M. Sairi Hasbullah et.al.
2015 Demography of Indonesia’s Ethnicity. Singapore, ISEAS, 383 pages.
Aspinall Edward and Marcus Mietzner
2014 « Indonesian Politics in 2014 : Democracy Close Call », Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies (BIES), Volume 50, No 3, pp. 347-369.
Aspinall Edward
2015 “Oligarchic Populism: Prabowo Subianto Challenge to Indonesian Democracy”, Indonesia, No 99, April, pp. 1-28.
Aspinall Edward and Wawan Mas’udi
2017 «The 2017 Pilkada (Local Elections) in Indonesia : Clientelism, Programatic Politics and Social Networks », Contemporary Southeast Asia, Volume 39, No 3, pp. 417-526.
Aspinall Edward and Marcus Mietzner
2019 «Indonesia’s Democratic Paradox: Competitive Elections amidst Rising Illiberalism”, BIES, Volume 55, No 3, pp. 295-317.
Aspinall Edward and Ward Berenschot
2019 Democracy for sale : Elections, Clientelism, and the State in Indonesia. Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 330 pages.
Aspinall Edward, Diego Fossati, Burhanudddin Muhtadi and Eve Warburton
2020 « Elites, masses, and democratic decline in Indonesia », Democratization, Volume 27, No 4, pp. 505-526.
Bland Ben
2020 Man of Contradictions. Joko Widodo and the Struggle to Remake Indonesia. Sydney, Lowy Institute, Published in penguin Specials, 133 pages.
Bourchier David M.
2016 Illiberal Democracy in Indonesia. The Ideolgy of the Family State. Abington, Routledge, 320 pages.
2019 « Two Decades of Ideological Contestation in Indonesia : From Democratic Cosmopolitanism to Religious Nationalism», Journal of Contemporary Asia, Volume 49, No 5, pp.713-733.
Burke Paul J. and Martin D. Siyaranamuat
2019 « No One Left Behind in Indonesia ? », BIES, Volume 55, No 3, pp 269-293.
Davidson Jamie S.
2018 Indonesia. Twenty Years of Democracy. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 78 pages.
Disprose Rachel, Dave Mc Rae and Vedi R. Hadiz
2019 « Two Decades of Reformasi in Indonesia : its Illiberal Turn», Journal of Contemporary Asia, Volume 48, No 5, pp. 691-712.
Fealy Greg and Ronit Ricci (Eds.)
2019 Contentious Belonging. The Place of Minorities in Indonesia. Singapore, ISEAS and ANU/CAP, Indonesia Update Series, 280 pages.
Hadiz Vedi. R.
2017 « Indonesia’s Year of Democratic Setbacks: Towards a New Phase of Deepening Illiberalism ? », BIES, Volume 53, No 3, pp. 261-78.
Hefner Robert W. Hefner (Ed.)
2018 Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Indonesia. Abington and New York, Routledge, 2018.
Dont en priorité les contributions suivantes :
Aspinall Edward, « Democratization : travails and achievements », pp. 83-94
Hadiz Vedi R., « Islamic populism in Indonesia : emergence and limitations », pp. 296-306.
Hasan Noorhaidi, « Salafism in Indonesia : transnational Islam, violent activism, and cultural resistance », pp. 246-256.
Hefner Robert W. « Indonesia at the crossroads : imbroglios of religion, state, and society in an Asian Muslim nation », pp. 3-30.
Hefner Robert W., « The religious field : plural legacies and contemporary contestations », pp. 211-225.
Jones Carla, « Consumption and the new middle class », pp. 187-196.
Mietzner Marcus, « The Indonesian armed forces, coalitional presidentialism, and democratization : from praetorian guard to imagines balance of power », pp. 140-150.
Tomsa Dirk, « Parties and party politics in the post-Reformasi era », pp. 95-105.
Wilson Chris, « Ethnic, religious, and regional conflicts », pp. 118-128.
Hill Hal and Siwage Dharma Negara (Eds.)
2019 The Indonesian Economy in Transition. Policy Challenges in the Jokowi Era and Beyond. Singapore, ISEAS, Yusof Isahk Institute, 451 pages.
Dont en priorité les contributions suivantes :
Hill Hal and Siwage Dharma Negara, « Setting the Scene. The Indonesian Economy in Transition - the Jokowi Era and Beyond », pp. 1-33.
Manning Chris and Devanto Pratomo, « Labour Market Developments in the Jokowi Years », pp. 289-317.
Patunru Arianto, « Rising Economic Nationalism in Indonesia ? », pp. 149-179.
Suryahadi Asep and Ridho Al Izzati, « Cards for the Poor and Funds for Villages : Jokowi’s Initiatives to Reduce Poverty and Inequality», pp. 318-333.
Warburton Eve, « A New Developmentalism in Indonesia ? », pp. 34-56.
Madinier Rémy (sous la direction de)
2016 Indonésie contemporaine. Bangkok et Paris, IRASEC et Les Indes Savantes, 629 pages.
Dont en priorité les contributions suivantes :
Alles Delphine, « L’Indonésie et le monde : d’une troisième voie à l’autre », pp. 213-237.
Cabasset Christine, « Le tourisme en Indonésie, un enjeu local et national en quête de gouvernance », pp. 449-480.
Durand Frédéric, « Forêts et environnement en Indonésie : vers la prise de conscience des limites à l’exploitation », pp. 481-494.
Feillard Andrée, « Une démocratie musulmane ? La sécularisation en question », pp. 279-302.
Kurniawan Eko Budi, « Les inégalités régionales de développement en Indonésie : une approche statistique », pp. 79-95.
Madinier Rémy, « De la Revolusi à la Reformasi : itinéraires d’une mutation politique inaboutie », pp. 139-185.
Maurer Jean-Luc, « La dimension humaine et sociale du développement économique indonésien : un bilan critique du début de l’ ‘Ordre Noveau’ à l’ère de la Reformasi », pp. 511-539.
Samuel Jérôme, « Les medias en Indonésie. Entre information et spectacle, État et conglomérat », pp. 187-212.
Madinier Rémy
2016 « Jokowi, un trublion dans la Reformasi des oligarques », Archipel, No 91, 2016, pp. 259-280.
2018 « Le gouverneur, la sourate et l’islamiste adultère. Retour sur l’affaire Ahok », Archipel, No 95, pp. 173-93.
Madu Ludiro
2017 « Indonesia’s Foreign Policy Under President Jokowi : More Domestic and Nationalistic Orientations », IJSRST, Volume 3, No 1, pp. 189-197.
McCarthy John F. and Kathryn Robinson (Eds.)
2016 Land & Development in Indonesia. Searching for the People’s Sovereignty. Singapore, ISEAS and ANU/CAP, Indonesia Update Series, 382 pages.
Menchik Jeremy
2017 Islam and Democracy in Indonesia: Tolerance without Liberalism. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 224 pages.
Mietzner Marcus
2016 « Coercing Loyalty : Coalitional Presidentialism and Party Politics in Jokowi’s Indonesia », Contemporary Southeast Asia, Volume 38, No 2, pp. 209-232.
2018 « Fighting Illiberalism with Illiberalism : Islamist Populism and Democratic Deconsolidation in Indonesia », Pacific Affairs, Volume. 91, No 2, pp. 261-282.
Muhtadi Burhanuddin
2015 « Jokowi’s First Year : A Weak President Caught Between Reform and Oligarchic Politics », BIES, Volume. 51, No 3, pp. 349-68.
Olivia Susan, John Gibson & Rus’an Nasrudin
2020 « Indonesia in the Time of COVID-19 », BIES, Volume 56, No 2, pp. 143-174.
Patunru Arianto A., Mari Pangestu and M. Chatib Basri (Eds.)
2018 Indonesia in the New World. Globalization, Nationalism and Sovereignty. Singapore, ISEAS and ANU/CAP, Indonesia Update Series,, 333 pages.
Power Thomas P.
2018 « Jokowi’s Authoritarian Turn and Indonesia’s Democratic Decline », BIES, Volume 54. No 3, pp. 307-38.
Power Thomas P. and Eve Warburton (Eds.)
2020 Democracy in Indonesia : from Stagnation to Regression Singapore, ISEAS, 2019 Indonesia Update Conference Papers, 393 pages.
Dont en priorité les contributions suivantes :
Hicken Allen, « Indonesia’s democracy in a comparative perspective », pp. 23-44.
Gammon Liam, « Is Populism a threat to Indonesian democracy ? », pp- 101-117.
Power Thomas and Eve Warburton, « The decline of Indoneaian democracy », pp. 1-20.
Slater Dan, « Indonesia’s tenuous democratic success and survival », pp. 45-59.
Tapsell Ross, « The media and democratic decline », pp. 210-227.
Warburton Eve, «How polarized is Indonesia and why does it matter ? », pp. 63-80.
Slater Dan
2004 « Indonesia Accountability Trap : Party Cartels and Presidential Power after Democratic Transition », Indonesia, No 78, pp. 61-92.
Suryahadi Asep, Ridho Al Izzati & Daniel Suryadarma
2020 « Estimating the Impact of COVID-19 Outbreak on Poverty », BIES, Volume 56, No 2, pp. 175-192.
Tapsell Ross
2015 « Indonesia’s Media Oligarchy and the ‘Jokowi Phenomenon’ », Indonesia, No 99, April, pp. 29-50.
Warburton Eve
2016 « Jokowi and the New Developmentalism », BIES, Volume 52, No 3, pp. 297-320.
Yusuf Arief Anshory and Andy Sumner
2015 « Survey of Recent Developments: Growth, Poverty, and Inequality under Jokowi», BIES, Volume 51, No 3, pp. 323-348.
Zakaria Fareed
1997 « The Rise of Illiberal Democracy », Foreign Affairs, Volume 76, No 6, November/December, pp. 22-43.
2003 The Future of Freedom. Illiberal Democracy at Home and Abroad. New York, W.W. Norton & Company Inc., 301 pages.
Articles publiés en 2019 et 2020 sur le site de New Mandala par ordre de parution
Grealy Kate« Challenges to countering violent extremism in Indonesia », 7 March 2019.
Fachrudin Aziz Anwar « Questioning Prabowo’s alliance with Islamists », 15 March 2019.
Korna Johni« The view from Papua on the 2019 elections », 19 March 2019.
Guild James « In defense of Jokonomics », 27 March 2019.
Tapsell Ross « The polarization paradox in Indonesia 2019 election », 22 March 2019.
Kuipers Nick « Who’s running on Islam in Indonesia ? », 26 March 2019.
Sumaktoyo Nathanael « How ‘Moderate’ are Indonesian Muslims ? », 27 March 2019.
Fachrudin Azis Anwar « Jokowi and NU : the view from the pesantren », 11 April 2019.
Warburton Eve « Polarisation in Indonesia : What if perception is reality », 16 April 2019.
Aspinall Edward « Indonesia’s election and the return of ideological competition », 22 April 2019.
Pepinsky Tom « Religion, ethnicity, and Indonesia’s 2019 presidential elections », 18 May 2019.
Wilson Ian « Between throwing rocks and a hard place: FPI and the Jakarta riots », 2 June 2019.
Shofia Naila and Tom Pepinsky « Measuring the ‘NU effect’ in Indonesian election », 1st July 2019.
Fossati Diego, Burhannudin Muhtadi and Eve Warburton « Follow the leader: personalities, policy and partisanship in Indonesia », 15 July 2019.
Fachrudin Azis Anwar « NU after the elections: more nationalism, less democracy? », 15 July 2019.
Prabowo Aichiro Suryo « How Jokowi spends money better in a second term », 23 July 2019.
Anugrah Iqra « Out of sight, out of mind? Political accountability and Indonesia’s new capital plan », 23 July 2019.
Satria Alif «The Neo-JI threat : Jema’ah Islamiya’s resurgence in Indonesia follows an old playbook », 16 August 2019.
Huang Aris « Jokowi-Prabowo political reconciliation as Javanese strategy », 4 September 2019.
Bakker Laurens « Moving the capital : a future in Kalimantan », 18 September 2019.
Warburton Eve « Indonesia’s pro-democracy protests cut across deep political cleavages”, 3 October 2019
Kingsbury Damian « Increasing inroads and growing anger in West Papua », 22 October 2019.
Fathurrahman Izzan « Development under Jokowi leaves human rights behind », 25 October 2019.
Gammon Liam « What was that election for again ? », 25 October 2019.
Guild James « Jokowinomics gambles with Indonesia’s democratization », 30 October 2019.
Mietzner Marcus, « Why Indonesia’s electoral system needs reform », 8 November 2019.
Aspinall Edward and Marcus Mietzner « Indonesia’s democratic paradox », 7 December 2019.
Grealy Kate « Politicisong the label radical », 12 December 2019.
NG Jefferson « Jokowi’s Macron moment: moving fast or moving together? », 29 January 2020.
Henley David and Giulia Frigo « Lessons from Brasilia: on the empty modernity of Indonesia’s new capital », 14 April 2020.
Neilson Jeffrey « Without social safety nets, Indonesia risks political instability over COVID-19 », 22 April 2020.
NG Jefferson « Can Indonesia’s fight against COVID-19 overcome troubled central-regional coordination? », 28 April 2020.
Bexley Angie and Sharon Bessell « Post COVID-19: Deepening deprivation for young people », 21 May 2020.
Davies Sharyn « What’s driving Indonesia’s moral turn? », 25 May 2020.
Graham Colum « Indonesia’s agro nationalism in the pandemic », 4 June 2020.
Woodward Lisa « Coping with the economic failout of COVID-19 in upland Java », 18 June 2020.
Kuipers Nick, Gareth Nellis and Michael Weaver « What Happens when Islamists win power locally in Indonesia », 4 August 2020.
Supriansyah « Revisiting the myth of pluralism in the Nahdlatul Ulama », 24 August 2010.
Suhadi « Is COVID-19 muting or fueling religious polarization in Indonesia? », 28 September 2020.
Hamid Usman and Ary Hermawan « Indonesia’s omnibus law is a bust for human rights », 9 October 2020.
Aspinall Edward « Indonesian protests point to old patterns », 12 October 2020.
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Indonésie : l'envol mouvementé du Garuda
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