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Exporting Legality

The Rise and Fall of Extraterritorial Jurisdiction in the Ottoman Empire and China

How did two radically different legal cultures, those of the Ottomans and the Chinese, gradually acquire a legal architecture analogous to that of Europe? This Paper attempts to answer this question by providing a comparative study in legal history of the rise and demise of extraterritorial consular jurisdiction, utilizing a post-colonial and inter-disciplinary approach to international law. The study reveals that the establishment of consular jurisdiction during the nineteenth century was...


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Cover picture King Francis I and Sultan Suleiman the Magnificient, attributed to Titian (1539 circa).

The painting depicts the institution of the Franco-Ottoman alliance, established in 1536 by the king of France Francis I and the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire Suleiman the Magnificent. Article 2 of the1535 Premières Capitulations avec la France contained the first instance of extraterritorial jurisdictional privileges for French traders conducting business within the territories of the Ottoman Empire conceded by a Sultan to a European sovereign and codified within a positive treaty. The provision contained the embryo of what would later become extraterritorial consular jurisdiction under public international law, providing the basis for all later European claims to capitulatory treaties in the Levant. The capitulatory regime of the Ottoman Empire in turn subsequently served as a frame of reference and legitimation in establishing ‘Unequal Treaties’ in East Asia.

  • Verlag : Graduate Institute Publications
  • Buchreihe : eCahiers de l’Institut | 23
  • Erscheinungsort : Genève
  • Erscheinungsjahr : 2014
  • Auf OpenEdition Books veröffentlicht : 10 février 2014
  • EAN (Printversion) : 978-2-940503-42-1
  • EAN (elektronische Version) : 978-2-940503-43-8
  • DOI : 10.4000/books.iheid.788


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