Table des matières
Part A: The Notion and Beginning of Belligerent Occupation
I. Development of the Law of Belligerent Occupation prior to the 1899/1907 Hague Regulations
- 1. The Lieber Code of 1863
- 1.1 The Lieber Code of 1863
- 1.2 The Notion and Beginning of Belligerent Occupation in the Lieber Code
- 2. Brussels Conference of 1874: Project of an International Declaration concerning the Laws and Customs of War (Brussels Project)
- 2.1 Historical Background
- 2.2 The Notion of Belligerent Occupation in the Brussels Project
- 3. The Oxford Manual of 1880
- 3.1 Historical Background
- 3.2 The Notion of Belligerent Occupation in the Oxford Manual
II. The Notion and Beginning of Belligerent Occupation under the 1899/1907 Hague Conventions
- 1. Historical Background
- 2. The Notion of Belligerent Occupation in the 1907 Hague Regulations
- 3. The Beginning of Belligerent Occupation according to the 1907 Hague Regulations
- 3.1 Elements of Belligerent Occupation
- a) Effective Control
- b) Military Authority
- 3.2 Distinction between invasion and belligerent occupation
III. Belligerent occupation under the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949
- 1. Historical Background
- 2. Application of the Fourth Geneva Convention to Occupied Territories
- 2.1 Application ratione materiae
- 2.2 Application ratione personae
- a) General Aspects
- b) Definition of Protected Persons
- 2.3 Application ratione temporis - Does the Fourth Geneva Convention redefine the beginning of belligerent occupation?
- a) Reliance upon the 1907 Hague Regulations?
- b) The functional beginning of belligerent occupation theory
- 3. The Relationship between the Fourth Geneva Convention and the 1907 Hague Regulations
Part B: Feasibility of the Application of the Functional Beginning of Belligerent Occupation Theory
II. Core Guarantees Applicable to both the Territories of the Parties to the Conflict and Occupied Territories
- 1. Treatment: General observations - Article 27 of the Fourth Geneva Convention
- 2. Danger zones - Article 28 of the Fourth Geneva Convention
- 3. Prohibition of coercion - Article 31 of the Fourth Geneva Convention
- 4. Prohibition of measures causing physical suffering or extermination - Article 32 of the Fourth Geneva Convention
- 5. Principle of individual responsibility and prohibition of collective penalties - First paragraph of Article 33 of the Fourth Geneva Convention
- 6. The prohibition of pillage - Second paragraph of Article 33 of the Fourth Geneva Convention
- 7. Reprisals - Third paragraph of Article 33 of the Fourth Geneva Convention
- 8. Hostages - Article 34 of the Fourth Geneva Convention
III. Non-application of the functional beginning theory risks a gap in protection
- 1. Deportations, transfers, evacuations - Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention
- 2. Labour - Paragraphs two to four of Article 51 of the Fourth Geneva Convention
- 3. Measures aiming at creating unemployment - Article 52(2) of the Fourth Geneva Convention
- 4. Prohibited destructions - Article 53 of the Fourth Geneva Convention
- 5. Requisition of hospitals - Article 57 of the Fourth Geneva Convention
- 6. National Red Cross organisations and other relief societies - Article 63 of the Fourth Geneva Convention
IV. Obligations to provide or respect due to activities of the occupying power
- 1. Legislative competences - Articles 64 to 75 of the Fourth Geneva Convention
- 2. Judicial system
- 2.1 Judges and public officials - Article 54 of the Fourth Geneva Convention
- 2.2 Occupation courts - Articles 64(1) and 66 of the Fourth Geneva Convention
- 3. Assigned residence and internment - Article 78 of the Fourth Geneva Convention
V. Positive and negative obligations due to the mere fact of occupation
- 1. Maintaining law and order - Article 43 of the 1907 Hague Regulations
- 2. Special cases of repatriation - Article 48 of the Fourth Geneva Convention
- 3. Children - Article 50 of the Fourth Geneva Convention
- 4. Enlistment - Article 51(1) of the Fourth Geneva Convention
- 5. Food and medical supplies for the population - Article 55 of the Fourth Geneva Convention
- 6. Hygiene and public health - Article 56 of the Fourth Geneva Convention
- 7. Spiritual assistance - Article 58 of the Fourth Geneva Convention
- 8. Collective Relief: Articles 59 to 61 of the Fourth Geneva Convention
- 9. Individual Relief: Article 62 of the Fourth Geneva Convention