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Biographies of the speakers to the conference
p. 463-479
Texte intégral
Christophe Golay
1The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies
2The Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights
3Christophe Golay is the joint coordinator of the Project on economic, social and cultural rights at the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights. He is a visiting lecturer at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies. From 2001 to 2008, he was the legal adviser to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food. He wrote his PhD on the right to food and access to justice.
4Ziegler, J., C. Golay, C. Mahon and S. A. Way. 2011. The fight for the right to food. Lessons learned. Londres: Palgrave Macmillan.
5Golay, C. 2010. The food crisis and food security: Towards a new world food order? International Development Policy Series. 1: 215-232.
6Golay, C. 2009. The rigth to food and access to justice. Examples at the national, regional and international levels. Rome: FAO.
7Golay, C. 2009. Towards a convention on the rights of peasants. In The global food challenge: Towards a human rights approach to trade and investment policies. (Eds.) A. Paasch and S. Murphy. To be accessed on http://www.iatp.org/tradeobservatory/library.cfm?refID=107047
Hélène Guétat-Bernard
8Professor, Department of Geography
9University of Lyon 3 and Laboratoire Dynamiques Rurales of the University Toulouse
10Hélène Guétat-Bernard, Professor, is a geographer and socio-economist of development at the University of Lyon 3 and at the University of Toulouse where she is a member of the Rural dynamics research alliance (UMR 1926). She works on rural and agricultural development, with a focus on gender relations in the context of North-South rural worlds, spatial mobility and the construction of social and territorial identities. She cochairs a research seminar on Black Africas and Americas, and has been doing fieldwork both in Africa and South America. She supervises a number of graduate students who work on topics such as food networks, culinary heritage, as well as relation to money and to land.
11Guétat-Bernard, H. 2010. Genre et développement rural : géographie des femmes et des hommes bamiléké du Cameroun. Rennes : PUR. Collection Géographie sociale.
12Guétat-Bernard, H. 2008. Cultures du café et dynamiques des rapports de genre en pays bamiléké au Cameroun : effet de similitude avec la situation kikuyu au Kenya. Les Cahiers d’Outre-Mer. 61 (243) : 339-354.
13Guétat-Bernard, H. and A.-M. Granié. 2006. Empreintes et inventivités des femmes dans le développement rural, Ruralités Nord-Sud. Toulouse : PUM-IRD.
Nandini Gunewardena
14Food and agriculture organization (FAO)
15University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA)
16Nandini Gunewardena is an economic anthropologist with a dozen years of experience as an international development practitioner addressing critical gender concerns with several multi-and bi-lateral agencies, including CARE International, the Canadian Agency for International Development (CIDA), the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA), the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the World Bank. Her work spans community-based ethnographic research, project design, implementation, and outcome evaluation, and gender-sensitive policy reform. She resumed teaching in 1998, in the departments of anthropology and international development studies (IDS) at UCLA. She draws upon feminist political economy/ecology theories and post-colonial studies conceptual frameworks in her ongoing research on neoliberal globalisation, gender inequities, food insecurity and the feminisation of poverty. She is a long-term scholar of women in the transnational sugar economy and has published extensively on this topic.
17Gunewardena, N. 2010. Bitter cane: Gendered fields of power in Sri Lanka’s sugar economy. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society. 35(2) : 371-396.
18Gunewardena, N. 2008. Attention to women’s poverty in international development strategies. Voices. 6(1):14-22.
19Gunewardena, N. and A. E. Kingsolver. 2007. The gender of globalisation:Women navigating cultural and economic marginalities. Santa Fe, NM: School for Advanced Research Press.
Barbara Harriss-White
20Professor, Department of International Development
21Oxford University, Queen Elisabeth House
22Barbara Harriss-White’s research interests developed from the economics of agricultural markets to India’s socially regulated capitalist economy and corporate capital; and from the malnutrition caused by markets to many other aspects of deprivation: notably poverty, gender bias and gender relations, health and disability, destitution, caste discrimination and ageing. She has a long term interest in agrarian change in South India and has tracked the economy of a market town there since 1972.
23She has held contract research posts in the Centre for South Asian Studies, Cambridge, the Overseas Development Institute, London and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, before being appointed to Oxford in 1987 to teach rural development and peasant economy. In 1995, she became the founder-director of the M. Phil in Development Studies, was Director of Queen Elizabeth House from 2003-2007 and now directs Oxford’s Contemporary South Asian studies programme having established the new MSc in Contemporary India in the School of interdisciplinary area studies.
24Since 1969 she has spent a total of 6 years in the field in South Asia and 6 months in francophone West Africa. She has carried out policy research for 7 UN agencies – including post harvest technology, food, disability, social and employment security. A trustee of ActionAid for many years, she currently serves on the Board of Trustees of the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), of the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London University, and of the South Asia Institute in Heidelberg.
25Harriss-White, B. and S. Garikipati. 2008. India’s semi-arid rural economy: livelihoods, seasonal migration and gender. The European Journal of Development Research. 20(4) : 547-548.
26Harriss-White, B. and S. Janakarajan. 2004. Rural India facing the 21st century: Essays on long term village change and recent development policy. London: Anthem Press.
27Harriss-White, B. 2003. India working: Essays on society and economy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Isabelle Hillenkamp
28Post-doctoral research fellow
29University of Geneva, Institute of socioeconomics
30Isabelle Hillenkamp holds a PhD in development studies from the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (2009). Her research interests first focused on the links between markets, democracy and solidarities within the social economy in Bolivia. Having participated in the research on Gender, rural development and food in preparation for the Graduate Institute’s conference, she started working on the intersections between gender and her research field in Bolivia. In her latest work, she delivers a critical study of social economy as a set of production, exchange and finance practices falling within both the production and the reproduction spheres.
31Hillenkamp, I. Forthcoming. Solidarités, marché et démocratie : éclairages boliviens. Finance & The Common Good/Bien commun, n° 37-38.
32Hillenkamp, I. 2011. Gender, social economy and development: lessons from Bolivia. The Social Economy, prop of a new model of sustainable economic development? 3rd International Research Conference on the Social Economy of CIRIEC, Valladolid, Espagne, 6-8 April.
33Hillenkamp, I. 2009. L’approche latino-américaine de l’économie populaire, les inégalités et la pauvreté. Revue de la régulation. N° 6. To be accessed on http://regulation.revues.org/index7625.html
Magdalena León
34Profesora titular
35Universidad Nacional, Bogotá, Colombia
36Magdalena León is professor emeritus at the National University of Colombia, in Bogotá. She is a pioneer of research on gender and rural societies in Latin America, where she has been involved not only as a scholar but also as a teacher and an activist. She studied economics and sociology in the 1950s, at a time when few women dreamed of going to university, and obtained degrees from the National University of Colombia and from Washington University. Her research has contributed to the birth of a “hands-on sociology”, which focused on the realities of the poor and the marginalised; it is often through action-research that she got to work with women from the slums of Bogotá, as well as with peasants and domestic workers. She has published a number of books on women, political participation and economic development in Colombia and in Latin America. Her outstanding work was recognised by the Columbian government in 2000 by the National award for scientific merit. Her book Género, propiedad y empoderamiento: Tierra, estado y mercado en América Latina (Gender, ownership and empowerment: Land, state and market in Latin America), which she co-edited with Carmen Diana Deere, received many international awards. She is also one of the founders and the current director of the Documentation fund on women and gender, and she heads the School of gender studies at the National University, as well as the Women and political participation network.
37Deere, C. D. and M. León de Leal. 2003. The gender asset gap: Land in Latin America. World Development. 31(6) : 925-947.
38Deere, C. D. and M. León de Leal. 2002. Who owns the land? Gender and land-titling programmes in Latin America. Journal of Agrarian Change. 1(3) : 440-467.
39Deere, C. D. and M. León de Leal. 2001. Empowering women: Land and property rights in Latin America. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.
Jean-Luc Maurer
41The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies
42Jean-Luc Maurer holds a PhD in political science from the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva, and he has been professor at the Graduate Institute of Development Studies (which became IHEID in 2008) since 1989; he was director of that institution from 1992 to 2004. He heads the Centre for Asian studies (CAS) and he oversees the Masters in Asian studies at the University of Geneva. Since its founding in 1996, he presides Krousar Thmey Switzerland, the Swiss branch of a Khmer NGO based in Phnom Penh which supports disadvantaged and handicapped children. He has been a member of the UNDP board of advisors since 2005.
43His research interests focus on the economic, social and political development of Indonesia, Southeast Asia and the Asia-Pacific region. His academic work is completed by a vast experience as a consultant, mostly for the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), but also for various international organisations such as the OECD, the ILO, IFAD, the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank.
44Maurer, J.-L. 1998. Indonesian Agriculture in prospect and retrospect. In Feeding Asia in the next century. (Eds.) G. Etienne, C. Aubert and J.-L. Maurer. New Dehli: MacMillan.
45Maurer, J.-L. 1998. La déesse du riz et la « révolution verte » à Java. In Traditions et modernisation des économies rurales : Asie-Afrique-Amérique latine. Mélanges en l’honneur de Gilbert Etienne. (Eds.) C. Auroi and J.-L. Maurer. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, IUHEI.
46Maurer, J.-L. 1986. Modernisation agricole, développement économique et changement social. Le riz, la terre et l’homme à Java. Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
Marcel Mazoyer
47Emeritus Professor
48AgroParisTech and Université Paris XI, IEDES, Alliés contre la Faim
49Marcel Mazoyer is an agricultural engineer, water and forest engineer, professor at the University of Paris XI, emeritus professor at the Paris Institute of Technology for Life, Food and Environmental Sciences (AgroParis-Tech), and vice-president of the NGO Alliés contre la faim (United against Hunger) in France. Previously, he has worked in a variety of settings, as: director of research and chief of the Rural economics and sociology department at the National Institute of Agricultural Research; professor of the Comparative agriculture chair and president of the Economic and social sciences department at the National Agricultural Institute in Paris-Grignon; professor of the Francqui international and inter-university chair of francophone Belgian universities; president of the Programme Committee of the FAO; as well as consultant for the FAO, the World Bank, the OECD, the European Commission and many national governments. He has led many research projects related to the economics and development of farms, agricultural markets, to agrarian systems and to the various projects, programmes and policies that deal with rural and agricultural development in Africa, Latin America, Asia and Europe.
50Roudart, L. et M. Mazoyer. 2006. La fracture agricole et alimentaire mondiale. Nourrir l’humanité aujourd’hui et demain. Paris : Universalis.
51Mazoyer, M. et L. Roudart. 2002. Histoire des agricultures du monde. Paris : Éditions du Seuil. First published in 1997.
52Mazoyer, M. 2001. Protéger la paysannerie pauvre dans un contexte de mondialisation. Rome: FAO.
Leonilde Servolo de Medeiros
53Professor, Development, agriculture and society
54Rio de Janeiro Federal Rural University, Institute of Human and Social Sciences
55Leonilde Servolo de Medeiros is a sociologist and professor in the Postgraduate Programme of social sciences on Development, agriculture and society of the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. She graduated in social sciences at the São Paulo University (1971), obtained MS degree in political sciences at the same University (1983) and the PhD degree at the Campinas University (1995). Her research is supported by CNPq (National Council of Scientific and Technological Research) and Faperj (Rio de Janeiro Foundation for Academic Research Support). Her thematic areas of research interests are social movements, agrarian reform policies and land settlements in Brazil, law and fight for land in Brazil.
56Medeiros, L. 2008. Assentamentos rurais e gênero: temas de reflexão e pesquisa. In Mulheres na reforma agrária. A experiência recente no Brasil. (Eds.) A. Lopes and A. Butto. Brasilia: Nead/MDA.
57Medeiros, L. and C. D. Deere. 2007. Agrarian reform and poverty reduction: lessons from Brazil. In Land, poverty and livelihoods in an era of globalisation. (Eds.) A. H. Akram-Lodhi, S. Borras Jr. and C. Kay. London: Routledge.
58Medeiros, L. 2007. Social movements and the experience of market-led agrarian reform in Brazil. Third World Quarterly. 28.
Marie Monimart
59International Fellow Researcher
60International Institute for Environment and Development
61Marie Monimart has worked for 25 years in Sub Saharan Africa – especially in the West African Sahel countries, in Madagascar and in Central Africa, plus a short experience in Haiti and Cambodia. Her work is focused on gender issues, more specifically related to equitable natural resources management, household livelihood security, and pastoralism.
62Following a four year assignment (2002-2006) in Niger as a coordinator for the CARE Denmark programme, she is now involved in research on gender, land tenure and decentralisation issues in Sub Saharan Africa with IIED (London). She is also adapting facilitation training and basic tools to reinforce field partners and agents’ skills in their day-to-day job within their communities, enabling the marginalised to express their voice. She keeps a special interest on strengthening pastoral civil society – especially in terms of sustainable access to water and pasture and a better understanding of the crucial diversity of their mobile livelihoods in Sub Saharan Africa.
63One main challenge ahead is how to promote – and advocate for – a more effective and sustainable integration of gender issues, integrating local societies’ concepts and visions, into poverty reduction, since little progress has been made so far to answer Ester Boserup’s questions in 1970.
64Diarra, M. and M. Monimart. 2007. Déféminisation de l’agriculture au sud Niger : un lien avec la crise ? In Niger 2005 : Une catastrophe si naturelle. (Dir.) X. Crombé et J.-H. Jézéquiel. Paris : Fondation MSF, Karthala.
65Diarra, M. and M. Monimart. 2006. Femmes sans terre, femmes sans repères ? Genre, foncier et décentralisation au Niger. In Drylands Issue Paper. London: International Institute for Environment and Development.
66Monimart, M. 1989. Femmes du Sahel : la désertification au quotidien. Paris : Karthala.
Alix Morales
67Dirigente campesina
68Asociación de mujeres campesinas de Inza, Tierradentro Colombia
69Alix Morales Marin is a rural community leader in the Cauca region, in Colombia. She has been working as a community organiser and social worker for more than 10 years, with a special emphasis on food sovereignty with a gender perspective. She sees processes of production and transformation of local products as means of resistance and of permanency on the land. She was one of the founders of the women’s committee of the Asociacion campesina de Inza Tierradentro, where she initiated trainings and awareness-raising activities, as well as campaigns to prevent and eliminate the multiple forms of violence against women. The committee has existed since 2000, and was born out of women’s preoccupations with regards to the impossibility of accessing paid work, formal and informal work, political positions, and more generally by the systematic non-recognition of their human rights. The committee works towards gender equality and women’s empowerment, through the promotion of their rights, the improvement of their quality of life, the elimination of violence against women, and the recognition of the political, productive and reproductive work.
Sabine Pallas
70Programme Officer – Women’s Access to Land
71International Land Coalition
72Sabine Pallas is Programme Officer at the Secretariat of the International Land Coalition, where she has been in charge of resource mobilisation as well as ILC activities in the cross-cutting thematic area of women’s access to and control over land for the last five years. In this role, she facilitates collaboration of ILC members, oversees ILC-funded projects, such as research in Latin America, but also acts as gender focal point on issues such as representation of women in ILC’s governance. She coordinates one of the largest ILC projects, a three-year research project in Eastern and Southern Africa on linking research and action on women’s access to land in collaboration with research institutes, NGOs and CBOs in 7 countries in the region. She is currently focusing on developing an ILC approach on legal empowerment, based on previous ILC members’ work and a set of pilot activities promoting the legal empowerment of women at the community-level undertaken in 2009/10, and has a strong interest in participatory and gender-sensitive approaches. Sabine’s background is in political science and Hispanic studies (M.A. University of Glasgow) and development studies (M. Sc. London School of Economics). A German national, she has spent the last 16 years studying and working in the UK, Portugal, Spain, Brazil, Nigeria, and Italy.
73ILC, and IFAD. 2009. Module 4: Gender issues in land policy and administration. Gender in agriculture sourcebook. To be accessed on http://www.landcoalition.org/wp-content/uploads/ILCGender_web.pdf
74ILC. 2009. How to use CEDAW as an advocacy tool. Rome: International Land Coalition. To be accessed on http://www.landcoalition.org/wp-content/uploads/infonotesWeb.pdf
75FAO, IFAD and International Land Coalition. 2004. Rural women’s access to land and property in selected countries. Progress towards achieving the aims of the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women. Rome: FAO, IFAD and International Land Coalition. To be accessed on http://www.landcoalition.org/pdf/cedawrpt.pdf
Carine Pionetti
76Gender and development consultant
77Carine Pionetti is a gender and development consultant, specialising on the roles and strategies of rural women, the promotion of their skills and the search for appropriate solutions to their problems. She wrote her PhD thesis in political ecology on the question of control over seeds in South India. She has been working with various organisations (UNDP, Oxfam) on the refining of the gender analysis within development projects in locations as varied as Azerbaijan, Tanzania, Nepal and Palestine.
78Pionetti, C. 2006. L’agrodiversité et les semences dans les stratégies vivrières des paysannes de l’Inde du Sud. In Empreintes et inventivités des femmes dans le développement rural. (Dir.) H. Guétat-Bernard et A.-M. Granié. Toulouse, Paris : Presses Universitaires du Mirail-IRD.
79Pionetti, C. 2006. Sowing autonomy: Gender and seed politics in semi-arid India. In Reclaiming diversity and citizenship. London: International Institute for Environment and Development.
80Pionetti, C. 2004. Jugement paysan des politiques agricoles et technologiques en Inde du Sud. In Les OGM. Mesure de l’innovation et contrôle du risque. (Dir.) P. Metay. Rennes : Presses universitaires de Rennes.
Elisabeth Prügl
81Professor, Political science department, and Deputy Director
82The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies
83Elisabeth Prügl (PhD from The American University 1992) joined the faculty of the Graduate Institute in the fall of 2009 and became the Deputy Director of the Institute in September 2010; prior to that she was a tenured professor at Florida International University in Miami, where she also served as Co-Director of the Miami-Florida European Union Center of Excellence. Her research focuses on global governance, international relations, and international political economy from a feminist perspective. She is the author of The global construction of gender: Home-based work in the political economy of the 20th century (Columbia 1999), the co-editor of Homeworkers in global perspective (Routledge 1996), Gender politics in global governance (Rowman and Littlefield 1999) and Diversity and European integration (Palgrave 2009). Her research also has appeared in various journals, including Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, International Feminist Journal of Politics, International Studies Quarterly, and World Development. Her current work investigates the gendered impacts of agricultural trade liberalisation in Germany, and the effects of the formation of gender expertise on feminist politics. She has received grants from the European Union, the International Studies Association, the Fulbright Commission, and the American Association of University Women.
84Prügl, E. forthcoming. Transforming masculine domination: Agriculture and rural development in the European Union. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.
85Prügl, E. 2010. Feminism and the Postmodern State: Gender Mainstreaming in European Rural Development. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 35 (2): 447-475.
86Prügl, E. 2009. Does gender mainstreaming work? Feminist Engagements with the German Agriculture. International Feminist Journal of Politics. 11 (2): 174-195.
Nitya Rao
87Senior Lecturer, Gender and development
88University of East Anglia
89Nitya Rao holds a PhD in gender and development from the University of East Anglia in the UK. Her present research interests include gendered changes in land and agrarian relations, migration, livelihood and well-being, equity issues in education policies and provisioning, gendered access and mobility, and social relations within environmental and other people’s movements. The geographical focus of her work is mainly India and Bangladesh, though she also has interests in the Asia-Pacific region, and more recently in Africa. She is the Book Reviews editor of the Journal of South Asian Development.
90Rao, N. 2009. Conflicts and contradictions: land laws in the Santhal Parganas. In Legal grounds: Natural resources, identity, and the law in Jharkhan. (Ed.) N. Sundar. New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
91Jackson, C. and N. Rao. 2008. Gender inequality and agrarian change in liberalizing India. In The gendered impacts of liberalization. (Ed.) S. Razavi. London: Routledge.
92Rao, N. 2008. “Good women do not inherit land”: Politics of land and gender in India. New Delhi: Social Science Press.
Shahra Razavi
93Research Coordinator
94United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD)
95Shahra Razavi is Senior research coordinator at UNRISD, where she oversees the Institute’s Programme on Gender and development. Shahra specialises in the gender dimensions of social development, with a particular focus on livelihoods and social policy. She obtained her Doctorate in agricultural economics at Oxford University in 1992. Her thesis analysed the gender dimensions of agricultural commercialisation in Southeastern Iran. She has conceptualised and coordinated global comparative research projects in a number of areas, including on agrarian change, gender and land rights; gender and social policy; and the political and social economy of care. In 2004-5, she coordinated the preparation of an UNRISD flagship report, Gender equality: Striving for justice in an unequal world, the Institute’s contribution to the “Beijing +10” process.
96Razavi, S. 2009. The gendered impacts of liberalization: Towards «Embedded Liberalism»? London: Routledge.
97Razavi, S. and S. Hassim. 2006. Gender and social policy in a global context: Uncovering the gendered structure of ‘the Social’. New York: Palgrave.
98Razavi, S. (Ed.). 2003. Special issue: Agrarian change, gender and land rights. Journal of Agrarian Change.
Fenneke Reysoo
99Senior Lecturer, Gender and development
100The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies
101A faculty member since 2000, Dr. Reysoo held previous positions at the Universities of Nijmegen, Leiden and Amsterdam (NL), Neuchâtel (CH) and UAM-Iztapalapa (Mexico, Visiting Professor). She has undertaken issue-oriented interdisciplinary research on “Gender, reproductive rights and-population dynamics” in various (Muslim) countries (Morocco, Bangladesh, Mexico, Mali, South Africa). She recently completed a research on “Islamic stakeholders in Burkina Faso: Challenges for international co-operation”, and with Yvan Droz she obtained a fund by the Swiss National Science Foundation to study “Gender, generations and equality in agriculture: Transformations of family configurations and of images of masculinity and femininity in Switzerland”.
102Reysoo, F. 2007. Ambivalent developments of female migration: Cases from Senegal and Lebanon. In Global migration and development. (Eds.) T. van Naerssen, E. Spaan, A. Zoomers. 253-268. New York : Routledge.
103Reysoo, F. 2005. Reproductive rights violations : A comparison of export-oriented industries in Mexico and Morocco. In The gender question in globalisation. Changing perspectives and practices. (Eds.) T. Davids and F. Van Driel. 125-142. London : Ashgate.
104Reysoo, F. et C. Verschuur (Dir.). 2004. Femmes en mouvement. Genre, migrations et nouvelle division internationale du travail. Berne : Commission nationale suisse pour l’UNESCO, DDC ; Genève : IUED.
Annemarie Sancar
105Gender focal point
106Swiss agency for development and cooperation (SDC)
107Annemarie Sancar is a social anthropologist, with an expertise on migration and ethnicity. From 1995 to 2003, she was in charge of communications and migration and peace policy in a Swiss feminist NGO. Since 2003, she has been in charge of gender equality for the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). Aside from her professional activities, she is actively involved in the Green Party, and was elected on the communal council in Bern from 1996 to 2004.
108Sancar, A. 2010. Gender-responsive development cooperation. Widerspruch. 38: 109-122.
109Sancar, A. 2009. Wirtschaftliches Empowerment für Frauen: Wege aus der Armut. In: Denknetz Jahrbuch 2009. 118-126.
110Sancar, A. 2009. Care-Oekonomie – ein neuer Ansatz, um Geschlechterungleichheiten in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit sichtbar zu machen. In Care-Ökonomie. Neue Landschaften von feministischen Analysen und Debatten. Heft 30. Olympe – feministische Arbeitshefte zur Politik. 44-51.
Sandra Uwantege Hart
111Student at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies
112Sandra Uwantege Hart is currently at IHEID completing her Masters degree in international development studies. Having previously completed a Bachelors degree at Princeton University, she has worked with the United Nations World Food Programme as a fellow and consultant in reporting, public information and donor relations in Nouakchott, Mauritania (2007-2009) and most recently, in Port-au-Prince, Haiti following the January 12, 2010 earthquake through September 2010, as Deputy food cluster coordinator and information manager. She is now Director of social performance management and market research for Fonkoze, a microfinance institution offering financial, health, and education services to women across Haiti. She is also currently completing her MA thesis specialising in gender and development, entitled “Gran Fanm Rete Anlè, Ti Fanm Rete Anba: Discourse and disconnect between Haitian women’s associations and the international humanitarian community in post-earthquake Port-au-Prince, Haiti”.
113Uwantege Hart, S. 2011. Challenges and lessons learned in humanitarian response to urban disasters. Geneva: World Vision International in collaboration with the Graduate Institute for International and Development Studies.
114Uwantege Hart, S. 2008. Climate change? We need climate justice. Next Generation Press, Nouakchott, Mauritania. 10 March.
115Uwantege Hart, S. 2008. The Education for All Fast Track Initiative: School feeding programmes in Mauritania bring universal education a step closer. In Public Information Handbook, Education for All Fast Track Initiative. Washington D. C.: World Bank.
Christine Verschuur
116Senior lecturer, Gender and development; Head of the Gender and Development Programme
117The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies
118An anthropologist working on gender issues since 1986, Dr. Verschuur holds a PhD from Paris Sorbonne University. Her doctoral thesis was on rural development in Mozambique following independence in 1975 ; she worked in Ed. Mondiane University in Maputo, as well as in the Mozambique Ministry of rural development for five years where she conducted research on community villages and the transformation of social relations. She has worked on rural development issues and migration issues, with a cross-cutting gender perspective, and on feminist postcolonial theories. She has conducted research with the Institute since 1995, and has been a member of the teaching staff since 2002. During 10 years, she coordinated a research project in seven countries in Latin America, Africa and Eastern Europe with a network of research teams in each of these countries, within UNESCO’s Management of Social Transformations (MOST) Programme, on urban popular movements. She is heading the Gender and Development Programme of the Graduate Institute, with the support of the SDC, and she is the editor of the Cahiers genre et développement series, which has been published since 2000.
119Verschuur, C. (Dir.). 2010. Genre, postcolonialisme et diversité des mouvements de femmes, Cahiers Genre et Développement n°7. Paris : L’Harmattan.
120Verschuur, C., 2009. Quel genre ? Résistances et mésententes autour du mot genre dans le développement. Revue Tiers-Monde. N°200 : 785-803.
121Hainard F. et C. Verschuur. 2005. Mouvements de quartier et environnements urbains. La prise de pouvoir des femmes dans les pays du Sud et de l’Est. Paris, Dakar : Karthala, ENDA.
122Meillassoux C. et C. Verschuur. 1985. Les paysans ignorés du Mozambique. Le Monde diplomatique. Octobre.
Marcela Villarreal
123Director of the Gender, equity and rural employment division
124Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO)
125Marcela Villarreal is Director of the Gender, equity and rural employment division at FAO. Since she joined the organisation in 1996, she has been Senior officer, socio-cultural research; Chief of the population and development service and Chief of the gender and development service; Director of the gender and population division. Before joining FAO, she worked as Senior officer for UNFPA and the ILO’s Regional employment programme in Santiago, Chile. She has worked and published in the areas of poverty reduction, rural development, employment, social inequality, HIV/AIDS and food security and gender issues, inter alia. She has led and/or participated in technical assistance missions to some 40 countries. Throughout 2009, she was Chair of the Reform Support Group. Ms. Villarreal currently serves on various corporate committees such as Chair JAC/MC (Joint Advisory Committee on Medical Coverage), Chair JCC (Joint Commissary Committee) and is the ES Department Representative in the house-wide Reform Support Group.
126Ms Villarreal has a PhD in rural sociology from Cornell University and a BA/MA in systems and computing engineering from the University of Los Andes in Bogotá. She is a national of Colombia.
127Villarreal, M. 2010. Gender and land rights. Understanding complexities, adjusting policies. In Economic and social perspectives. Rome: FAO.
128Jayne, T. S., M. Villarreal, P. Pingali, and G. Hemrich. 2006. HIV/AIDS and the agricultural sector in eastern and southern Africa: anticipating the consequences. In AIDS, Poverty, and Hunger: Challenges and Responses. Highlights of the International conference on HIV/AIDS and food and nutrition security, Durban, South Africa, April 14-16, 2005. (Ed.) S. Gillspie. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute.
129Villarreal, M. 2006. Changing customary land rights and gender relations in the context of HIV/AIDS in Africa. Colloque international « Les frontières de la question foncière – At the frontier of land issues ». Montpellier, France: Institut de recherches pour le développement.
Cherryl Walker
130Department Chair, Department of sociology and social anthropology
131University of Stellenbosch
132Cherryl Walker is Professor of sociology and Head of Department in the Department of sociology and social anthropology, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa. She has extensive research as well as applied experience in rural development, land reform, and gender studies, spanning the academic, state and NGO sectors. Between 1995 and 2000 she served on South Africa’s Commission on Restitution of Land Rights as Regional Land Claims Commissioner for the province of KwaZulu-Natal. Current research interests include land claims, land restitution and land reform in South and southern Africa; women’s land rights in Africa; and environmental conservation in the context of environmental and social change. She is a member of the International Advisory Board of the Journal of Peasant Studies and serves on the editorial boards of the journals Social Dynamics and Kronos. In 2008 she was a member of an Expert Consultative Team as part of the development of a continental Framework and Guidelines for Land Policy in Africa (under the auspices of the UN Economic Commission for Africa).
133Bohlin, A., C. Walker, R. Hall and T. Kepe. 2010. Land, memory, reconstruction and justice. Perspectives on land claims in South Africa. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press.
134Walker, C. 2008. Landmarked: land claims and land restitution in South Africa. Johannesburg: Jacana Media and Ohio University Press.
135Walker, C. 2003. Piety in the sky? Gender policy and land reform in South Africa. Journal of Agrarian Change. 31 (2):113-148.
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