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Decentralisation Hybridized

Annina Aeberli


Texte intégral

1Without notice, this research has become a large project to which so many people have contributed in various ways. First of all, I want to express my gratitude to my supervisor, Riccardo Bocco, whose encouragement and willingness to engage with my ideas throughout the process was pivotal for the present result. Furthermore, I owe many thanks to my family, who were always prepared to listen to my ideas and to give feedback. I also want to thank my friends, Andi for his feedback on my draft, and Michi for the formatting. In addition, I am highly grateful for the many enriching encounters in the field and the wealth of support and advice from many people that made the trip, which was very demanding in organizational terms, possible. Special thanks also go to Gunda who was willing to share her personal experiences in South Sudan with me, which significantly aided me in understanding the environment in which I did my research. Finally, I want to say thank you to all of my interview partners and informants who were willing to share their thoughts, and made South Sudan very much alive for me.


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