Texte intégral
Official Reports
1Datt, G. and M. Ravallion. 2009. Has India’s Economic Growth become more pro Poor?.
2FAO 2012. The State of food and insecurity in the world. Rome: FAO.
3IWMI – Tata Water Policy Program. 2004. Water and Welfare: Critical Issues in India’s Water Future. Valabh Vidyanagar: International Water Management Institute.
4Mansuri, Ghazala, and Vijayendra Rao. 2013. Localizing development: does participation work? Washington, D.C.: World Bank.
5Ministry of Agriculture. Agriculture at a Glance. Yearly Report by the Department of Statistics.
6Ministry of Agriculture. 2002. The Agricultural Policy. New Delhi.
7Ministry of Agriculture. 2007. Agricultural Census. New Delhi.
8Ministry of Finance. 2011. Economic Survey. Government of India Annual Report (late February). New Delhi.
9Ministry of Rural Development. 2012. MGNREGA Sameeksha, 2006–2012. New Delhi.
10Ministry of Water Resources. Rain water harvesting techniques to augment ground water. Faridabad, Undated.
11National Academy of Agricultural Sciences. 2009. State of Indian agriculture. New Delhi.
12National Commission for Enterprises in the Unorganised Sector. 2007. Report on conditions of work in the unorganised sector (Arjun Sengupta Report). New Delhi.
13Planning Commission. 1989. Agro-Climatic Regional Planning. New Delhi.
14Planning Commission. 2008. Eleventh F.Y.P., 2007-12, 3 vol. New Delhi.
15Planning Commission. 2012. An approach to the twelve Five Year Plan. New Delhi.
16Registrar General of India. Indian Censuses. 1951, 2001, 2011.
17Sen, S.R. (ed.). 1984. Agricultural productivity in eastern India, 2 vol. Bombay: Reserve Bank of India.
18UNDP. 2008. The Millennium Development Goals. New York.
19UNDP. 2011. Human development report 2011: sustainability and equity: a better future for all. New York: United Nations.
20World Bank. 2006. India’s Water Economy (Reports by Briscoe, J. and R. P. F. Malik). Washington, D.C.: World Bank.
21World Bank. 2007. Agriculture for development. Washington, D.C.: World Bank.
22World Bank. 2011. Perspectives on poverty in India: stylized facts from survey data. Washington, D.C.: World Bank.
23World Bank. 2011. Social protection for a changing India. Washington, D.C.: World Bank.
Books on India
24Acharya, S. and R. Mohan (ed.) 2010. India’s economy, performances and challenges (Essays in honour of Montek Singh Ahluvalia). New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
25Alagh, Y. K. 1995. Indian development planning and policy, a re-evaluation. New Delhi.
26Alagh, Y. K. et al. 2008. The state of panchayats. New Delhi: Ministry of Panchayati Raj.
27Bernier, F. 1981. Voyage dans les Etats du grand Moghol. Paris : Fayard.
28Béteille, A. 1974. Studies in agrarian social structure. Delhi: Oxford University Press.
29Bhagwati, J. N. 1993. India in transition. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
30Bhalla, G. S. and G. Pumail Singh. 2012. Economic liberalisation and Indian agriculture. New Delhi: Sage.
31Bliss, C. J. and N. H. Stern. 1982. Palanpur: the economy of an Indian village. Oxford: Clarendon.
32Dandekar, V. M. and N. Rath. 1971. Poverty in India. Bombay: Indian School of Political Economy.
33Dantwala, M. L. 1973. Poverty in India, then and now, 1870–1970. Delhi: Macmillan.
34Darling, M. 1947. The Punjab peasant. London: Oxford University Press.
35Datta, Amrita, G. and J. Rogers, and B. K. N. Singh. 2012. A Tale of two villages: Contrasts in development in Bihar. New Delhi: Institute for Human Development..
36Dev, M. S. 2008. Inclusive growth in India: Agricultural poverty and human development. New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
37Dhawan, B. D. 1988. Irrigation in India’s agriucultural development. New Delhi: Sage.
38Dorin, B. and F. Landy. Agriculture et alimentation en Inde, 1947-2001, 2002. Paris: Institut National de Recherche Agronomique.
39Drèze, J. and Amartya Sen. 1989. Hunger and public action. Oxford: Clarendon.
40Dumont, L. 1957. Une sous-caste de l’Inde du sud. Paris: Mouton.
41Dumont L. 1966. Homo hierarchicus: essai sur le système des castes. Paris: Gallimard.
42French, P. 2011. India, A portrait. New Delhi, Penguin.
43Frykenberg, R. E. 1965. Guntur District, 1788-1848. Oxford: Clarendon.
44Ghose, A. K. and C. R. Majid. 2009. The global employment challenge. Geneva: International Labour Organisation.
45Gill, S. S. 1998. The pathology of corruption. New Delhi: Harper Collins.
46Guha, R. 2007. India after Gandhi. London: Macmillan.
47Guha, R. 1999. Savaging the civilized. Chicago: Chicago University Press.
48Guha, S. 1985. The agrarian economy of the Bombay Deccan, 1818-1941. Delhi: Oxford University Press.
49Gulati, A. 2007. Beyond grain security: agriculture tomorrow. New Delhi: IFPRI.
50Hanumantha Rao, C. H. 1975. Technological change and distribution of gains in Indian agriculture. Delhi: Institute of Economic Growth.
51Jaffrelot, C. (ed.) 2011. India since 1950. New Delhi: Yatra Books.
52Jaffrelot, C. 2000. Dr. Ambedkar. Paris: Presses de Sciences Po.
53Jha, L. K. 1980. Economic strategy for the 80s. New Delhi: Allied Publishers.
54Kumar, Dharma, and Meghnad Desai. 1983. The Cambridge economic history of India. Vol. 2. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
55Landy, F. 2006. Un milliard à nourrir – grains, territoire et politique en Inde. Paris: Belin.
56Lutringer, Christine. 2012. Gouvernance de l’agriculture et mouvements paysans en Inde. Paris: Karthala; Genève: IHEID.
57Mellor, J. W. and G. M. Desai. 1986. Agricultural change and poverty. New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
58Moddie, A. D. 2008. Witness of Our Times. Nainital: Consul Printers.
59Nehru, B. K. 1980. Thoughts on the present discontent. New Delhi: Allied Publishers.
60O’Malley, L. S. S. 1984 (reprint). Santal Parganas Gazetteer of 1910. New Delhi: Logos Press.
61Panagariya, A. 2008. India, the emerging giant. New York: Oxford University Press.
62Racine, J. L. (ed.). 1997. Peasants mooring in South India. New Delhi: Sage.
63Raj, K. N. et al. 1985. Essays on the commercialization of Indian agriculture. New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
64Raychaudhuri, Tapan, and Irfan Habib. 1982. The Cambridge economic history of India. Vol. 1, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
65Rogers, Janine. 2012. Labour force participation in rural Bihar: a thirty-year perspective based on village surveys. New Delhi: Institute for Human Development.
66Ruet, J. 2003. Privatizing power cuts. New Delhi: Academic Foundation.
67Sen, B. 1974. The Green Revolution in India. New York: Wiley.
68Sengupta, A. 2001. Reforms equity and the IMF. New Delhi: Har Anand.
69Srinivas, M. N. 1976. The remembered village. Berkeley: University of California Press.
70Srinivas, M. N. 1992. On living in a revolution. New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
71The Hindu. 2012. Survey of Indian Agriculture 2011. Chennai.
72Thorat, S. et al. 2009. Social justice philanthropy. New Delhi: Institute of Dalit Studies.
73Wiser, W. and C. 1964. Behind mud walls, 1930–1960. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Miscellaneous Works
74Ahluwalia, M.S. 2011. “Prospects and Policy Challenges in the Twelfth Plan”. Economic and Political Weekly. 46 (21): 88-105.
75Braudel, F. 1969. Ecrits sur l’histoire. Paris: Flammarion.
76Dinesh Kumar, M., A. Patel, R. Ravindranath, and O.P. Singh 2008. "Chasing a mirage: Water harvesting and artificial recharge in naturally water-scarce regions". Economic and Political Weekly. 43 (35): 61-71.
77Elwin, M. 1973. The Pattern of the Chinese Past. London: Eyre Methuen.
78Fourastié, J. 1979. Les Trente Glorieuses. Paris: Fayard.
79Herring, R. 2008. Transgenics and the poor. London: Routledge. See also his updated, Herring, R.J., and N.C. Rao. 2012. “On the ‘Failure of Bt Cotton’: Analysing a Decade of Experience”. Economic and Political Weekly. 47 (18): 45-54.
80Huaiyin Li. 2009. Village China under socialism and reform, 1948-2008. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
81Knight, Lionel. 2012. Britain in India, 1858-1947. London: Anthem Press.
82Le Roy Ladurie, E. 1969. Les paysans du Languedoc. Paris: Flammarion.
83Mansingh, Surjit. 2010. The A to Z of India. Lanham, Md: Scarecrow Press.
84Maurer, J.-L. 1986. Modernisation agricole, développement économique et changement social à Java. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
85Mukherji, A., T. Shah, and P.S. Banerjee. 2012. “Kick-starting a second green revolution in Bengal”. Economic and Political Weekly. 47 (18): 27-30.
86Needam, J. (ed.). 1986. Science and civilization in China. Vol. 6 on agriculture by Francesca Bray. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
87Robin, Marie-Monique. 2008. Le monde selon Monsanto. Paris: La Découverte.
88Sarkar, A. 2013. “Understanding FDI in retail: What can economic principles teach us?” Economic and Political Weekly. 48 (1): 12-17.
89Schultz, T. W. 1964. Transforming traditional agriculture. Yale: Yale University Press.
90Thorner, Daniel. 1967. "Coastal Andhra: Towards an Affluent Society". Economic and Political Weekly. 2 (3/5): 241-252.
91Financial Times
93Hindustan Times
94Indian Express
95Times of India
96Business India
97Economic and Political Weekly
99India Today
102The Economist
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