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Annexe 2 : Extraits du 10e plan quinquennal. “Chapter 1. The 10 th FYP Approach.”
Texte intégral
“Main Features
1Preparation and implementation of the 10 th Five-Year Plan occur in the context of getting Syrian economy and society prepared to meet the demands and requirements of the 21 st Century and an evolving epoch of political and economic international relations. These relations are characterized by sharp international competition, based on knowledge supremacy, high advanced levels of productivity, and an ability to utilize, analyze, and compose complex sciences and super highway information and communication. They also include competitive edge, dependence upon innovative application structures, new work relationships, highly skilled human resources, equipped with versatile knowledge and an ability to handle complex technologies in an unprecedented intellectual capabilities and an organized critical thinking and creativity.
2Hence, the present FYP is fully cognizant of the challengesposed by the current historical epoch and the genre of accelerating future economic developments. This plan is also aware of the fact that in order for the Syrian economy and society to get an effective foothold in the 21 st Century, and to achieve remarkable economic and social successes, it must be transformation – oriented. It must also derive its objectives from a broader societal vision capable of leading all political, economic and social reforms, and responding to people’s aspirations and ambitions of keeping abreast with the spirit of modern age, conducive to achieving a more prosperous and modern living. The Plan must also mobilize public opinion and promote collective and individual awareness in harmony with the rhythm and nature of the present era. Moreover, this Plan should be also geared to investing available resources in a preemptive manner in order to create a situation of preparedness for the anticipated transformations beforehand.
3Transition to social market economy adopted by the state, with the FYP undertaking the task of providing a conducive environment for its successful launch, will certainly require forging a new social contract among the vital forces in the Syrian society. These are comprised of the state, private sector, and civil society organizations bounded through healthy dialogue and interactive participation in formulating and implementing the Plan. Such partnership is the only route to win the societal transformation and meet the associated challenges. In return, this will ultimately place the national economy on solid foundations, ensure its sustainability and achieve prosperity and growth based on efficient allocation and use of resources, equitable distribution, and a rise in standard of living for all Syrian citizens.
Role of non-governmental sectors & civil society organizations
5The 10th NYP accords special attention to promote the development efforts made by these sectors. It will play an effective role in mobilizing a large popular participation and involving them in collective action plans for local community development. It will also suggest programs and projects aimed to implement the goals and objectives of the 10 th FYP for poverty alleviation, creation of new job opportunities, women rehabilitation, family planning, and preservation of the environment.
6The role played by these sectors has been defined as follows:
Assist in achieving the overall goals and objectives related to poverty alleviation, and contributing to implementation of those projects which have been selected on the basis of sectoral priorities, as determined by the Plan’s criteria.
Assist in implementing social reform programs, training and capacity building programs, as well as in facilitated micro credits, in addition to advocacy and support programs targeting woman and child rights and special groups, and other social programs
Implement social mobilization programs aimed to ameliorate the conditions of impoverished regions and uplift their living standards.
Co-work for implementing good governance programs, institutional reform, accountability of state establishments to ensure transparency, facilitate public spending, and prevent administrative and financial corruption.
Implement market monitoring programs to ensure consumers’ rights, prevent corruption and exploitation, in addition to monitoring state apparatuses of direct concern to peoples’ day to day living, and which offer social services to them.
Interfere in areas concerned with providing services to the remote regions, that are deprived of concrete government or private sector contributions, through setting up professional societies assigned to carry out such tasks.
Contribute to implementation of the regional development plans, and participate in local planning council meetings for implementing the projects provided for at the 10 th FYP, particularly in regard to development of the impoverished regions.
Commit to transparency in carrying out their tasks, and subject themselves to enforced laws regarding their dealings and accounts statements.”
Source : Syrian Arab Republic State Planning Commission.http://www.planning.gov.sy/index.php?page_id=24 (consulté le 2 juillet 2010).
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« Société civile » et évolution de l’autoritarisme en Syrie
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