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Migration Management?

Sandra Paola Alvarez Tinajero



1Although any omissions and mistakes are my own responsibility, I would like to thank those who made this research endeavor achievable. I am deeply thankful to the 35 workers and employers who welcomed me in their homes and shared their opinions and experiences with honesty and dignity. I would like to thank Prof. Isabelle Schulte-Tenckhoff for her rigorous mentoring and continuous inspiration, as well as Prof. Ibrahim Awad and Prof. Gopalan Balachandran for stirring my thoughts regarding my theoretical contributions to migration scholarship. I thank Alessandro for introducing me with love and patience to the realities of Ragusa and for accompanying me along this journey. I am thankful to my parents, Margarita and José Luis, my brother José Luis, and my sister Yvette for their unconditional support and complicity. And last, but not least, thanks to Marta, for the years devoted looking after me and for showing me the importance of her labor.


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