Aspects of Corporate Finance: Inter-firm Lending
Explorations from a Modern European Perspective
Histoire économique et financière - XIXe-XXeÉditeur : Institut de la gestion publique et du développement économique, Comité pour l’histoire économique et financière de la France
Lieu d’édition : Paris
Publication sur OpenEdition Books : 26 novembre 2019
Collection : Histoire économique et financière - XIXe-XXe
Année d’édition : 2019
Nombre de pages : 210
The papers published in this book were initially prepared for the conference held at the Ministère de l’Économie et des Finances on the 9th and 10th of March, 2017 (Inter-firm credits in Europe 1880‑2010), organized by Michel Lescure in the context of the work of the IGPDE (Institut de la Gestion Publique et du Développement Économique) and of the CHEFF (Comité pour l’Histoire Économique et Financière de la France).
The conference and the book have been financed by the IGPDE, the Crédit Agricole, the Société Générale, the IDHE.S Nanterre (Institutions et Dynamiques Historiques de l’Économie et des Sociétés, UMR-CNRS 8533) and the Doctoral School of EOS (Économie-Organisation-Société) of the University Paris-Nanterre. We would like to thank these institutions.
The translation of communications by non French-speaking academics was produced by the translation centre of the Economic and Financial Ministries.
Jean-François Eck
Inter-firm credit and multinational companies: the case of Saint‑Gobain in Germany (1945‑1970)Boris Gehlen et Christian Marx
Organizing credit. Patterns of inter‑industrial finance in the interwar period in Germany (1920‑1940)Gelina Harlaftis
Inter-firm credit in maritime Europe. Greek-owned shipping business, 19th and 20th centuriesFabio Lavista et Giandomenico Piluso
Reassessing the capital structure of the largest Italian firms: Banks, markets and inter‑firm funding, 1950‑1970Anders Ögren
Liquid capital: An overview of inter‑firm credit between breweries and restaurants in SwedenMichael Moss
The lost art of bill finance – the case of William Denny & Brothers of Dumbarton, shipbuildersJean-François Grevet
Inter-firm credit and financing for automobile innovation: Berliet (1897‑1914) or the end of the myth of the self‑taught, self‑financed innovatorPatrick Verley
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