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OpenEdition Books IFRA-Nigeria African Dynamics The Dilemma of Post-Colonial Univ...

The Dilemma of Post-Colonial Universities

Elite Formation and the Restructuring of Higher Education in sub-Saharian Africa

Formation des élites et restructuration de l'enseignement supérieur en Afrique subsaharienne

The papers in this volume were presented at a conference organized by the Institut Français de Recherche en Afrique (IFRA) at the University of Ibadan on the 26th and 27th of October 1998, as part of the 50 anniversary celebrations of the University. This conference brought together scholars from anglophone and francophone countries who have been collaborating on a research programme which is concerned with elite formation and the restructuring of higher education in sub-Saharan Africa. Th...

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  • Editor : IFRA-Nigeria
  • Colección : African Dynamics
  • Lugar de edición : Ibadan
  • Año de edición : 2000
  • Publicación en OpenEdition Books : 16 janvier 2015
  • EAN (publicación papel) : 978-978-2015-70-9
  • EAN electrónico : 979-10-92312-17-1
  • DOI : 10.4000/books.ifra.992
  • Número de páginas : viii-338 p.
Yann Lebeau y Mobolaji Ogunsanya

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