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Trans-Border Studies

The Motivation and Integration of Immigrations in the Nigeria-Niger Border Area/ Transborder Movement and Trading. A Case Study of a Borderland in Southwestern


This report is a pilot study - a fuller picture will emerge after more data shall have been collected, analysed and explained. Borders are artificially constructed, geographic or astronomic lines that form the boundary of a nation. Within this delimited boundary, a nation exercises power and jurisdiction and carries out its activities. In accordance with the sovereignty of the State, the central government can curtail, restrict or totally ban the unauthorized movement of goods and people a...

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  • Editore : IFRA-Nigeria
  • Collana : Transnational Africa
  • Luogo di pubblicazione : Ibadan
  • Anno di pubblicazione : 2000
  • Pubblicato su OpenEdition Books : 27 juin 2013
  • EAN (edizione cartacea) : 978-978-2015-71-6
  • EAN digitale : 979-10-92312-11-9
  • DOI : 10.4000/books.ifra.964
  • Numero di pagine : iii-96 p.

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