Nigeria during the Abacha Years (1993-1998)
The Domestic and International Politics of Democratization
The autocratic regime of Sani Abacha (1993-1998) stands out as a watershed in the history of independent Nigeria. Nigeria’s darkest years since the civil war resulted from his unrestrained personal rule; very close to the features associated with warlordism. Nepotism, corruption, violation of human rights, procrastination over the implementation of a democratic transition, and the exploitation of ethnic, cultural or religious identities, also resulted in the accumulation of harshly repressed f...
Publisher: IFRA-Nigeria
Place of publication: Ibadan
Published on OpenEdition Books: April 4, 2013
Digital ISBN: 979-10-92312-08-9
Series: African Dynamics
Year of publication: 2001
ISBN (Print version): 978-978-8025-00-9
Number of pages: vii-395
Daniel C. Bach and Yann Lebeau
Preface‘Kunle Amuwo
Introduction. Transition as Democratic RegressionAttahiru M. Jega
Democracy in Nigeria: Concepts, representations and expectationsAbdul Raufu Mustapha
Civil Rights and Pro-democracy Groups in and outside NigeriaMichèle Maringues
The Nigerian Press: Current state, travails and prospectsNicole Chevillard
Pius Adesanmi (transl.)
Nigeria’s External Debt: Evolution, mix and current issuesFrançois Misser
European Interests in NigeriaRichard L. Sklar
An Elusive Target: Nigeria fends off sanctionsEnemaku Idachaba
Chronology of Major Political Events in the Abacha Era (1993-1998)The autocratic regime of Sani Abacha (1993-1998) stands out as a watershed in the history of independent Nigeria. Nigeria’s darkest years since the civil war resulted from his unrestrained personal rule; very close to the features associated with warlordism. Nepotism, corruption, violation of human rights, procrastination over the implementation of a democratic transition, and the exploitation of ethnic, cultural or religious identities, also resulted in the accumulation of harshly repressed frustrations. In this book, some distinguished scholars, journalists and civil society activists examine this process of democratic recession, and its institutional, sociological, federal and international ramifications. Most of the contributions were originally presented at a seminar organized by the Centre d’Etude d’Afrique Noire (CEAN) in Bordeaux.
Only the text can be used under the OpenEdition Books License license. Other elements (illustrations, attached files) are “All rights reserved”, unless otherwise stated.
The Frontier States of Western Yorubaland
State Formation and Political Growth in an Ethnic Frontier Zone
Biodun Adediran
The Architecture of Fear
Urban Design and Construction Response to Urban Violence in Lagos, Nigeria
Tunde Agbola
Informal Channels for Conflict Resolution in Ibadan, Nigeria
Isaac Olawale Albert, Tinu Awe, Georges Hérault et al.
Urban Violence in Africa
Pilot Studies (South Africa, Côte-d’Ivoire, Nigeria)
Eghosa E. Osaghae, Ismaila Touré, N’Guessan Kouamé et al.