p. 175-183
Texte intégral
abaina (music), 25
Abeokuta, 10, 15,
CMS, 11
Abibirimma (Amu), 153
Abiku (Euba), 67, 166
Abomey, 11
Aboyade-Cole, 18
Academy (the), 12
Achinivu, Kanu, 78, 136
adaha, (music) 24
Adanse Kronkron (Nketia), 156, 159
Adawura Bome (Amu), 153
Addison, John, 50
Adeleke, Abel, 136
Adegbite, Ademola, 78
Adetiran, Wole, 78
Adeyeye, Adesanya, 78, 136
Adex, King Kendy, 26
Adigwe, Okonkwo, 24
Adura fun Alafia (Bankole), 58
African Bethel Cathedral (Lagos), 19
African Church Choir, 19
African Fantasy (Boamah), 157
African musical styles [also see Highlife]
abaina, 25
adaha, 24
adamo, 26
agidigbo, 25
apala, 22
asiko, 25
bembe, 26
etike, 26
gumbey, 23,
Ijaw, 25
juju, 22
kiriboto, 26
konkomba, 24, 27
okon bo, 25
palongo, 26
African pianism, 79, 87
Akin Euba’s concept of, 63-64
Scenes from Traditional Life analyzed, 79-88
The Wanderer, 82
African Sonata (Euba), 61
African Suite (Sowande), 43, 44, 47, 89, 99
Afufu Uwa (Ndubuisi), 72, 73
Agbebi, M., 19, 23
agidigbo (music), 25
Agor, 159
Agyemang, Fred, 151
Agyinamoa Wno (Amu), 155
Agwu, Dan, 78
Ahanotu, Adolf, 78, 136
Ajama-Kwara Ngwongwo (Ndubuisi), 72
Ajayi, J.F.A., 11
Ajibola, A.K., 20
Ajilo, Chris, 26
Ajisafe, A.K., 19
Akanlyrics to early Highlife, 27
Akinsanya, A., 25, 27
Akinwumi, Debo, 78, 137
Akpabot, Samuel, 6, 26, 27, 28, 49-54, 129-134, 135, 137, 166, 169
Akpabot Players, 26, 50
early musical training under T.K.E. Phillips, 28
education, 50
career, 50-54
Ibibio influence on work, 51-52
Akwaabadwon (Amu), 153
Akyede Pa Mafo (Amu), 153
Alatangana (Euba), 65, 66
Alegbegbe (Amu), 153
alghaita, 4
Allen, J.G.C. (Major), 60, 74, 75
American Wind Symphony Orchestra of Pittsburgh, 51
Amissah, A., 156, 159, 164
Amu, Ephraim, 150-155, 156
educational background, 150
compositions 150-155
list of compositions, 162
interest in African music, 151, 153, 154
established Government Music School, Achimota, 151
Amu cont’d
analysis of his music, 152-153
honored in 1994, 152
Amusan, Sam, 78, 137
Anikulapo-Kuti, Fela, 20
Anglican Grammar School (Lagos), 60
Anoro Anokwuku (Ndubuisi), 72
Aman Beyi W’aye (Otto-Boateng), 159
Anwu Ti Mini Oze (Ndubuisi), 72
apala, (music), 22
Apostolic Faith Orchestra (Ibadan and Lagos), 89
Arabic influence on Nigerian music, 1
Art Music
Nigerian modern, 9, 90, 135-147
emergence through church music, 9 10, 21, 30
and Saros, 10-12, 14, 15
and the Academy, 12
early examples in Lagos, 10
and CMS, 14
and Victorian England, 12, 14
cost of performance, 15
and Nigerian elite, 9, 15-17
list of compositions [see Chapter 7], 135-147
in Ghana, 149-162
African elements in, 165-166, 168
lack of published scores, 135
problems in performing, 167-169
use of African instruments, 167-168
difficulties in teaching, 167-169
Asem Yi Di Ka (Amu), 160
asiko (music), 25
Asomdwoe (Amu), 154, 155
atenteben (Ghanaian flute), 155
Atenteben Prelude (Amu), 155, 159
At the Crossroads (Nketia), 156
atumpan (Akan drum), 155
Atundaolu, H. (Rev), 21
Auku, Willie, 156
Avery, Cynthia, 51
Ayan, 3
Ayandele, E.A., 17
Ayodele, Christopher list of compositions, 137
Ayeyi (Amissah), 159, 164
Bach, 130
Baba Se Wa ni Omo Rere (Bankole), 57
Badagry, 10, 11, 15
Baiden, Kwesi, 156, 160, 163
Bankole, Ayo, 54-59, 75, 79, 135, 138-139, 166
trained under T.K.E. Phillips, 28, 55
artistic style, 54-57
early training in Church, 55
contact with Sowande, 55
influence of Yoruba music on, 55
formal training, 55
Clare College, Cambridge, 55
Guildhall Shool of Music and
Drama, 55
UCLA, 57
career at NBC, 57
analysis of Three Part Songs for Female Choir, 110-116
Bankole, T A., 139 Bantu martyrs, 66
Baptist Academy Secondary School, 55
Baptist mission, 11, 17
Bartok, 55
Basel Mission Seminary, 150
Bateye, M., 6, 78
Because of You (Sowande), 46
Belfast (Northern Ireland), 70
Benin Republic, 11
Berkeley, M., 166
Biakoye (Amu), 153
Birbeck College, University of London, 156
Blacking, John, 70
The Blue Nocturne (Ndubuisi), 72
Boamah, E., 156, 157, 164
Bori, 3
Boudreau, Robert Austin, 51
Boult, Sir Adrian, 68
brass bands, spread in W. Africa, 24
Brazilians, 11
Brazilian Dramatic Company, 13
arrival in Ghana, 23
influence on Highlife, 24
Bruce, Lee, 23
Builsa Work Song (Nketia), 156
Calabar, 10, 24, 26
calypso, 23, 24
Campbell, Robert, 12
Catholic, 11
Africanization of, 17-19
Chaka (Euba), 66
Cherubim and Seraphim Church, 17
Chineke No N’ulo Nso Ya (Ekwueme), 68
Chi Chi Bud (Ekwueme), 68
Chocolate Dandies orchestra, 26
Sam Akpabot, 50
Christian missionaries and music, 5
influence on Nigerian modern Art music, 6, 9-10,
African music in the churches, 17-21
as training ground for musicians, 27- 29
Igbo church music, 34 [see also Harcourt-Whyte]
Christmas Sonata (Bankole), 57
Christ Church Cathedral (Lagos), 49, 50, 55
Chukwu No Rue Ebigh’Ebi (Harcourt-Whyte), 36
Church (the) and music, 17-21, 22
Church Missionary Society (CMS), 11, 30
training Saros, 12
Female Institute, 14
at Abeokuta, 14
at Lagos, 14
Clare College, Cambridge, 55
CMS Grammar School, 60
Coker, Robert, 14, 28
Collage for Orchestra (Euba), 61
Cooke, Arnold, 60
conga (drums), 24
Contemplation (Nketia), 156
Copland, D., 23
Cowell, Henry, 156
Crucifixion (Stainer), 130
Crowther, S.A., 12
Cunningham, G., 42
Cynthia’s Lament (Akpabot), 51
composed for Cynthia Avery, 51
dance (bands) orchestras in Ghana, 24
in Nigeria, 26
Dance of the Black Witches (Ekwueme), 68
Danso, R.O. list of compositions, 164
Dart, Thurston, 50
Davies, J.L., 12
De Angels Are Watchin’(Sowande), 44
Debussy, 59
De Ol’Arks a-Moverin ‘ (Sowande), 44
Dedeke, Dayo 21, 32, 34, 37
list of compositions, 146
Derby, Tunde, 26, 28
Dialectics-2 (Labi), 157, 158
Dagarti Work Song (Nketia), 156
Dowolae Dua Nu (Agor), 159
Dirges (Euba), 65, 168
Divine Presence (A.A. Mensah), 157
Dr. Feeles (Ndubuisi), 72
Drop of Honey (A), (Nzewi), 70
drums, first used in African church, 19
Dwonto (Amu), 150
dundun (Yoruba drum), 3, 65, 79, 166
Durham University (UK), 67
Echezona, W.W.C., 20, 146
Egba, (Yoruba), 11
Elliot (Mrs) Grant, 71
Ekiti churches and indigenous music, 19
Eku Ewu (Ekwueme), 68
Ekwueme, Laz, 30, 67-70, 89, 135, 139-140, 153
education, 68
career, 68
nationalism in his music, 70
Emi O Gbe Oju Mi Soke Wonni (T.K.E. Phillips), 29, 31
English Winterbirds (Bankole), 57, 58
Enikeni To Ba Gbe Ara Re Ga (Bankole) 112, 114-116
Enugu Operatic Society, 71
Entsua-Mensah, 156, 160
Ethiopian and Brotherhood Churches, 19
Ethnophony (Bankole), 57
Euba, Akin, 6, 57, 74, 79, 85, 135, 140166, 169
and traditional African music, 59, 64- 67
Euba cont’d
education, 60
career, 60
and African pianism, 63, 79-88
orchestral works, 89
Fare Thee Well (Amu), 150
Fanti Coast, 23
and origins of Highlife, 23
brass bands, 23, 24
Faseun, Femi, 78
Fergusson, William, 151
Festac Cantata (Bankole), 59, 72, 134, 166
Fiberesima, A., 28, 74, 116, 141
Folk Symphony (Sowande), 43, 44, 48, 89, 165, 169
for Nigerian Independence, 44, 89, 90
analysis of, 89-107
Fon, 11
fontomfrom (Akan drum), 155
Four Igbo Songs (Uzoigwe), 75
Four Nigerian Dances (Uzoigwe), 75
Four Pieces (Euba), 61
Four Pictures from Oyo Calabashes (Euba), 63
Freetown, Sierra Leone, 10, 12, 23, 24
Fun Mi Ni Beji (Bankole), 58
Gershwin, 42
Ghana, 23, 25
Ghana Art Music, 149-151
emergence through church, 159
Amu, E., 150-155
young composers, 155-156
piano music, 157-159
choral music, 159-162
Ghana National Choir, 152
Ghana National Orchestra, 151-152, 159
Gloria (Sowande), 42, 43, 48
Gold Coast [see Ghana], 23, 24
Good Band, (the) 26
gong (Yoruba instrument), 98, 101
Government Music School, Achimota, Ghana, 151
Guildhall School of Music and DramaLondon, 55, 71
gumbey (dance music), 23, 24
Gurney, Ivor, 72
Handel, 14
Harcourt-Whyte, Ikoli, 20, 25, 34-37
origins, 34
father of Igbo hymns, 34-37
list of compositions, 146
Hausa, 2
traditional music, 3
alghaita, 4
gangan (drum), 4
goje (2-string fiddle), 4
kakaki (trumpet), 3
rok on fada, 3
Herskovits, Melville, 156
heterophonic procedures, 44
Highlife, 21-28, 90, 98, 103-106,
origins of in Nigeria, 21, 24
roots in Ghana, 23, 160
and E.T. Mensah, 27
pidgin lyrics, 27
church as training ground, 27
and modern Nigerian Art musicians, 28
influence on Fela Sowande, 47
in Akpabot’s works, 49
in Sowande’s Folk Symphony, 103-104, 105, 106
in The Vengeance of the Lizards, 124
Hombe (Ekwueme), 70
Howells, Herbert, 50, 151
Howard University, 49
Hyiawu (Amu), 153
hymnody, Nigerian, 9, 20, 22
Ibadan, 10, 26, 66
Ibibio, 49
Igbo, 2, 15, 24, 25, 34
traditional music, 4-5
ngedegwu (xylophone), 4
ekwe (wooden slit drum), 4
ogene (metal gong), 4
oja (flute), 4, 77
Ife [see Obafemi Awolowo University], 66
Ife Di Na Oba (Ndubuisi), 72
Igi Nla So (Euba), 61, 62, 63, 64, 165, 166
Ile-Iwe Nikan l’Ori Yungba Yungba (Bankole), 112, 113
Ijaw (music), 25
Institute of African Studies, University of Ibadan, 43
Instruments (West African) agidigbo, 25
alghaita, 4
atentenben, 155
atumpan, 155
conga (drums) 24,
dundun, (Yoruba drum) 3, 65, 79, 166
fontomfrom (Akan drum), 155
gong, 98, 101
kakaki (trumpet), 4
mbira, 24
ngedegwu (xylophone), 4, 79
ogene (gong), 4
oja (flute), 4, 77
okele (gong), 77
seprewa, 155
ubaka, 24
International Centre for African Music and Dance, Legon, 156
International Festival of Arts, NancyFrance, 66
Introduction and Allegro (Euba), 60
Islam influence on Nigerian music, 1
Israel Hene (Amu), 153
Iya (Bankole), 56, 57
Jacob, Gordon, 50, 68, 151
Ja Itanna To’n Tan (Bankole), 57
Jaja of Opobo (Akpabot), 52
Ja Orule (Bankole), 55
Jona (Bankole), 57
Le Journal de Nancy (Euba), 66
Julliard School of Music (New York), 156
juju (music), 22
Kaduna, 26
Kafui, K., 157, 159, 164
Kamfo Memeye Adwuma Ama Iesu (Amu), 150
Ka Mura (Sowande), 42, 48
King, Anthony, 15
King, Nathaniel, 14
konkomba (music), 24, 27
Kunje (Nzewi), 70
Kuti, T.O., 146
Kwahu Abetifi, Ghana, 150
Kyrie (Sowande), 42, 44, 47, 48, 93, 165
Labi, Gyimah, 156-159, 164
Lagos, 10
established as British colony, 11
population 1866, 11
Saros, 11-12
first classical music concerts, 12-13
and CMS schools, 14
music in churches, 6, 16-21
regimental bands, 24
dance bands, 26
Sowande’s career, 43
Lagos Espirit de Corps, 13
Lagos Grammar School (1859), 12, 14
Lagos Native Research Society, 21
Lawson, Rex, 27
Laz Ekwueme National Chorale, 68
Let My People Go (Ekwueme), 68
Libation (Nketia), 156
Lijadu, Soji, 26, 50
Liszt, 58
Lost Honey (Meki Nzewi), 116
Lustra Variations (Uzoigwe), 75, 76
Macaulay, Herbert, 12, 19
Marna G’abara Mu Mba (Ndubuisi), 72
Masquerade (Uzoigwe), 76
Mazu Atimedide (Nayo), 159
Mawo do Iesu (Amu), 150
Mechanics Amateur Dramatic Company, 13
Meditation (Nketia), 156
Melodramatic Society (Lagos), 19
Mensah, Ata Annan, 156, 157, 164
Mensah, ET., 163
father of Ghanaian Highlife, 27
Trumpet Highlife, 27
influence on Nigerian Highlife, 27
Merriam, Alan, 156
Meye Adwuma Ama Iesu (Amu), 150
Meye Den Me Kamfo Nyame (Baiden), 160
Methodist mission, 11
fragmentation of, 17
Missa Africana (Ekwueme), 69
Moloney, Governor of Lagos, 19
Moonsage Hero, The (Nzewi), 70
Morning, Noon and Night (Euba), 65
Mmere (Entsua-Mensah), 160
Monkamfo No (Nketia), 156
Mozart of West Africa, 14
music, African
in Christian churches, 16-21
banned in orthodox churches, 17
United Native African Church, 17
prosecuted in court, 19
in Ekiti churches, 19
in Anglican church, 20
influence on Akin Euba, 66-67
influence on Ekwueme, 70
elements in Art Music, 165
education in the schools, 168-169
Nwa Mgbogho Delu Uli (Ndubuisi), 72
My Way’s Cloudy (Sowande), 44
Mendelssohn, 14 Mussorgsky, 90
Nnwaa Aramonu (Ndubuisi), 72
Nancy, France, 66
nationalism, African
in the British colony, 16, 21
in the church, 16-17
first ‘African’ Church, 17
Native Baptist Church, 17, 19
Nayo, N.Z., 156, 159, 164
Ndubuisi, Okechukwu, 28, 71-74, 141-142, 153, 166
education, 71-72
career, 72
analysis of The Vengeance of The Lizards, 116-129
Nno (Ekwueme), 70
Nne Neku Nwa (Ekwueme), 70
New York Philharmonic Orchestra at Carnegie Hall, 44
ngedegwu (Igbo xylophone), 79
Nigeriana (Akpabot), 50 ; aka, Overture for Nigerian Ballet, 50, 51
Nigerian Arts Council, 51
Nigerian composers, 78 [see chapter 7]
Nigeria in Conflict (Akpabot), 52, 53, 134
Nigerian Broadcasting Corporation, 43, 4450, 55, 57, 60
Nigerian Rhapsody (Ekwueme), 68, 89
Nigerian Suite (Bankole), 55
Night in Bethlehem, A (Ekwueme) 68
Nketia, J.H.K., 1, 149, 153, 156-157, 159
education, 156
career, 156
and Chanaian choral music, 159
list of compositions, 163
Nkwagye Dwom (Amu), 150
Northwestern University, Illinois, 156
Ntem, T.K., 150
Nwaba, Isreal, 24
Nwuba, Felix, 78, 142
Nyarinya (Ndubuisi), 72
Nyarko, Eric, 156
Nzewi, Meki, 4, 70-71, 78, 116
education, 70
list of compositions, 142
Obafemi Awolowo University [see University of Ife]
Obangiji (Sowande), 42, 43
Oba Aba Ke Pe (Sowande), 47
Obi Dimkpa (Ekwueme), 70
Ofala (Akpabot), 51, 129, 165, 169
Ogisi, Arugha, 78
Ogun, 2
Ogun Salewa (Ndubuisi), 72
Oh Render Thanks (Sowande), 46
oja (Igbo flute), 77
Oja (Uzoigwe), 77
Ojukwu, Sam, 78
list of compositions, 142
okele (gong, Igbo), 76
okon bo (music), 25
Okongwu, 21
Okosa, Alphonso
list of compositions, 143
Olaiya, Victor, 26, 27
Olaniyan, Yemi, 78
Oldroyd, George, 42
Olele (Ekwueme), 70
Olude, T A.
list of compositions, 143
Olurombi (Euba), 61, 64, 89, 169
Omojola, Bode, 78
list of compositions, 143-144
Omideyi, O., 21, 30, 146
Onwuka, G.T., 24
Ona Ara (Bankole), 58
Onina Manya Ogo (Ndubuisi), 74
Onitsha, 10, 24, 26
Opu Jaja (Fiberesima), 74, 116
Ora Methodist Church (Ora, Edo State), 71
Orchestral Works, Nigerian, 89-107
Ore Ofe Jesu Kristi (Bankole), 58
Oriere, G.B., 21, 147
Orisha Bi Ofun Kosi (Bankole), 110, 111
Orukoko (Fiberesima), 74
Oruko Amutorunwa (Sowande), 43
O Se Va (Ndubuisi), 72
Ota, Yoruba subgroup, 20
Otto-Boateng, 156, 160, 163
Out of Zion (Sowande), 46
Oyekan (Oba of Lagos), 26
Oyigiyigi (Sowande), 42, 43, 44, 46, 4889, 93, 167
Ozuitem Obodomu (Ndubuisi), 72
Pappoe, Allotey Rev., 150
Passion Sonata (Bankole), 57, 167
Payne, J.O., 12
Pentanata (Kafui), 157
pentatonic scales, 44, 94, 99, 106
Yoruba pentatonic melodies, 47
Phillips, T.K.E. 20, 28-31, 33, 37
organist, Christ Church Cathedral, 28
trained Akpabot, 28, 49
list of compositions, 147
Pisgow, Osborn, 50
Phoenix Hall (Lagos), 13
Philharmonic, the (Lagos), 13
Pierre Lunaire (Schoenberg), 58
Playtime (Nketia), 156
Polytechnic, The (Ibadan), 167
Portuguese and emergence of Highlife, 23
Pratt, Claude, 19 Prayer (Sowande), 42, 46, 48
Queen’s University (Belfast), 70
Ransome-Kuti, J.J. Canon, 20
Rascals, The (Fiberesima), 74
Reger, Max, 58
Responses in “A” (Sowande), 41
Rhapsody in Blue (Gershwin), 42
rhumba, 23, 24, 26
Rifles’ Band, 22
Rimsky-Korsakov, 90
Rio-Lindo Orchestra, 25
Ritual Procession (Uzoigwe), 76, 77
Rockefeller Foundation, 61
Roll de Ol’ Chariot (Sowande), 44
Royal College of Music (London), 50, 67, 151
Royal College of Organists, 42
Rue Ole Mgbe (Harcourt-Whyte), 34, 35
Sachs, Carl, 156
Sadoh, Godwin, 78, 147
Sam Befa (Amu), 159
Sango, 2
Saros, 10, 11, 12
and Art Music, 12, 15
Dr. N. King, 14
and nationalism, 15
and African culture, 21
Saturday Night at Caban Bamboo (Euba), 63
Scenes from Nigeria (Akpabot), 51, 89, 169
Scenes from Traditional Life (Euba), 60, 63, 167
analyzed 79-88
Schoenberg, 58
School of Oriental and African Studies,
University of London, 156
Searching Nos 2 and 3 (Nzewi), 70
Second Symphony (Witold Lutostawski), 76
Senghor, Leopold, 66
seprewa (Ghanaian flute), 155
Sierra Leone, 10, 11, 12, 23, 24
Silva, P.Z., 13
Six Sketches for Full Orchestra (Sowande), 43
Six Yoruba Songs (Euba), 61
Sketches (Uzoigwe), 75, 76, 77, 167
slavery and anti-slavery laws, 10
returning freed slaves to Africa, 10, 23
bringing music, 23
Slomnimsky, 90
Songs of Contemplation (Sowande), 46
Sopuru Chineke Nima Mma Nke Idi Nso (Ekwueme), 68
Sowande, Emmanuel, 20
Sowande, Fela, 20, 26, 28, 30, 39-49, 54, 58, 59, 89, 99, 101, 135, 144-145, 167, 169
Triumph Club Band, 26
trained under T.K.E. Phillips, 28, 30, 42
composing in 1940, 39
father of Nigerian Art Music, 39
educational background, 42
work in UK, 42-43
nationalism in 43, 45
career in Lagos, 43
Research Fellow, University of Ibadan, 43
American influence on, 44
influence of Yoruba culture on, 46-48
awarded MBE, 48 ; MFN, and honorary Ph.D. Ife, 49
ends teaching career in USA, 49
list of compositions, 143-145
Stainer, 130
St. Jude’s Anglican Church (Lagos), 20
St Jude’s Responses (Sowande), 46
St Paul’s Church (Lagos), 12, 17
St Saviour’s Church (Lagos), 50
St Peter’s Church (Lagos), 55
String Quartet (Euba), 60
Sylvester, Victor, 26
Taylor, Eric, 60
Te Deum Laudamus (Akpabot), 54
Thiriet, Yoland, 66
Three Part Songs for Female Choir (Bankole), 57, 109 analyzed, 110-116
Three Yoruba Songs (Bankole), 57, 165
Three Yoruba Songs (Euba), 61, 63, 65, 165
Three Yoruba Songs (Sowande), 48
Toccata and Fugue (Bankole), 57, 58
tonal language and melodics, 109
Travis, Roy, 57, 61
Trinity College (London), 60, 76, 156
Triumph Club Band, 28
Two Igbo Songs (Uzoigwe), 75
Two Nigerian Folk Tunes (Akpabot), 52
Two Tortoise Folktales (Euba), 65
Two Yoruba Folk Songs (Euba), 61
ubaka, 24
United Africa Company, 16
United African Methodist Church, 17, 19
United Native African Church, 17
University of California, UCLA, 51, 57, 61, 64, 156
University of Cincinnati (Ohio), 158
University of Ghana, 158
University of Ibadan, 43, 44, 49
University of Ife, 49, 64, 66, 167
University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign), 158
University of Ilorin, 167
University of Lagos, 57, 64, 80
University of Legon, Ghana, 64, 151, 156
University of London, 42
University of Nigeria, 50, 70, 72, 167, 168
University of Pittsburgh, 49
University of Science and Technology Kumasi, 151
Uta Horn Orchestra (Ibibio orchestra), 52
Uzoigwe, J., 57, 79, 89
list of compositions, 145
Vengeance of the Lizards, The (Ndubuisi), 72, 74, 116-129, 134, 166
Verba Christi (Akpabot), 52, 54, 129-134, 166
Versicles and Responses (T.K.E. Phillips), 31
Victorian tradition, 12, 14
Vidal, Tunji, 78
Volta Fantasy (Nketia), 156, 157
Wanderer, The (Euba), 61, 82, 167
War Dance (Ndubuisi), 72
Watermaid (Uzoigwe), 76, 77, 89
Webster, J.S., 17, 19
West Indies, 10, 12, 22, 23
West African Psychical Institute, 21
Westernized African elite, 9, 15-17 and nationalism, 16, 17, 21
Western Toppers Band, the, 26
West London Mission, Methodist Church, 42
White, Rev. J., 20
Williams, Vaughan, 72
Wishart, Peter, 71
World Black Festival of Arts and Culture (FESTAC), 54
Wose Aseda (Nketia), 156
Yaa Amponsa (Amu), 151
Yoruba music, 30-31, 89, 90-92, 94, 100, 101
traditional music, 2, 25
in church, 15
influence on classic music, 15
drums, 3, 65, 79, 166
banned in orthodox church, 17, 19
cultural revival in Lagos, 19-22
for festivals, 26-27
book on, by Phillips, 30
pentatonic scale, 31-33
in Sowande’s work, 91, 92, 94, 98, 99, 100
Yoruba dirge, 101
Dirges, written for African instruments, 65, 168 gong, 98
Yale University, 67
Yetu (Amu), 150
Yeye Ahene Baasa (Otto-Boateng), 160
Zidata Mo Nso Gi (Ekwueme), 68, 70
Le texte seul est utilisable sous licence Licence OpenEdition Books. Les autres éléments (illustrations, fichiers annexes importés) sont « Tous droits réservés », sauf mention contraire.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights: English, French, Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba
Foreword by Wole Soyinka
Creative writing, writers and publishing in Northern Nigeria
Abba Aliyu Sani, Jibrin Ibrahim et Emmanuel Babatunde Omobowale
Archaeological investigation of Itagunmodi potsherd pavement site, Ijesaland, Osun State, Nigeria
1991-1992 season
Babatunde Agbaje-Williams
Guerre et société au royaume de Fetu
Des débuts du commerce atlantique à la constitution de la fédération fanti (Ghana, Côte de l’or, 1471-1720)
Yann Deffontaine