7. Towards an Anthology of Nigerian Art Music
p. 135-147
Texte intégral
1Art. Music in Nigeria is essentially a ‘literary genre’. For works in the idiom to be analysed, understood or performed by students, scholars and performers, they have to be available in clear and legible notation. As of now, most of the works in the idiom are yet to be published and exist only in scores, usually in the often illegible musical handwriting of their various composers. The only exceptions include the early choral and instrumental works by Sowande which were published in the 1950s and 1960s in the United States; a few works by Ekwueme and Akpabot, published in Europe and America; and works by such composers as Euba and Bankole, published by the now defunct Ife Music Editions. The need to collect, codify and publish musical scores by Nigerian composers of Art Music cannot be overemphasised.
2The fact that most of these works are unpublished has resulted in a very low circulation rate. Most of them are rarely featured in performances other than those by their composers. Secondly, it has been extremely difficult for students and scholars to lay their hands on the scores for study purposes. As a first step toward the publication of these scores, we have in this chapter compiled a fairly extensive list of works by Nigerian composers, giving such details as genre, composer, dates of publication (for those that are published) and year of composition, where such information is available. The list is by no means exhaustive but it contains a high percentage of existing, viable works by Nigerian composers. Works whose tides appear here are those which this author was either able to collect or verify the existence of. The list is presented therefore, as a guide for future researchers, performers and those who may be interested in editing and preparing these works for publication. The author possesses single copies of most of the works listed.
3Af’ebi G’adi (Reflections on village warfare) for S.A.T.B., 1980
4Dun Mararadun for S.A.T.B.
Vocal Works
5Gloria Sempra Deo for S.A.T.B. and piano
6Make Me a Channel of Blessing for S.A.T.B. and piano
7Yin Oluwa Iwo Okan Mi (Praise my Soul the King of Heaven)
8Eni To Ba Yo, Ko Mo Yo for soprano solo and piano, 1991
9E See ‘re Ko Dara for choral prelude for S.A.T.B., twin gong and rattles
10He Suffered Loss for solo voice and piano
Piano Works
11Igunmu Ko
12Iya (Mother) for piano, 1982
13Hot Cookie for piano, 1984
14Megida (Leader) for piano, marimba and vibraphone, 1984
15Five Contemporary Pieces (1985)
- Headache
- Complexity
- I feel good
- Last stage
- Thanksgiving
16Repercussion for percussion orchestra, 1985
17Ma Lo We Lokun Mo for piano, 1988
18African Time Line for Yoruba gong quartet, 1989
19Akiti Lo Le Ja (war tone poem) for a mixed ensemble of Nigerian and European percussion instruments, 1989
20Olo-n-toto for violin and piano
Chamber Work
21Series of Knowledge for flute, oboe and muted tuba, 1984
22Supplication (Cantata No. 1 op. 27) for S.A.T.B., organ/band
Choral Works
23Ewa E Je Kakorin (Come let us sing) 1988a, written for Ogbomosho Choir festival for S.A.T.B. and piano, 1988
24Wedding Anthem for S.A.T.B. a capella, 1989
25Biko Ba Je Ti Jesu (But for Jesus Christ) a capella, 1992
26Nitori Re ati Emi (For our sake) S.A.T.B. a capella, 1990
27Eje Ki Ife Ko Wa (Let there be love) for S.A.T.B. and piano, 1990
28Iya Jesu Lori Igi Agbelebu (Christ’s suffering) for S.A.T.B. a capella, 1987
Orchestral Works
29Overture for a Nigerian Ballet for small orchestra, 1959
30Scenes from Nigeria for small orchestra, 1962
31Three Nigerian Dances for string orchestra and percussion, 1962; published by Oxford University Press, 1977
32Ofala Festival for wind orchestra plus 5 African instruments, 1963
33Cynthia‘s Lament for soloists, wind orchestra and 6 African instruments, 1965
34Nigeria in Conflict for wind orchestra and 8 African instruments, 1973
35Three Roads to Tomorrow (sound track for the film of the same name) 1959
36Journey through Africa (sound track for feature film of the same name for U.S.T.A. Washington) 1965
Choral Works
37Jaja of Opobo folk opera in Efik, English and Ibo, 1972
38Two Nigerian Folk Tunes for choir and piano, 1974
39Te Deum Laudamus (Church anthem) for choir and organ, 1975
40Verba Christi cantata for 3 soloists, chorus and orchestra, 1977
Choral Works
41Gbo Ohun Awon Angeli (Hark, the Herald Angels Sing) Arr. for S.A.T.B. and piano, 1992
42Ife Jesu (The love of Jesus) for S.A.T.B.
43The Sailors for soloists, chorus, and piano, 1994
44Oluwa l’Oluso Aguntan Mi (Anthem) for S.A.T.B. and organ
45Ya Orule for piano, 1957
46Nigerian Suite for piano, 1957, Chappell, London, 1961
47Christmas Sonata for piano, 1959
48The Passion Sonata for piano, 1959; University of Ife Press, 1977
49English Winterbirds for piano, 1961
50Fugal Dance for the piano
51Toccata and Fugue for organ, 1960; published by University of Ife Press, 1978
52Three Toccatas for organ, 1967
Vocal Works
53Cantata in Yoruba : Baba Se Wa Ni Omo Rere (Father make us good children) for female chorus and chamber orchestra, 1958
54Sonata No 2 in C (Pàssion), 1958
55Song Cycle for Bass Baritone, 1958
56Beni Arunkarun Kan Ki Yio Sunmo Irere, 1959
57Three Part Songs for female choir, 1959; University of Ife Press, 1975
58Three Yoruba Songs for bass and piano, 1959; University of Ife Press, 1976
59Christmas Comes But Once a Year, 1959
60Keresimesi Odun De, 1960
61The Children of the Sun, 1961
62Choral Fugue, 1962
63Cantata in Yoruba : Jona for soprano solo, speaker in English, drum, piano, tambura and orchestra, 1964
64Canon for Christmas, 1964
65Little Jesus, 1964
66And Art Thou Come, 1964
67Eru O b’Omo Aje, 1964
68God Rest You Merry, 1966
69Lullaby, 1966
70Be Prepared (Girl Guide’s Jubilee Song) 1966
71Ten Yoruba Songs for voice and piano, 1966
72Angels from the Realms, 1966
73Ore-Ofe Jesu Kristi (The grace of Jesus) for unaccompanied choir, 1967
74The School Song (for Auntie Ayo’s Girls Comprehensive School)
75Salve Christe, 1968
76Ps 23, 1968
77Adura fun Alafia (Prayer for peace) for voice and piano, 1969
78Ona Ara (Mysterious ways) for full chorus, soloists, organ and Yoruba instruments, 1970
79Fun Mi Ni ‘Beji No. I for unaccompanied choir, 1970
80Fun Mi Ni ‘Beji No. II for unaccompanied choir, 1970
81Love Everlasting, 1972
82Mighty Africa Games, 1973
83Cantata in English and Yoruba : Festac for soloists, chorus and orchestra which includes woodwinds, brass and some Nigerian traditional instruments, 1974
84Festac Cantata No 4, 1976
85Grand Little One (words by Meki Nzewi)
86Fugal Dance for Piano
87Gbogbo Aiye E Yo E Ho
89Sweet Sweet Jesus (words by Meki Nzewi)
90L’Orun, 1962
91Three Toccatas based on traditional tunes, 1962
92E Tu Awon Enia Mi Ninu, 1962
93Ta Awon Orun Nro’hin, 1962
94Baba Wa Mbe, 1962
95E Wa Oluwa, 1963
96Pa Oju Re Mo, 1963
97L’Ojo Ekini Ose, 1963
98Enyin Araiye Eje Kayo, 1963
99Ago Re Wonni ti Lewa To, 1963
100The Risen Lord, 1964
101Isin Idapo Mimo, 1964
102Ebun Emi Mimo, 1964
103Nkan Wonyi Ni Mo Ti So, 1964
Vocal and Choral Works
104Sopuru Chineke Nima Mma Nke Idi Nso (O worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness) for S.A.T.B., 1958
105Nmu Nwa Golibe (Come, children with singing) for two-part chorus of women’s voices and solo voices, a capella) published in 1974 by Lawson- Gould Music Publishers, USA)
106Onye Nagara Nke oma Ka Madu Ahu Bu (Blessed is the man) for S.A.T.B. and piano, 1976
107Nwoyoyo for S.A.T.B. a capella
108Chineke No N’ulo Nso Ya (God is in His Holy Temple) for S.A.T.B. a capella, 1976
109Bulienu Obi Unu (Lift up your hearts) for S.A.T.B. a capella
110Zidata Mo Nso Gi (Send down thy Holy Spirit, O Lord) for S.A.T.B., 1989
111Nne Neku Nwa (O Mary, dear mother) for S.A.T.B.
112Elimeli (Igbo glee) for T.T.B.B.
113Nno (Welcome) for S.A.T.B.
114Kumbaya (Angolan folk song) for S.A.T.B. and piano
115The Turtle Dove (English folk song) Arr. for soprano solo and piano
116De Blin Man (Negro spiritual) Arr. for tenor/soprano solo, chorus, S.A.T.B. 1989
117Chi Chi Bud (Jamaican folk song) Arr. for soprano solo, S.A.T.B., 1970
118Let My People Go (Negro spiritual) Arr. for soprano solo, S.A.T.B. and piano 1966
119Eku Ewu (Yoruba folk melody) Arr. for soprano solo, S.A.T.B. and piano, 1976
120Olele (Yoruba melody) Arr. for soprano solo and piano
121Obi Dimkpa for S.A.T.B
122Hombe (Kenyan-Luo-folk song) Arr. for alto solo and S.A.T.B.
123Amara (the Grace)
124Three African Carols
125A Night in Bethlehem
Orchestral Work
126Nigerian Rhapsody for strings
Chamber Work
127Dance of the Black Witches for quintet
128Six Yoruba folk songs for voice and piano, 1959
129Two Yoruba folk songs for unaccompanied choir, 1959
130Three Yoruba songs for baritone, piano and iyalu, 1963, oriki scores
Piano and Chamber Works
131Igi Nla So for piano and four Yoruba drums, 1953, oriki scores
132Four Pictures from Oyo calabashes for piano, 1964
133Impressions from Akwete Cloth for piano, 1964
134Wind Quintet, 1967
135Ice Cubes for strings, 1970
136The Wanderer for violin, cello and piano, 1960
137Scenes from Traditional Life for piano, University of Ife Press, 1977
138String Quartet, 1957
139Saturday Night at Caban Bamboo, 1964
Orchestral Works
140Introduction and Allegro for orchestra, 1956
141Abiku No I for Nigerian instruments, 1965
142Four Pieces for African orchestra, 1966
143Olurombi for symphony orchestra, 1967
144Abiku No. II for three part choir and Nigerian instruments, 1968
145Dirges for speakers, singers, and African instruments, 1972
146Alantangana for singers, dancers and Nigerian instruments, 1975
147Two Tortoise Folk Tales for speakers and Nigerian instruments, 1975
148Morning, Noon and Night for singers, dancers and Nigerian instruments, 1967
149Chaka for soloist, chorus and orchestra, 1970
150The Rascals
151Opu Jaja
Part Songs
153Nnwa Aramonu for S.A.T.B. a cappella
154Onina Manya Ogo for S.A.T.B. a cappella, 1972
155Ajama-Kwara Ngwongwo for S.A.T.B. with piano, 1979
156Anoro Anokwukwu for S.A.T.B. a cappella
157Nma-wo for S.A.T.B. a cappella, 1973
158O Se Va (folksong arrangement) for S.A.T.B. a cappella
159Ogun Salewa (folksong arrangement) for S.A.T.B. a cappella
160Ozuitem Obodomu (folksong arrangement) for S.A.T.B. a cappella
161Eringa (folksong arrangement) for S.A.T.B. a cappella
162Wa Aramonu for S.A.T.B.
163Dim Oma (folksong arrangement) for S.A.T.B.
Solo Songs
164Nwa Mgbogho Delu Uli (folksong arrangement) for voice and piano
165Ife Di Na Oba (folksong arrangement) voice and piano
166Afufu Uwa for voice, flute and piano, 1975
167Nyarinya (Hausa) for soprano solo and piano
168Marna G’abara Mu Mba for soprano solo and piano
169The Blue Nocturne for piano
170War Dance for piano
171The Vengeance of the Lizards, 1966
172Dr Feeles, 1968
173Ayi Le Legwumia for S.A.T.B
174Inine for S.A.T.B.
175The Moonsage Hero for soloists, chorus and instrumental ensemble
176A Drop of Honey for soloists, chorus and instrumental ensemble
177Things Fall Apart (operatic version of Chinua Achebe’s popular novel) for soloists, chorus and instrumental ensemble
178Kunje for soloists, chorus and instrumental ensemble
179We the People for soloists, chorus and instrumental ensemble
Orchestral Work
180Death and the Dance of the Spirits (a symphonic poem)
Piano Works
181Searching No. 2 Maiden’s Clappers
182Seaching No. 3 Youth Dance
183University of Nigeria Song for S.A.T.B.
184Jemine (Itsekiri folk song)
185Things Fall Apart (Musical Theme) 1974
186Egwu Atilogwu, 1990
187Two Songs for Africa for S.A.T.B.
188Uwa Tate
189Anta fiong
190Anseye Igbeyawo (Yoruba wedding music)
191Mayo Wa (Yoruba hymn book)
192Ode for a New Morning for soloists, chorus and piano, 1989
193Kings for Sale (to a libretto by Oyin Medubi) for soloists, chorus, piano and Nigerian instruments, 1990
194Odyssey of an Innocent for soloists, chorus, piano and wind instruments, 1994
195Beyond the River for soloists, chorus and piano, 1988
Choral Works
196Abi Jesus (The birth of Jesus) for S.A.T.B. and piano, 1988
197Omo Mimo (Holy child) for S.A.T.B. and piano, 1990
198Ona Kan (One way) for S.A.T.B. and piano, 1991
199Baba Olorun Wa (Our Heavenly Father) for S.A.T.B. and piano, 1991
200Eyin Oluwa (Praise the Lord) for SATB and piano, 1991
201Wade in De Water (Negro Spiritual) Arr. for SATB and piano, 1989
202Oyigiyigi (Yoruba melody) Arr. for S.A.T.B. and piano, 1992
203Eje K’omode Ko Wa (Yoruba melody) Arr. for S.A.T.B. and piano, 1992
204Sunnyside of Life (Popular melody) Arr. for S.A.T.B. and organ, 1992
Orchestral Work
205Harmattan Overture for full orchestra, 1980
Chamber Work
206Adieu for clarinet and piano, 1980
Piano Works
207Three Nigerian Dances, 1988
208Shades of Agony, 1994
209Ofa Ife (Arrow of Love) for baritone solo, piano and iya-ilu, dundun (hour- glass drum), 1994
Organ Works
210Kyrie, 1955 Chappell, London
211Oyigiyigi, 1958, Ricordi, New York
212Gloria, 1958, Ricordi, New York
213Ka Mura, 1945, Chappell, London
214Prayer, 1958, Ricordi, New York
215Obangiji, 1955, Chappell, London
216Joshua Fit de Battle of Jericho, 1955, Chappell, London
217Yoruba Lament, 1955, Chappell, London
218Jesu Olugbala, 1955, Chappell, London
219K’a Mo Rokoso
220Oba Aba Ke Pe
221Responses in “A”, 1959
Choral Works
222The Wedding Day for S. S. A. with piano, 1957, RDH
223Sometimes I. Feel Like a Motherless Child for S. A.T.B. a cappella, 1955, Chappell, London
224My Way’s Cloudy for S. A.T.B. with piano, 1955, Chappell, London
225De Ol’ Ark’s a-Moverin’ for S.A.T.B.B. a cappella with tenor solo, 1955, Chappell, London
226Same Train for S.A.T.B.B. a cappella, 1955, Chappell, London
227Steal Away for S.A.T.B.B. a cappella, 1955, Chappell, London
228Roll de Ol’ Chariot for S.A.T.B.B. with piano and rhythm combo, 1955, Chappell, London
229All I do for S.A.T.B.B. with piano and rhythm combo, 1961, Ricordi, New York
230Goin’ to set down for S.A.T.B. a cappella with soprano solo, 1961, Ricordi, New York
231Couldn’t Hear Nobody Pray for S.A.T.B. a cappella with soprano solo, 1958, Ricordi, New York
232De Angels Are Watchin’for S.A.T.B. a cappella with soprano and tenor solo1958, Ricordi, New York
233Nobody Knows de Trouble I See for S.A.T.B. a cappella, 1958, Ricordi, New York
234Wheel, Oh Wheel for S.A.T.B. a cappella, 1961, Ricordi, New York
235Wid a Sword in Ma Han’for S.A.T.B.B. a cappella, 1958, Ricordi, New York
236Sit Doum Servant for T.T.B.B. a cappella and tenor solo, 1961, Ricordi, New York
237Out of Zion for S.A.T.B. with organ, 1955
238St. Jude’s Response for S.A.T.B. with organ
239Oh Render Thanks (hymn-anthem) for S.A.T.B. with organ, 1960
240Nigerian National Anthem (an arrangement) for S.A.T.B. with organ, 1960
Solo Songs
241Three Songs of Contemplation for tenor and piano, 1950, Chappell, London
242Because of You for voice and piano, 1950, Chappell, London
243Three Yoruba Songs for voice and piano, 1954, Ibadan
Orchestral Works
244Four Sketches for full orchestra, 1953
245African Suite for string orchestra, 1955, Chappell, London
246Folk Symphony for full orchestra, i960
247Four Igbo Songs for soprano and piano, 1972
248Two Igbo Songs for soprano and piano, 1973
249Four Nigerian Dances for piano, 1976
250Lustra Variations for piano, 1976
251Sketches for piano, 1977
252Masquerade for piano and iyalu, 1980
253Ritual Procession for African orchestra, 1981
254Fanfare for wind orchestra, 1981
255Watermaid for soprano and orchestra, 1983
256Oja for wind quintet, 1982
257Ma gbagbe ile (Compositions and arrangements of folk songs) Oxford University Press, London, 1963
258Orin Yoruba (compiled by J. Ajibola) University of Ife Press, 1974
259This compilation consists of 71 compositions by various church composers (including Ajibola)
260Fayo Sin Ibadan, 1985
261A compilation consisting of 102 compositions by various church composers and in use at Saint Stephen’s Church, Ibadan
Sacred Choral Music
262Versicles and Responses
263Te Deum
264Psalm 150
265Nunc Dimittis
266Chukwu Gozi’e Gichebe Gi for S.A.T.B., unaccompanied
267Onye Nmenie for S.A.T.B., unaccompanied
268Chukwu No Rue Ebigh’ebi for S.A.T.B., unaccompanied
269Chukwu Nke Bi n’Igwe for S.A.T.B., unaccompanied
270Chere Oge Ya for S.A.T.B., unaccompanied
271Rue Ole Mgbe for S.A.T.B., unaccompanied
272Obu n’Ututu m’Obu n’Anyasi for S.A.T.B., unaccompanied
273I Nenwegh Oyiri for S.A.T.B., unaccompanied
274Yoruba Sacred Songs, London, n.d.
275This compilation consists of 57 compositions by various church music composers including T.K.E. Phillips
276Ore Ofe Kristi for S.A.T.B. and organ
277Nipe Ife Olugbala for S.A.T.B. and organ
278Iwe Orin Itunu (Book of Pleasant Songs) — A collection of numerous sacred compositions in Yoruba in unison.
Choral Works
279Emi Ogbe Oju Mi Soke Wonni (I will lift up my eyes) for soprano solo, and organ
280A Nwa for S.A.T.B. and organ
281Magnificat in C for S.A.T.B. and organ
282Awa Ma Dowo Re for S.A.T.B. and organ
283Yoruba Cantata for S.A.T.B. and organ
284Ps 87
285Ps 126
286Ps 148
288Magnificat in C in Yoruba
289Ninu Agbala Olorun Wa
290Festival Processional Hymn
291Nigeria National Anthem
292A Choral Suite
294Memoirs of Childhood for piano
295Moonlight Dances for piano
296Theme and Variation for piano
297Aka Watageria Arr. for S.A.T.B. and piano
298Four Solo Songs for voice and piano
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Universal Declaration of Human Rights: English, French, Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba
Foreword by Wole Soyinka
Creative writing, writers and publishing in Northern Nigeria
Abba Aliyu Sani, Jibrin Ibrahim et Emmanuel Babatunde Omobowale
Archaeological investigation of Itagunmodi potsherd pavement site, Ijesaland, Osun State, Nigeria
1991-1992 season
Babatunde Agbaje-Williams
Guerre et société au royaume de Fetu
Des débuts du commerce atlantique à la constitution de la fédération fanti (Ghana, Côte de l’or, 1471-1720)
Yann Deffontaine