Creative writing, writers and publishing in Northern Nigeria
Time and time again, scholars and students of Nigerian literature have stressed one issue, which is the underdevelopment of creative writing in northern Nigeria. To support their position, they often refer to the so-called educational ‘backwardness’ of the region vis-a-vis the rest of the country. Their argument is also predicated on the paucity of works of art written in English by Northern writers. The aim of this study is to counter the view that creative writing in northern Nigeria is stil...
Éditeur : IFRA-Nigeria
Lieu d’édition : Ibadan
Publication sur OpenEdition Books : 28 janvier 2022
ISBN numérique : 979-10-92312-61-4
DOI : 10.4000/books.ifra.3400
Collection : Africas: Languages, History and Arts
Année d’édition : 1997
ISBN (Édition imprimée) : 978-978-2015-50-1
Nombre de pages : 52
Abba Aliyu Sani et Jibrin Ibrahim
Section I
Creative Writing, Writers and Publishing in Northern NigeriaTime and time again, scholars and students of Nigerian literature have stressed one issue, which is the underdevelopment of creative writing in northern Nigeria. To support their position, they often refer to the so-called educational ‘backwardness’ of the region vis-a-vis the rest of the country. Their argument is also predicated on the paucity of works of art written in English by Northern writers. The aim of this study is to counter the view that creative writing in northern Nigeria is still in its infancy. Because of the peculiar nature of the development of creative writing in northern Nigeria, books written in English have been regarded as more important, and this trend should be reversed.
Department of English
Department of Political Science Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria
Department of English University of Ibadan
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