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p. 71-80

Texte intégral


Research in Human Sciences and the Humanities

1Dear Respondent,

2We are undertaking a study of an important aspect of human development, which requires your kind cooperation. We would request you to kindly respond to the questions hereunder as truthfully as you can. We assure you that every information you provide shall be treated confidentially. Thank you.

Part A: Juvenile Biosocial Data: (Tick the appropriate answers)

31. Sex: 01M [] 02 F []

42. Age: [years] 01 under 14 [] 02 15 – 17 []

53. Religion: 01 Christianity [] 02 Islam [] 03 Traditional African [] 04 Others []

64. Number of Siblings: 01 0-6 [] 02 7-12 [] 03 13+ []

75. Position among Siblings: 01 1st – 3rd [] 02 4th and above []

86. Highest Qualification: 01 None [] 02 Koranic [] 03 Some primary [] 04 Primary [] 05 Some Secondary [] 06 Secondary [] 07 After Secondary but not yet in post secondary institution [] 08 Tertiary []

Part B: Socio-economic Attributes of Parents/Guardians of Juveniles

91. Father’s occupation: 01 Force/Military [] 02 Civil Servant [] 03 Business [] 04 Farming [] 05 Carpentry/Mason/Others []

102. Mother’s occupation: 01 Force/Military [] 02 Civil servant [] 03 Business [] 04 Farming [] 05 Carpentry/Mason/Others []

113. Father’s religion: 01 Christianity [] 02 Islam [] 03 Others

124. Mother’s religion: 01 Christianity [] 02 Islam [] 03 Others

135. Parent’s/guardian’s type of residential quarters: 01 1-room [] 02 2-rooms [] 03 3-room [] 04 4-room []

146. Present marital status of parents/guardians: 01 Married [] 02 Separated [] 03 Widowed [] 04 Divorced []

157. How many wives does your father have? 01 1 [] 02 2 [] 04 More than 3 [] 05 None []

168. If he has many, do they all live with him? 01 Yes [] 02 No [] 03 I don’t know []

179. If yes (Q.8), how many of them? 01 2 [] 02 3 [] 03 4 + []

Part C: Socio-economic Background of Juveniles

181. Ownership of school attended/attending: 01 Government [] 02 Private [secular] [] 03 Private religious []

192 Type of work you do: 01 Business [] 02 Hawking [] 03 I don’t know []

203. Ownership of your place of work: 01 Both parents [] 02 Mother only [] 03 Father only [] 04 Government [] 05 Parents and others []

214. Number of boy/girl friends that you have sex with: 01 1 [] 02 2 [] 03 3 [] 04 4+ []

225. Who do you live with? 01 Both parents [] 02 Mother only [] 03 Father only [] 04 With relative/guardian [] 05 With friend (s) []

236. Who provides for your welfare? 01 Both parents [] 02 Father only [] 03 Mother only [] 04 Parents’ friends [] 05 A good teacher in my school/area []

247. Indicate what you normally do when your parents/guardians provide you what you need (tick as many as apply to you).

2501 Attend classes, read and do my assignments []

2602 Follow school activities []

2703 Do what my masters/teachers tell me to do []

2804 Do domestic chores with my parents/guardians []

2905 Play with friends in the neighbourhood []

3006 Go on parents’ errands []

3107 Sleep on my own []

3208 Watch films at home/cinema halls ()

338. Where you go when free from school/home/work.

3401 Outside the school compound (]

3502 To the street []

3603 Stay at home resting []

3704 Visit my peer group friends [[

3805 Call on my teachers []

399. What do you do with your pocket money/pay?

4001 Buy food []

4102 Buy dress []

4203 Buy cigarettes []

4304 Buy party tickets []

4410. Who do you stay with most of the time?

4501 Friends []

4602 Parents []

4703 Teachers []

4811. Do you know any bad friend (s)?

4901 Yes [] 02 No []

5012. If yes (Q. 15), do you like the way the person (s) do (es) things?

5101 Yes [] 02 No []

5213. What do you do most of the time?

5301 Play and beg with friends in and out of home/school |]

5402 Stay at the shop []

5503 Read and study my books (]

5604 Watch films/videos |]

5705 Attend night parties f]

5806 Attend cinemas []

5914. If you watch tv/videos, what is your time preference?

6001 4 pm-8pm []

6102 10 pm-12 midnight and beyond []

6215. What type of films/videos do you prefer?

6301 Comedies []

6402 Dramas []

6503 War films []

6604 Detectives/blue movies []

6716. What if our parents/guardians do not provide what you need when at school/home/work?

6801 Pick anybody’s belongings that I can find []

6902 Go out and beg for food/other things []

7003 Secretly take anything I see and sell it for money []

7104 Fight other people, because I don’t have what they have []

7205 Sleep without doing anything []

7306 Go away to my group friends to find what to satisfy our needs []

7407 Help my parents []

7517. Ever heard of a fight between two or more people?

7601 Yes [] 02 No []

7718. Ever witnessed a fight between two or more people?

7801 Yes [] 02 No []

7919. Ever participated in a fight?

8001 Yes [] 02 No []

8120. If yes (Q.19), who got you involved in the fight?

8201 Self [] 02 Brothers [] 03 Sisters [] 04 Friends []

8305 Teachers [] 06 Parents/guardians []

8421. Why did you get involved in the action (Q.19)?

8501 My belonging was stolen []

8602 Somebody beat my friend []

8703 Somebody beat my parents/guardians []

8804 Somebody beat my brothers/sisters []

8905 I don’t know []

9022. Ever set fire to a building?

9101 Yes [] 02 No []

9223. If yes (Q.22) Why?

9301 I just did it []

9402 I was sent by my teacher []

9503 I was sent by my parents []

9604 I saw others doing it []

9705 I don’t know []

9824. If yes (Q.22), what type of building?

9901 House [] 02 School [] 03 Mosque [] 04 Church []

10025. Ever used a sharp object on somebody resulting in injuries?

10101 Yes [] 02 No []

10226. If yes (Q.25), who did you use the object on?

10301 Thief [] 02 Neighbour in our quarters [] 03 Stranger []

10404 Father [] 05 Mother [] 06 School mate []

10507 Somebody in the area of business []

10627. Ever participated in a riot?

10701 Yes [] 2 No []

10828. If yes (Q.27), what time of the day was that?

10901 Night [] 02 Day []

11029. Did you drink, inhale, smoke or eat something before doing what

111you indicatd in (QQ. 19-27)?

11201 Yes [] 02 No []

113Describe what you normally use and/or did use before the action

11430. If yes (Q.29), who gave you the substance that you used or are using?

11501 Self []

11602 A good friend/relation of mine []

11703 Father []

11804 Mother []

11905 Father and mother []

12006 Teacher in school []

12107 Master []

12231. With whom did you do what you did (QQ. 19-29)?

12301 Alone [] 02 With a friend (s) [] 03 With a crowd []

12432. When first did you do that (i.e. use the substance)?

12501 2 days to 4 weeks ago []

12602 1-2 months ago []

12703 1-5 years ago []

12804 6 and more years ago []

12933. When last did you do that (i.e. use the substance)?

13001 2 days to 4 weeks ago []

13102 1-2 months ago []

13203 1-5 years ago []

13304 6 and more years ago []

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