Figures, maps, tables
p. vii-ix
Texte intégral
List of figures
Chapter 1
1.1 FRSC and Nigeria Watch records of fatalities caused by road accidents (2007-2013)
1.2 Cumulated figures of violent deaths in Nigeria, by cause (June 2006-
May 2014)
1.3 Vehicle types and road accidents in Nigeria (June 2006-May 2014)
1.4 Fatal road accidents by days of the week (June 2006-May 2014)
1.5 Number of violent deaths in Nigeria caused by road accidents, by state (June 2006-May 2014)
1.6 Number of violent deaths in Nigeria caused by road accidents, by region (June 2006-May 2014)
1.7 Number of motor vehicles registered in Nigeria (2007)
Chapter 2
2.1 Physical flow of products: Retail route used by Major and Independent Marketers in Nigeria
2.2 Annual number of deaths caused by oil distribution (June 2006-May 2014)
2.3 Deaths due to oil distribution, by state (June 2006-May 2014)
2.4 Violent deaths caused by oil production (June 2006-May 2014)
2.5 Number of deaths resulting from oil production, by state (June 2006- May 2014)
Chapter 3
3.1 Violent deaths in Nigeria caused by cattle grazing, per year (June 2006- May 2014)
3.2 Violent deaths caused by cattle grazing in Nigeria, by state, cumulated figures (June 2006-May 2014)
3.3 Violent deaths in Nigeria caused by cattle grazing, cumulative figures per month (June 2006-May 2014)
Chapter 4
4.1 Number of violent deaths in Nigeria, by protagonist, cumulated figures (June 2006-May 2014)
4.2 Number of violent deaths in events where cult societies were involved, by state, cumulated figures (June 2006-May 2014)
4.3 Violent deaths caused by political issues in events where cult societies were involved (June 2006-May 2014)
4.4 Number of violent deaths in Nigeria caused by sorcery, per year (June 2006-
May 2014)
4.5 Number of violent deaths caused by political issues, per year (June 2006- May 2014)
Chapter 5
5.1 Absolute number of violent deaths per year (June 2006-May 2014)
5.2 Violent deaths caused by religious issues, per year (June 2006-May 2014)
5.3 Violent deaths involving Islamic and Christian groups, per year (June 2006-May 2014)
Chapter 6
6.1 Number of violent deaths resulting from incidents where the security forces intervened, per year (June 2006-May 2014)
6.2 Number of violent deaths resulting from incidents where the security forces intervened, by type of relationship (June 2006-May 2014)
6.3 Number of violent deaths resulting from incidents where the army intervened, per year (June 2006-May 2014)
6.4 Number of violent deaths resulting from incidents where the police intervened, per year (June 2006-May 2014)
6.5 Number of violent deaths resulting from incidents where the police intervened, by type of relationship (June 2006-May 2014)
6.6 Frequency of security forces killings in selected states (June 2006-May 2014)
6.7 Frequency of security forces killings, by perpetrators, in selected states (June 2006-May 2014)
6.8 Percentages per month of the total fatalities caused by the security forces during the 2007 general elections
6.9 Percentages per month of the total fatalities caused by the security forces during the 2011 general elections
Chapter 7
7.1 Percentage of violent deaths per year in Aninri LGA (June 2006-May 2014)
7.2 Percentage of violent deaths per year in Isi-Uzo LGA (June 2006-May 2014)
7.3 Percentage of causes of violent deaths in Aninri LGA (June 2006-May 2014)
7.4 Percentage of causes of violent deaths in Isi-Uzo LGA (June 2006-May 2014)
List of maps
Chapter 1
1.1 Fatalities caused by road accidents in Nigeria (June 2006-May 2014)
1.2 Fatality rates related to road accidents in Nigeria, per 100,000 inhabitants (June 2006-May 2014)
Chapter 2
2.1 Fatalities resulting from oil distribution in Nigeria (June 2006-May 2014)
2.2 Fatality rates resulting from oil distribution in Nigeria, per 100,000 inhabitants (June 2006-May 2014)
2.3 Fatalities resulting from oil production in Nigeria (June 2006-May 2014)
2.4 Fatality rates resulting from oil production in Nigeria, per 100,000 inhabitants (June 2006-May 2014)
Chapter 3
3.1 Fatalities caused by cattle grazing in Nigeria (June 2006-May 2014)
3.2 Fatality rates caused by cattle grazing in Nigeria, per 100,000 inhabitants (June 2006-May 2014)
Chapter 4
4.1 Fatality rates caused by sorcery in Nigeria, per 100,000 inhabitants (June 2006-May 2014)
4.2 Fatalities in events where cult societies were involved in Nigeria (June 2006-May 2014)
Chapter 5
5.1 Fatalities caused by religious issues in Nigeria (June 2006-May 2014)
Chapter 6
6.1 Fatalities resulting from incidents where the security forces intervened in Nigeria (June 2006-May 2014)
Chapter 7
7.1 Invisible violence in some selected LGAs
List of tables
Chapter 1
1.1 Severity index of fatal road accidents, by state (June 2006-May 2014)
1.2 Number of violent deaths in Nigeria caused by road accidents, per month (June 2006-May 2014)
1.3 Yearly breakdown of violent road accident deaths in Nigeria (June 2006-May 2014)
1.4 Summary of fatal car accidents in Lagos, by LGA and route (June 2006-May 2014)
1.5 Summary of fatal car accidents in Edo, by LGA and route (June 2006-May 2014)
1.6 Summary of fatal car accidents in FCT (Abuja), by LGA and route (June 2006-May 2014)
1.7 Population of main cities and number of deaths caused by road accidents (June 2006-May 2014)
Chapter 4
4.1 Number of male and female victims killed because of the belief in sorcery, Nigeria (June 2006-May 2014)
4.2 Number of adults and children killed because of the belief in sorcery, Nigeria (June 2006-May 2014)
Chapter 5
5.1 Frequencies of violent death incidents involving Muslims and Christians (religious and non-religious issues) (June 2006-May 2014)
5.2 Violent deaths of Christian clerics due to Islamist (mainly Boko Haram)-related attacks (June 2006-May 2014)
5.3 Violent deaths of Islamic clerics due to Islamist (mainly Boko Haram)-related attacks (June 2006-May 2014)
Chapter 7
7.1 Demographic characteristics of respondents in Aninri LGA
7.2 Violent events recorded in Aninri LGA (June 2006-May 2014)
7.3 Demographic characteristics of respondents in Isi-Uzo LGA
7.4 Violent events recorded in Isi-Uzo LGA (June 2006-May 2014)
Chapter 8
8.1 Violence types and fatalities in Egbedore LGA (November 2009-June 2014)
8.2 Violence types and fatalities in Ifedayo LGA (December 2009-September 2014)
Chapter 9
9.1 Violent deaths in Baure LGA (2006-2014)
9.2 Violent deaths in Kurfi LGA (2006-2014)
9.3 Violent deaths in Mani LGA (2006-2014)
9.4 Violent deaths in Matazu LGA (2006-2014)
9.5 Violent deaths in Ingawa LGA (2006-2014)
Chapter 10
10.1 Demographics of respondents in Gudu, Gwadabawa, Illela, and Sakaba LGAs
10.2 Violent incidents in Gudu LGA (June 2006-May 2014)
10.3 Violent incidents in Gwadabawa LGA (June 2006-May 2014)
10.4 Violent incidents in Illela LGA (June 2006-May 2014)
10.5 Violent incidents in Sakaba LGA (June 2006-May 2014)
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