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Appendix 1: Structure of Ibn ‘Abidin’s Radd

p. 695-698

Texte intégral

1Muammad Amīn Ibn ‘Ābidīn, āshiyat Radd al-mutār ‘ala ad-durr al-mukhtār: Shar tanwīr al-abār fī fiqh madhhab al-imām Abī anīfa al-Nu‘mān, 8 vol. (Mekka: al-Maktaba al-Tijāriyya, 1386/1966).

2The unfinished eight-volume treatise is a āshiya to afakī’s Radd al-mutār. Volumes 7 and 8 were completed by the author’s son.

3Each kitāb (book) contains several bābs (sections) and malabs (“requests”), but not all are listed below.

4Sections extensively commented upon in this study are in bold.

VOL. 1: religious rituals


6Muqaddima, 35-78

7on various issues of the madhhab, custom and language, ikhtilāf, abaqāt, taqlīd, ijtihād, āhir al-riwāya, etc.

8Kitāb al-ahāra, Book of purity, 79-350

  • Bāb al-miyāh, water, 179-228

  • Bāb al-tayammum, intention (intending to), 229-259

  • Bāb al-ay, menstruation, 282-307

  • Bāb al-anjās, impurity, 308-350

9Kitāb al-alāt, prayer, 351ff

  • Bāb al-ādhān, call for prayer, 383-403

  • Bāb shurū al-alāt, stipulations for praying, 404-440

  • Bāb ifat al-alāt, the essence of the prayer, 441-546

  • Bāb al-imāmah, leadership, 547-598

  • Bāb al-istikhlāf, appointment of successor, 599-662

VOL. 2: mostly religious rituals

  • Bāb al-watr wa-l-nawāfil, evening prayers and the superfluous, 3-49

  • Bāb idrāk al-farīa, knowledge of religious duties, 50-61

  • Bāb qaā’ al-fawā’it, completing what has been missed, 62-119

  • Bāb alāt al-musāfir, prayer of the traveler, 120-164

  • Bāb al-‘īdayn, the two feasts, 165-183

  • Bāb alāt al-khawf, prayer of fear, 186-189

  • Bāb alāt al-janā’iz, prayers in funerals, 189-246

  • Bāb al-shahīd, the martyr, 247-255

10Kitāb al-zakāt, almsgiving, 256-324

  • Bāb al-‘ushr, tithe, 325-338

11Kitāb al-awm, fasting, 369-452

12Kitāb al-ajj, pilgrimage, 453-627

VOL. 3: marriage and divorce

13Kitāb al-nikā, marriage, 3-225

14Kitāb al-alāq, divorce, 226-638

15Kitāb al-‘itq, manumission, 639-701

16kitāb al-īmān, belief, 702-850

VOL. 4: punishments and pecuniary transactions

17Kitāb al-udūd, punishments, 3-81

18Kitāb al-sariqa, theft, 82-118

19Kitāb al-jihād, holy war, 119-174

  • Bāb al-‘ushr wa-l-kharāj wa-l-jizya, tithes and taxes, 175-194

  • Fal fi-l-jizya, tax on minorities, 195-220

20Kitāb al-laqī, foundling, waif, 269-275

21Kitāb al-luqa, article found, 276-285

22Kitāb al-ibāq, absconding of slave, 286-291

23Kitāb al-mafqūd, lost objects, 292-297

24Kitāb al-sharika, partnership, 298-336

25Kitāb al-waqf, trusts am mortem, 337-499

  • (shar al-wāqif ka-naṣṣ al-shāri‘, importance of custom, 433/4, etc.)

26Kitāb al-buyū‘, buying and selling, contract of sale, 500-604

VOL. 5: pecuniary transactions

  • Bāb khiyār al-‘ayb, option from defect, actio empti, 3-49

  • Bāb al-bay‘ al-fāsid, voidable sale, 49-118

  • Bāb al-ifāla, 119-131

  • Bāb al-murābaa wa-l-tawliya, markup contract, 132-167

  • (on debt as dayn and qar, etc.)

  • Bāb al-ribā, usury, 168-187

  • Bāb al-uqūq, rights, 187-189

  • Bāb al-istiqāq, vindication of immovable property, 190-208

  • Bāb al-salam, payment in advance, 209-225

  • Bāb al-Mutafarriqāt, miscellany, 226-256

  • Bāb al-arf, money exchange, 257-280

27Kitāb al-Kafāla, guarantee, 281-339

28Kitāb al-awwālah, transfer, 340-350

29Kitāb al-qaā’, judging, 351-460

30Kitāb al-shahādāt, witnessing, 461-508

31Kitāb al-wakāla, representation, 509-540

32Kitāb al-da‘wa, lawsuit, 541-587

33Kitāb al-iqrār, acknowledgement, 588-627

34Kitāb al-ul, peaceful settlements, 628-644

35Kitāb al-muāraba, sleeping partnership, 645-661

36Kitāb al-idā‘, delivery, 662-675

37Kitāb al-‘āriya, lending, 676-687

38Kitāb al-hiba, donation, 687-711

VOL. 6: transactions & homicides

39Kitāb al-ijāra, rent, 3-96

40Kitāb al-mukātab, slave with a manumission contract, 97-118

41Kitāb al-walā’, submission, 119-127

42Kitāb al-ikrāh, duress, 128-141

43Kitāb al-ajr, inhibition, 142-153

44Kitāb al-ma’dhūn, the permitted, 154-176

45Kitāb al-ghab, unauthorized use, 177-215

46Kitāb al-shuf‘a, pre-emption, 216-252

47Kitāb al-qismah, assessment of wills, 253-273

48Kitāb al-muzāra‘a, sharecropping, 274

49Kitāb al-musāqaāt, sharecropping over planted lands, 285-292

50Kitāb al-dhabā’i, slaughtered animals, 293-310


52Kitāb al-jināyāt, homicides, 527-572, 647-726

53Kitāb al-waāyā, wills, 647-757

54Kitāb al-khuntha, hermaphrodite, 727-757

55Kitāb al-farā’i, successions, 757-815 (end of book 6).

VOL. 7: transactions

56Both volumes 7 and 8 are known as Qurrat ‘uyūn al-akhbār: Takmilat radd al-mutār, and completed by Muammad ‘Alā’ al-Dīn Ibn ‘Ābidīn, and both reproduce sections already in the original Radd.

57Miscellanea, 3-61

58Kitāb al-shahādāt, witnessing, 62-263 (addendum to 5:461-508 supra)

59Kitāb al-wakāla, representation, 264-397 (5:509-540)

60Kitāb al-da‘wa, lawsuit, 398-503 (5:541-587)

VOL. 8: transactions

  • Bāb da‘wa al-rajulayn, lawsuit of the two men, 3-94

61Kitāb al-iqrār, acknowledgment, 95-215

62Kitāb al-ul, peaceful settlements, 216-275

63Kitāb al-muāraba, sleeping partnership, 276-327 (5:645-661)

64Kitāb al-īdā‘, deposition, 328-380 (5:662-675)

65Kitāb al-‘āriyah, lending, 381-418 (5:676-687)

66Kitāb al-hiba, donations, 419-498 (5:687-711)

  • malab fī ma‘na al-tamlīk, ownership, 498-511 (end).

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