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Amendements apportés par le Parlement au project initial de la loi électorale

p. 111-115

Texte intégral

1Article (3) —The original text stated that those sentenced to more than one year imprisonment and who were not pardoned in a general amnesty are not allowed to vote. The amended article stated that this persons are allowed to vote if pardoned but not necessarily as part of a general amnesty.

2Article (9) — The original Article had one section which remained in the final draft but five new sections concerning the organisation of the voters’ lists were added to the article.

3Article (12) — The original article did not stipulate publishing the final voters’ lists in the newspapers.

4Article (13) — The original article allowed those who want to contest the exclusion of their names or other names from the voters lists to do so within three days of displaying the lists in public. The amendment extended the period to 10 days.

5Article (18) — This article concerns the conditions for accepting the nominations for parliamentary elections. The original article did not include the stipulation that the candidates should not be holders of a foreign nationality.

6Article (19) — This article said that any citizen could register himself as a nominee for Parliament in one constituency but this was amended to stipulate that he could only do so in the constituency where be is registered as a voter.

7Article (24) — This article concerns the right of the citizen, whose application for nomination was refused, to appeal to the court against the decision. It was amended so that the administrative governor should explain the rejection of any nomination to the applicant.

8Article (25) — This article concerns the public display of the final list of the candidates. It was amended to say that the lists should also be published in at least two daily newspapers.

9Article (31) — This article concerns the division of the constituencies but the amended version added that the new divisions will be in effect from the first day of the first election.

10Article (36) — The original article stipulated that the numbers of the voters in each election sub-district in the constituencies should not be less than 700. It was increased to 1,000 after the amendment.

11Article (43) — This article concerns the balloting process and in the original draft it stated that the envelopes should be stamped with the Interior Ministry seal while the amendment stated that the ballot papers themselves should be stamped with the ministry's seal and signed by the chairman of the balloting supervising committee. The amendment cancelled the usage of envelopes for the ballot papers.

12Article (45) — The original article stated that voters should be supplied with blank white paper for balloting. The amended article removed this condition since article 43 said that this type of paper should be replaced by special paper stamped with the Interior Ministry seal.

13Article (46), (47) and (48) were amended in accordance with the amendment of article 43 concerning the replacement of voting envelopes with the Interior Ministry seal by special ballot papers with the Interior Ministry seal.

14Article (49) — This article includes procedures to ensure the fairness of vote counting. The amendment added a provision which gives the candidate or his representative the right to attend the vote counting provided he or his representative has written permission signed by the administrative governor.

15Article (51), (52) and (53) concern the vote counting but they were amended in accordance with changes to article 43.

16Article (54) — This article was totally removed by the legal committee. The original text of the article stated that if more than one paper is found in the marked envelope all of them are considered void. The article was removed since article 43 cancels the use of envelopes which were replaced by marked papers.

17Article (61) — In the original draft, number 60 in the amended law. This article concerns regulations which govern election campaigns. The draft stipulated that candidates should obtain prior approval from the administrative governor to use or rent premises to convene meetings with their supporters. The amendment removed this condition.

18Article (62) (in the original draft) 61 (the amended law) — This article also governs the election campaign, the original banned the usage of loud speakers during the campaign but the amendment confined the ban to loud speakers in vehicles to be used during the campaign.

19Article (67) (the original draft) 66 (amended draft) — The original draft banned demonst the organisation of demonstrations and rallies during the election campaigns, the amended article removed this phrase completely from the law.

20Article (75) (the original text) 74 (the amended text) — The article cancelled the 1960 electoral law the amended article however said that this Parliament will remain under the regulations of the old law until a ends its term in 1986.

Source : Jordan Times du 29-03-1986

Les différentes circonscriptions électorales

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Source : Ministère de l'intérieur

La participation aux élections

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Source : AI Urdum al Jadid n°14

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