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  1. Map of southern India showing the location of Pondicherry.

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02. Plan of Pondicherry and its suburbs.

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03. The two annual monsoons: – A. North-East monsoon, – B. South-West monsoon. (From: François Durand-Dastès, Géographie de l’Inde. Que sais-je? No. 1184, Presses Universitaires de France, Paris 1965.)

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04. The course of the rivers in the region of Pondicherry.

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05. Pondicherry in 1789. The fort. (E.F.E.O. collection).

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06. Pondicherry before the Independence. (E.F.E.O. collection)

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07. Modern Pondicherry marked in black, the notable houses of the town. (E.F.E.O. collection).

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08. Washington D.C., a radio-concentric plan. (From: Francis D. K. Ching, Architecture: Form, Space and Order, V.N.R. Company, New York 1979.)

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09. Jaipur: an Indian grid plan. (From: Claude Batley, The Design Development of Indian Architecture, D.B. Taraporevala, Bombay 1965 reprint.)

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10. Medina of Tunis; note the narrow lanes and multiple centres. (From: Max Derruau, Précis de géographie humaine, Librairie Armand Colin, Paris 1961.)

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11. Madurai at about the beginning of this century. A town constructed around a temple; a combination of a radio-concentric-grid plan. (From: Madras District Gazetteers: Madurai, Vol. i. By W. Francis, Government Press, Madras 1906.)

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12. Montpazier, a French town representing a typical grid plan layout. (From: Francis D. K. Ching, cf. above.)

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13. Conakry, a city in French Guinea, West Africa. (From: P. Pollacchi, Atlas colonial français, L’Illustration, Paris 1929.)

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14. Madras. A town which has grown by incorporating several previously independant settlements so that its overall appearance today is irregular.

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15. The main streets of Pondicherry: Avenue Goubert (1); North Boulevard (2); West Boulevard (3); South Boulevard (4); Lai Bahadur Shastri Street (5); Jawaharlal Nehru Street (6); Mission Street (7); Mahatma Gandhi Road (8); Bharathi Street (9).

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16. Street in a village near Gingee (16) and a view of Jawaharlal Nehru Street in Pondicherry (17). Note, on these two photos, the ratio of the height of the houses to the breadth of the street and also the absence and presence of demarcations.

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17. Street in a village near Gingee (16) and a view of Jawaharlal Nehru Street in Pondicherry (17). Note, on these two photos, the ratio of the height of the houses to the breadth of the street and also the absence and presence of demarcations.

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18. An aerial view of Pondicherry’s "ville blanche", showing the thick growth of vegetation.

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19. Rue Labourdonnais, a typical street in the "ville blanche" with its colonial houses.

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20. Two more streets of the "ville blanche": Rue Bazar St. Laurent, in the background, the sea (20); Rue Suffren. The public space is transformed into a semi-private area on the occasion of a marriage(21).

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21 Two more streets of the "ville blanche": Rue Bazar St. Laurent, in the background, the sea (20); Rue Suffren. The public space is transformed into a semi-private area on the occasion of a marriage(21).

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22. An aerial view of Pondicherry’s "ville noire", with the Gopuram (gate-tower) of Kalahastisvaran temple, which has been covered with palm-leaf thatches during renovation work.

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23. Rue Sainte Therèse, a street in the "ville noire", after the rains.

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24. Kandappa Mudaliar Street in the "ville noire" with a variety of different types of houses.

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25. Rue Montorsier, still in the "ville noire"; note the series of traditional Tamil houses with their tiṇṇais open to the street.

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26. Rue Mulla, a street in the Muslim quarter.

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27. A general view of Nidarajapaiyar Street in the "ville noire".

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28. Small lanes in the different parts of Pondicherry: Rue Ponnaicoutty in the "ville noire" (28); Ruelle du Corps de Garde in the "ville blanche" (29); Sultan street in the Muslim quarter (30); Sankaran Kulam street in the "ville noire", made attractive by its vegetation (31). (29); Sultan street in the Muslim quarter (30); Sankaran Kulam street in the "ville noire", made attractive by its vegetation (31).

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29 Small lanes in the different parts of Pondicherry: Rue Ponnaicoutty in the "ville noire" (28); Ruelle du Corps de Garde in the "ville blanche" (29); Sultan street in the Muslim quarter (30); Sankaran Kulam street in the "ville noire", made attractive by its vegetation (31). (29); Sultan street in the Muslim quarter (30); Sankaran Kulam street in the "ville noire", made attractive by its vegetation (31).

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30 Small lanes in the different parts of Pondicherry: Rue Ponnaicoutty in the "ville noire" (28); Ruelle du Corps de Garde in the "ville blanche" (29); Sultan street in the Muslim quarter (30); Sankaran Kulam street in the "ville noire", made attractive by its vegetation (31). (29); Sultan street in the Muslim quarter (30); Sankaran Kulam street in the "ville noire", made attractive by its vegetation (31).

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31 Small lanes in the different parts of Pondicherry: Rue Ponnaicoutty in the "ville noire" (28); Ruelle du Corps de Garde in the "ville blanche" (29); Sultan street in the Muslim quarter (30); Sankaran Kulam street in the "ville noire", made attractive by its vegetation (31). (29); Sultan street in the Muslim quarter (30); Sankaran Kulam street in the "ville noire", made attractive by its vegetation (31).

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32. A traditional Tamil house: architecture in human scale.

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33. Another traditional Tamil house but showing the influence of colonial architecture in its parapet-wall.

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34. The influence of colonial-style architecture on the Tamil houses; appearance of the first floor structure, of the columns between the windows, of the parapet walls and their decorative vases.

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35. A row of tāvārams opening onto the street and creating a semi-public space.

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36. Kolam. The outline is formed by placing the points on the ground prepared in front of the house (36); the lines are drawn around the points (37, 38); a row of kolam (39).

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37 Kolam. The outline is formed by placing the points on the ground prepared in front of the house (36); the lines are drawn around the points (37, 38); a row of kolam (39).

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38 Kolam. The outline is formed by placing the points on the ground prepared in front of the house (36); the lines are drawn around the points (37, 38); a row of kolam (39).

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39 Kolam. The outline is formed by placing the points on the ground prepared in front of the house (36); the lines are drawn around the points (37, 38); a row of kolam (39).

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40. Various uses of the public space: Sunday market on Jawaharlal Nehru street (40); brass vessel shops in Bharathi street (41); tailors’ shops, opposite the Big Market (42); a potter s shop on Amballattadouyar Madam street (43, 44); a temporary shop displaying plaster-of-paris statues, on Mahatma Gandhi road (45); a family dwelling on the pavement between temporary clothing shops, on Jawaharlal Nehru street (46).

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41 Various uses of the public space: Sunday market on Jawaharlal Nehru street (40); brass vessel shops in Bharathi street (41); tailors’ shops, opposite the Big Market (42); a potter s shop on Amballattadouyar Madam street (43, 44); a temporary shop displaying plaster-of-paris statues, on Mahatma Gandhi road (45); a family dwelling on the pavement between temporary clothing shops, on Jawaharlal Nehru street (46).

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42 Various uses of the public space: Sunday market on Jawaharlal Nehru street (40); brass vessel shops in Bharathi street (41); tailors’ shops, opposite the Big Market (42); a potter s shop on Amballattadouyar Madam street (43, 44); a temporary shop displaying plaster-of-paris statues, on Mahatma Gandhi road (45); a family dwelling on the pavement between temporary clothing shops, on Jawaharlal Nehru street (46).

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43 Various uses of the public space: Sunday market on Jawaharlal Nehru street (40); brass vessel shops in Bharathi street (41); tailors’ shops, opposite the Big Market (42); a potter s shop on Amballattadouyar Madam street (43, 44); a temporary shop displaying plaster-of-paris statues, on Mahatma Gandhi road (45); a family dwelling on the pavement between temporary clothing shops, on Jawaharlal Nehru street (46).

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44 Various uses of the public space: Sunday market on Jawaharlal Nehru street (40); brass vessel shops in Bharathi street (41); tailors’ shops, opposite the Big Market (42); a potter s shop on Amballattadouyar Madam street (43, 44); a temporary shop displaying plaster-of-paris statues, on Mahatma Gandhi road (45); a family dwelling on the pavement between temporary clothing shops, on Jawaharlal Nehru street (46).

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45 Various uses of the public space: Sunday market on Jawaharlal Nehru street (40); brass vessel shops in Bharathi street (41); tailors’ shops, opposite the Big Market (42); a potter s shop on Amballattadouyar Madam street (43, 44); a temporary shop displaying plaster-of-paris statues, on Mahatma Gandhi road (45); a family dwelling on the pavement between temporary clothing shops, on Jawaharlal Nehru street (46).

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46 Various uses of the public space: Sunday market on Jawaharlal Nehru street (40); brass vessel shops in Bharathi street (41); tailors’ shops, opposite the Big Market (42); a potter s shop on Amballattadouyar Madam street (43, 44); a temporary shop displaying plaster-of-paris statues, on Mahatma Gandhi road (45); a family dwelling on the pavement between temporary clothing shops, on Jawaharlal Nehru street (46).

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47. Fold-out showing the plan and elevation of one side of Isvaran Dharmaraja Koil street in the "ville noire".

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48. The evolution of the Tamil house from a typical village hut to a mansion with colonial influence.

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49 The evolution of the Tamil house from a typical village hut to a mansion with colonial influence.

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50. A cement pipe meant for the water supply is converted into a dwelling (on Vadalore–Tanjore road).

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51. Temporary dwellings of nomadic people near Pondicherry.

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52 Temporary dwellings of nomadic people near Pondicherry.

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53. Huts made of mud walls and with thatched roofs, on the South Boulevard of Pondicherry.

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54. A traditional Tamil house; the roof is covered with "country tiles".

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55. A traditional Tamil house with a thatched roof, next to a house showing colonial influence.

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56. A Tamil house with colonial influence; note the ornamental crenellations on the parapet wall.

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57. Situated on the corner of two streets a house with a ground floor of the traditional Tamil type, but shows colonial influence in upper floor.

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58. A mansion with colonial influence in the Muslim quarter of the town.

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59. Note the peculiar shape of the ornamental roof on the ground floor and the open balcony on the upper floor.

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60. General view (60) and close up (61) of the main entrance door of a traditional Tamil house.

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61 General view (60) and close up (61) of the main entrance door of a traditional Tamil house.

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62. A glimpse of an inner courtyard through the main door.

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63. A view through the main door: the axis of a traditional Tamil house.

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64. A series of tāvārams in front of traditional Tamil houses.

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65. Relaxation in the shade provided by the tāvāram; the bench attached to the outer wall of the house replaces the tiṇṇai.

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66. An old woman standing near the tiṇṇai of her house.

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67. A tailor’s shop: professional activities on the tiṇṇai.

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68. Entering a Tamil house: view from the main entrance (68); the inner courtyard (69); the courtyard of a large house with colonial influence (70); the courtyard of a small traditional house (71); note the difference in scale and in light quality in the last two.

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69 Entering a Tamil house: view from the main entrance (68); the inner courtyard (69); the courtyard of a large house with colonial influence (70); the courtyard of a small traditional house (71); note the difference in scale and in light quality in the last two.

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70 Entering a Tamil house: view from the main entrance (68); the inner courtyard (69); the courtyard of a large house with colonial influence (70); the courtyard of a small traditional house (71); note the difference in scale and in light quality in the last two.

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71 Entering a Tamil house: view from the main entrance (68); the inner courtyard (69); the courtyard of a large house with colonial influence (70); the courtyard of a small traditional house (71); note the difference in scale and in light quality in the last two.

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72. Street in the "ville blanche": a traditional Tamil house between two modern buildings.

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73. Destruction of Tamil houses: a case in the "ville noire" (73) and in the Muslim quarter, view from the main door (74) and from inside to outside (75).

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74 Destruction of Tamil houses: a case in the "ville noire" (73) and in the Muslim quarter, view from the main door (74) and from inside to outside (75).

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75 Destruction of Tamil houses: a case in the "ville noire" (73) and in the Muslim quarter, view from the main door (74) and from inside to outside (75).

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76. Modern buildings.

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77. Modern buildings.

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78. Ground plan of a series of traditional Tamil houses forming a neighbourhood. Note the location of tiṇṇai, inner courtyard and backyard in each house. (From the drawings prepared by D.C. Patel School of Architecture, Vallabha Vidyanagar.)

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79. Analysis of a schematic plan of a traditional Tamil house:
A. The basic division of the plot.
B. The nature of the spaces: 1. open, 2. covered, 3. half open.
C. The axis of the house, from the main entrance to the back door.
D. The different parts of the house: 1. tiṇṇai, 2. naṭai, 3. room, 4. mu
ṟṟam, 5. kitchen, 6. well, 7. backyard, 8. toilet and bath.

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80. Schematic section of a traditional Tamil house:
A. The different parts of the house: 1. tā
vāram, 2. tiṇṇai, 3. natai, 4. tāvāram, 5. muṟṟam, 6. tāvāram, 7. naai, 8. tiṇṇai, 9. well, 10. backyard, 11. toilet and bath.
B. The nature of the spaces: 1. open, 2. covered, 3. half open.

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81. Three-dimensional view of a traditional Tamil house.

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82. Three-dimensional view of a colonial-style house.

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83. Plan of Pondicherry showing the important landmarks: Statue of Dupleix (1); Court building (2); Statue of Jeanne d’Arc (3); "Notre-Dame des Anges" church in Dumas street (4); Hôtel de Ville (Town Hall) (5); Le Café (6); Old pier and statue of Gandhi (7); Old lighthouse (8) French war memorial (9); Pavillion in the centre of the park (10); Raj Nivas (11); Secretariat (12); Manakula Vinayakar temple (13); Sri Aurobindo Ashram (14); Legislative Assembly (15); General Hospital (16); Cathedral (17); Perumal temple (18); Bharathidasan memorial (19); Shiva temple (20); Clock tower of the Grand Bazar (21); House of Ananda Rangapillai (22); Clock tower of the Small Bazar (23); Main mosque in the Muslim quarter (24); Sacred Heart of Jesus church (25); Railway station (26); Water tank on Jawaharlal Nehru street-West Boulevard corner (27).

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84. Old pier.

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85. New pier.

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86. Park monument.

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87. Notre-Dame des Anges.

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88. Cathedral.

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89. Sacred Heart of Jesus church.

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90. Minapally mosque.

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91. Mosque near the prison.

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92. Varasiddhi Vinayakar temple on Bharathi street.

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93. Manakula Vinayakar temple.

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94. Clock tower of the Small Bazar.

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95. Clock tower of the Grand bazar.

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96. Old light house.

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97. Water tank on Jawaharlal Nehru street-West Boulevard corner.

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98. Court building.

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99. Indira Gandhi Stadium, Colas Nagar.

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100. Commercial complex on the corner of Jawaharlal Nehru street and Mission street.

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101. Balaji cinema.

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102. Statue of Dupleix.

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103. Statue of Gandhi.

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104. Statue of Jeanne d’Arc

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105. Statue of Ambedkar.

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106 Sign boards.

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107 Sign boards.

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108. Typical signs in the town of Pondicherry. Kalatisvaran kovil street: the old name board in French and Tamil, the new board in Tamil and English, next to a small shrine on the pavement.

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109. Film poster in front of a cinema theatre.

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110. "Place de la République".

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111. Plan of Pondicherry showing the important limits: The circular boulevard (1); The Grand Canal (2); The Small Canal (3); The seashore (4)

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112. Ellai Mariyamman kovil between Pondicherry and Villiyanur.

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113. East Boulevard and the Bay of Bengal.

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114. The Grand Canal.

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115. Covered part of the Grand Canal, which is now used for food stalls, kiosks and a taxi stand.

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116. Another part of the Grand Canal, with a bridge forming a passage across the limit.

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117. Bridge across the Small Canal, connecting two residential buildings.

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118. Detail of a temple wall on Mahatma Gandhi road.

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119. The temple of Ellai Amman, near the Muslim quarter. The sacred space is clearly marked by the colouring of the wall.

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120. Gateway marking the entrance to Shri Vedapurisvarar Varadarajaperumal Nagar.

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121. A prohibiting traffic sign at the gate of Indira Nagar.

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122. Signboard near the new bus stand, indicating the limit of the delivery zone of the Pondicherry Head Post office.

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123. Pondicherry railway station.

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124. Board indicating the limit of the territory of Tamil Nadu.

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125. Police checkpost near the limit of Pondicherry territory on the New Madras road.

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126 Level crossings as limits: closed and open.

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127 Level crossings as limits: closed and open.

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128 Fragile limits in front of houses: Kolam.

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129 Fragile limits in front of houses: Kolam.

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