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Towards an Academic Bibliography on Calcutta
p. 449-469
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What follows is certainly not a comprehensive bibliography on the present Calcutta agglomeration. One hopes, however, that it could provide a useful base for a more scientific bibliographical approach to the subject.
Thanks to its then Director, Professor S.K. Das Gupta, the National Library prepared for our original seminar a "selected bibliography" of documents available in the library. Sri. H.C. Gupta and the Bibliography Division of the Library were in charge, and issued a list of 82 titles. The present list includes 51 of the National Library selections, as many official or semi-official reports of very specialized interest have been dropped out. On the other hand, almost 250 other titles have been added, including many papers published in academic journals or presented, on cyclostyled form, during recent seminars. Except for a few titles the collection of references has stopped in early 1983.
Only a few press articles are mentioned in the present bibliography. But it goes without saying that no one interested in the Calcutta Metropolis can neglect its highly informative press, particularly the Bengali dailies: Ananda Bazar Patrika, Jugantar, Ajkal, the English dailies, The Statesman, Amrita Bazar Patrika, The Telegraph, the economic press: Capital, The Business Standard, The Economic Times.
Except for the books on Indian urbanization edited by Roy Turner (1962), Ashish Bose (1978), Alfred de Souza (1978) and R.P.Misra (1978), I have not mentioned works which have Indian cities as a general subject, nor the books dealing with the problems of Third World Cities. To read Dwyer (People and Housing in Third World Cities, New York, 1975), or Gilbert and Gugler (Cities, Poverty and Development, New York, 1983), is of course extremely interesting for those concerned with Calcutta, but it would have been impossible, for practical reasons, to open our bibliography on larger topics than Calcutta itself.
For similar reasons, only a few historical books are mentioned here, most of them quoted by the original seminar participants.
For the undue missing references of titles of relevant standard works devoted to our topic, I beg the concerned authors to forgive my involuntary omissions, and I hope that some opportunity will arise to publish a more comprehensive list than the present attempt.
A last point. Calcutta has inspired many writers and film makers. A selected literary bibliography and a selected filmography will be found also in this volume: these short additions are a tribute paid to the living spirit of Calcutta creators.
CALCUTTA METROPOLITAN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, Directorate of Planning, Calcutta Metropolitan District, 4 cm: 4 miles, Calcutta, CMDA, n.d.
CHATTERJEE, S.P., Bengal in Maps. A Geographical Analysis of Resource Distribution in West Bengal and Eastern Pakistan, Calcutta, Orient Longman, p. 105, 80 maps, 1949.
EDINBURGH GEOGRAPHICAL INSTITUTE, Imperial Gazetteer Atlas of India. Calcutta Plate 49, 1 inch: 1 mile, Oxford, O.U.P., 1909.
NATIONAL ATLAS AND THEMATIC MAPPING ORGANISATION, National Atlas of India. Eastern India, Plate 5, 1: 2,000,000, Calcutta, NATMO, 1st ed., 1974.
NATIONAL ATLAS AND THEMATIC MAPPING ORGANISATION, National Atlas of India. Administrative. Calcutta, Plate 15, 1: 1,000,000, Calcutta, NATMO, 1 st ed., 1979.
NATIONAL ATLAS AND THEMATIC MAPPING ORGANISATION, National Atlas of India. Physical. Calcutta, Plate 33, 1: 1,000,000, Calcutta, NATMO, 1 st ed., 1959.
NATIONAL ATLAS AND THEMATIC MAPPING ORGANISATION, National Atlas of India. Population. Calcutta, Plate 118, 1: 1,000,000, Calcutta, NATMO, 1 st ed., 1959.
NATIONAL ATLAS AND THEMATIC MAPPING ORGANISATION, National Atlas of India. Transport and Tourism. Calcutta, Plate 143, 1: 1,000,000, Calcutta, NATMO, 1 st ed., 1959.
NATIONAL ATLAS AND THEMATIC MAPPING ORGANISATION, National Atlas of India. Urban Land Use. Calcutta Metropolitan District., Plate 295, 1: 100,000, Calcutta, NATMO, 1981.
NATIONAL ATLAS AND THEMATIC MAPPING ORGANISATION, National Atlas of India. Urban Land Use. Calcutta City, Plate 296, 1: 25,000, Calcutta, NATMO, 1982.
SCHWARTZBERG, J.E. (ed.), The Growth and Development of Calcutta, 1960-1971, Plate XII, p. 134. In: A Historical Atlas of South Asia. Chicago, London, University of Chicago Press, 1978.
SURVEY OF INDIA, International Map of the World, 1: 1,000,000, Calcutta Sheet, NF 45, Dehra Dun, Survey of India.
SURVEY OF INDIA, West Bengal, 1: 1,000,000, Dehra Dun, Survey of India, 1971.
SURVEY OF INDIA, Calcutta and Hovvrah Guide Map, 3 inches: 1 mile, Dehra Dun, Survey of India, 4th ed., 1957.
UPJOHN, A., Map of Calcutta and its Environs, from an accurate survey taken in the years 1792 and 1793. Reprinted in: Census of India 1951, Vol. VI, Part III, Calcutta City, facing p. 6, Delhi, Government of India, 1954.
WASHINGTON ARMY MAP SERVICE, India, West Bengal, Calcutta District 1955. Calcutta Sheet, NF 45-7.
WEST BENGAL CENSUS DIRECTORATE, Calcutta Urban Agglomeration 1981, 1½ inch: 15,000 ft., Calcutta, West Bengal Census Directorate, 1982.
WOOD, M., Plan of Calcutta, 1784-85, Reduced and Published in October 1792 by Wm Baillie. Reprinted in: Fort William-India House Correspondence, Vol. V, Indian Record Series, New Delhi, National Archives of India, 1959.
ADHIKARI, G., Learning to Live in the Dark, The Hindu, Madras, 28.3.1979.
ANONYMOUS, Calcutta through Books, Calcutta, General Printers, 24 p., 1978.
ASHFAQUE, M.D., Small Scale Industries in CMD, Development of Road Transport in CMD, Prospects of Employment in CMD. In: Seminar on Economy and Employment in Calcutta Metropolitan District, Calcutta, CMDA, pp. 6, 16 and 17, 1983.
ASHRAF, A., The City Government of Calcutta. A Study in Inertia, New York, Institute of Public Administration, edited by Leslie Green; Bombay, Asia Publishing House, Calcutta Research Series, Vol. 9, XII, 126 p., 1966.
ASHRAF, A., Government and Politics of Big Cities: An Indian Case Study, Delhi, Concept Publishing House, XVIII + 201 p., 1977.
ASHRAF, A. and GREEN, L., Calcutta. In: ROBSON, W.A. and REGAN, D.E. (eds.), Great Ciñes of the World: Their Government Politics and Planning, London, Allen and Unwin, pp. 297-330, 1972.
BAGCHI, K.G. (ed.), The Bhagirathi-Hooghly Basin. Calcutta, University of Calcutta, 373 p., 1972.
BAGCHI, P.C., Calcutta: Past and Present, Calcutta, The University Press, VIII + 127 p., 1939.
BANDHOPADHAY, A., Calcutta Conurbation. A Demographic Analysis, Calcutta, University of Calcutta, Department of Geography, Ph.D. Thesis, 295 p., 1983.
BANDHOPADHAY, B., Women Workers in the Informal Sector of Industry in Calcutta, Journal of All India Women's Association, Sept. 1979.
BANERJEE, B., Calcutta Metropolis: A National Challenge. In: Indian Science Congress 59th Session Souvenir, Calcutta, pp. 67-80, 1972.
BANERJEE, B. and ROY, D., Industrial Profile of the Calcutta Metropolitan District, Calcutta, India Publications, 191 p., 1967.
BANERJEE, B.N., Navigation in a Tidal River with Particular Reference to River Hooghly. In: BAGCHI K.G. (ed.), The Bhagirathi-Hooghly Basin, Calcutta, pp. 154-167, 1972.
BANERJEE, D., Industrial Stagnation in Eastern India. A Statistical Investigation, Economic and Political Weekly, Bombay, pp. 286-298, 20.2.1982.
BANERJEE, N., Demand for Eleclricity, Calcutta, K.P. Bagchi, 1979.
BANERJEE, N., Indian Women and the Urban Labour Market, Labour Capital and Society, Vol. 12 (1), pp. 123-144, 1979.
BANERJEE, N., Survival of the Poor. In: SAFA, H. (ed.), Towards a Political Economy of Urbanization in the Third World Countries, pp. 175-187, New Delhi, Oxford University Press, 1982.
BANERJEE, N., Some Implications of the Present Trends in Calcutta Metropolitan District Economy. In: Seminar on Economy and Employment in Calcutta Metropolitan District, Calcutta, CMDA, 8 p., 1983.
BANERJEE, N., Women Workers in the Unorganized Sector. The Calcutta Experience, Orient Longman, 1984.
BANERJEE, P., Calcutta and its Hinterland. A Study in Economic History of India, 1833-1900, Calcutta, Progressive Publishers, 240 p., 1975.
BANERJEE, Subhra, Taratola Industrial Belt. A Geographical Account, Unpublished Master’s dissertation, University of Calcutta, 42 p., 1982.
BANERJEE, Subhra and CHAKRABARTI, A., Spatial Pattem of Socio-Economic Charactistic in Calcutta Metropolitan District, The National Geographical Journal of India, Varanasi, Vol. 29, pp. 63-69, March-June 1983.
BANERJEE, Sujit, Innovative Techniques in Low Cost Housing: The North Bengal Experience. In: DWYER, DJ. (ed.), The City as a Centre of Change in Asia, Hong Kong, Hong Kong University Press, pp. 231-239, 1972.
BARAL, H., Les Problèmes de la Planification Régionale de Calcutta, Paris, thèse, Université de Paris X, Nanterre, XI + 173 p., 1973.
BASU, A.K., Slum Improvement Programme in Calcutta: Problems and Prospects, The Calcutta Municipal Gazette, 24.7.1982.
BASU, R., Cholera in Calcutta, A Case Study in Medical Geography, Geographical Review of India, Calcutta, Vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 1-12, 1969.
BASU, S., West Bengal-The Violent Years, Calcutta, Prachi Publications, 178 p., 1974.
BENGAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY, West Bengal. An Analytic Study, Calcutta, Oxford and I.B.H., Vol. 1, 1971; Vol. 2, 1973.
BENGAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY, West Bengal. The Travail Continues, Calcutta, Oxford and I.B.H., 1975.
BENGAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY, Dynamics of City Development, Paper Prepared for the Seminar on Economy and Employment in Calcutta Metropolitan District, 1983-2001 A.D., Organized by the CMDA, Calcutta, 12 p., 16-17 February 1983.
BERRY, B.J.L. and REES, P.H., The Factorial Ecology of Calcutta, Ekistics, Athens, Vol. 35, No. 203, pp. 139-144, March 1973.
BETEILLE, A., Clerks and Skilled Manual Workers: Some Consideration for Research on Calcutta, Journal of the Indian Anthropological Society, Vol. 5 (1-2), pp. 79-80, 1970.
BHATTACHARYA, D., (ed.), Focus on West Bengal., Calcutta, Samatat Prakashan, 208 p., 1974.
10.1177/0019556119650405 :BHATTACHARYA, J.M., Future Growth Pattern of Calcutta. An Outline. In: All India Conference on Human Settlements Pre-conference, Proceedings, Calcutta, Centre for Human Settlements India, pp. 22-23,1982.
BHATTACHARYA, M., SINGH, M.M. and TYSEN, F.J., Government in Metropolitan Calcutta. A manual, New York, Institute of Public Administration: Bombay, Asia Publishing House, Calcutta Research Series, Vol. 1, XVI + 238 p., 1965.
BHATTACHARYA, M., Rural Self-Government in Metropolitan Calcutta, New York, Institute of Public Administration; Bombay, Asia Publishing House, Calcutta Research Series, Vol. 5, XVI + 106 p., 1965.
BHATTACHARYA, M.K., Property Taxation of Calcutta Corporation: A Study of Loss of Potential Revenue, ICSSR Newsletter, New Delhi, Vol. 11 (2), pp. 120-122, October 1980-March 1981.
BHATTACHARYA, S.K., Employment Projections for Calcutta: 1981-2001. In: Seminar on Economy and Employment in Calcutta Metropolitan District, Calcutta, CMDA, 14 p., 1983.
BHATTACHARYA, S.K., Passenger Transport Problem in Calcutta. A Study of Rush Hour Traffic, Calcutta, Bookland, 98 p., 1958.
BISWAS, A., CHATTERJEE, P. and CHAUBE, S.K., The Ethnic Composition of Calcutta and the Residential Pattern of Minorities, Geographical Review of India, Calcutta, Vol. 38 (2), pp. 140-166 and Vol. 38 (3), pp. 308-310, 1976.
BISWAS, R.K., Case Study of a L.W.S. Project on Resettlement of Embankment Dwellers in Sector IV of Salt Lake City, Calcutta. In: National Seminar on Alternative Approaches to Shelter the Poor, Calcutta Session, 10-12 January 1981.
BLECHYNDEN, K., Calcutta Past and Present, First Published 1905, New Edition (editor: N.R. Ray), Calcutta, General, 206 p., 1978.
BLOCKMAN, H., Calcutta During the Last Century, Calcutta, 1868, Reprinted in Ray, A., Calcutta Keepsake, Calcutta, Riddhi, 1978.
BOSE, A., Bibliography on Urbanisation in India, 1947-1976, Institute of Economic Growth, New Delhi, Tata MacGraw Hill, 179 p., 1978.
BOSE, A. and BHATIA, J., India's Urbanisation, 1901-2001, 2nd ed., New Delhi, Tata MacGraw Hill, 585 p., 1978.
BOSE, A.N., The Informal Sector in the Economy of Metropolitan Calcutta, Paper WEP 2-12/WP 5, Geneva, International Labour Office, 1974.
BOSE, A.N., Calcutta and Rural Bengal. Small Sector Symbiosis, Calcutta, Minerva, VIII tables, 171 p., 1978.
BOSE, N.K., Social and Cultural Life of Calcutta, Geographical Review of India, Calcutta, Vol. 20, pp. 1-43, 1958.
BOSE, N.K., Calcutta. A Premature Metropolis, Scientific American, Vol. 213 (3), pp. 91-102, 1965. Reprinted in: A Scientific American Book, London, Penguin, pp. 67-85, 1967.
BOSE, N.K., Social, Cultural Life of Calcutta. In: Culture and Society in India, Bombay, pp. 309-357, 378-402, 1967.
BOSE, N.K., Calcutta 1964. A Social Survey, Bombay, Lalvani Publishing House, 328 p., 1968.
BOSE, N.K., A Social Problem of Calcutta, Man in India, Ranchi, pp. 175-181, 1971.
BRUSH, J.E., Calcutta: Primary Threatened, Focus, New York, Vol. 27 (1), pp. 1-8, 1976.
BUSTEED, H.E., Echoes from Old Calcutta, 4th ed., London-Calcutta, Tacker, XVI, 431 p., 1908.
CALCUTTA CORPORATION, Year Book, Annual, Calcutta.
CALCUTTA CORPORATION, The Calcutta Municipal Gazette, Calcutta.
CALCUTTA METROPOLITAN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, Area Development Programme, Calcutta, CMDA, 30 p., 1975.
CALCUTTA METROPOLITAN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, Introduction to the Programme for Basic Settlement, Employment, Infrastructure and Basic Community Facilities, Calcutta, CMDA, 12 p., 1976.
CALCUTTA METROPOLITAN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, Calcutta Metropolitan District: Some Facts and Figures, Calcutta, CMDA, 28 p., 1976.
CALCUTTA METROPOLITAN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, Calcutta 1970.... 74... 77, Calcutta, CMDA, 24 p., 1977.
CALCUTTA METROPOLITAN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, Calcutta Metropolitan Statistics., Calcutta, CMDA, 41 p., 1980.
CALCUTTA METROPOLITAN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, Project Report No. 111 On Socio-Economic Survey and Development of Small Enterprises in Two Bustees in Group III, by Team Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Calcutta, CMDA, 65 p. + 25 tables, 1980.
CALCUTTA METROPOLITAN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, Calcutta Slums. The Problem and Effort, Calcutta, CMDA, 12 p., 1981.
CALCUTTA METROPOLITAN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, Perspective Plan and Action Programme for the Calcutta Metropolitan District. Project Report No. 128, Calcutta, CMDA, 273 p., Nov. 1981.
CALCUTTA METROPOLITAN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, Water Supply Programme of Calcutta Metropolitan Development Authority. An Evaluative Study, Report No. 130, Calcutta, CMDA, Directorate of Planning and Development, 34 p., 1981.
CALCUTTA METROPOLITAN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, Sewerage and Drainage Programme of Calcutta Metropolitan Development Authority. An Evaluative Study, Report No. 131, Calcutta, CMDA, Directorate of Planning and Development, 17 p. + 5 annexures, 1981.
CALCUTTA METROPOLITAN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, Bustee Improvement Programme of Calcutta Metropolitan Development Authority. An Evaluative Study. Report No. 132, Calcutta, CMDA, Directorate of Planning and Development, 16 p.+ annexures, 1981.
CALCUTTA METROPOLITAN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, Traffic and Transportation Programme of Calcutta Metropolitan Development Authority. An Evaluative Study. Report No. 133, Calcutta, CMDA, Directorate of Planning and Development, 15 p.+ 4 annexures, 1981.
CALCUTTA METROPOLITAN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, Municipal and Anchal Development Programme. An Evaluative Study. Report No. 134, Calcutta, CMDA, Directorate of Planning and Development, 10 p., 1981.
CALCUTTA METROPOLITAN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, Economy and Employment in Calcutta Metropolitan District., 16-17 February 1983, Seminar Organized by the Calcutta Metropolitan Development Authority, Calcutta, CMDA, 1983.
CALCUTTA METROPOLITAN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, Goods Transportation in C.M.D. Present Picture. In: Seminar on Economy and Employment in Calcutta Metropolitan District., Calcutta, CMDA, 21 p., 1983.
CALCUTTA PORT TRUST, Port of Calcutta. Calcutta Port-Haldia Dock Complex, Calcutta, n.d.
CALCUTTA SOCIAL PROJECT, Calcutta Social Project. A Community Builds Itself, Calcutta, Calcutta Social Project. n.d.
CALCUTTA METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANISATION, First Report: 1962, Calcutta, CMPO, 111 p., 1962.
CALCUTTA METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANISATION, Calcutta’s Problems, Calcutta's Future, Calcutta, CMPO, 20 p., 1965.
CALCUTTA METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANISATION, Basic Development Plan. Calcutta Metropolitan District, 1966-1986., Calcutta, CMPO, 176 p., 1966.
CALCUTTA METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANISATION, Urban Renewal Programme in the Calcutta Metropolitan Centre, 1974-1984, Calcutta, CMPO, 1966.
CALCUTTA METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANISATION, Howrah Area Development Plan 1966-1986, Calcutta, CMPO, 1967.
CALCUTTA METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANISATION, Traffic and Transportation Plan for the Calcutta Metropolitan District, 1966-1986, CMPO, IX + 178 p., 1967.
CALCUTTA METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANISATION, Housing Calcutta Metropolitan District. Interim Report, Calcutta, CMPO, 67 p., 1967.
CALCUTTA METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANISATION, Urban Renewal Programme in the Calcutta Metropolitan Centre, 1974-1984, Calcutta, Calcutta Metropolitan Planning Organisation, 88 p., 1972.
CALCUTTA METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANISATION, Rapid Transit System in Calcutta. A Study of Traffìc Prospect, Calcutta, CMPO, 32 p., 1975.
CENSUS OF INDIA 1951, Calcutta City, Delhi, Govt. of India, Vol. 1, Part III, 549 p., 1954.
CENSUS OF INDIA 1961, District Census Handbook. Calcutta, Calcutta West Bengal Government Press, 1966.
CENSUS OF INDIA 1961, West Bengal and Sikkim. Part II C (ii). Migration Tables, Delhi, Govt. of India, Vol. 16, 273 p., 1966.
CENSUS OF INDIA 1961, West Bengal and Sikkim. Part II (i). Social and Cultural Tables, Delhi, Govt. of India, Vol. 16, 1975.
CENSUS OF INDIA, 1971, Series 22, West Bengal Part VIII A., Administration Report Enumeration, Calcutta, 1972.
CENSUS OF INDIA, 1971, West Bengal Part Χ ΙΑ, IIA, B. Town Directory and Primary Census Abstract, Calcutta District, Delhi, Govt. of India, 1973.
CENSUS OF INDIA, 1971, Series 22, West Bengal, Part IIA. General Population Tables, Delhi, Govt. of India, 462 p., 1973.
CENSUS OF INDIA, 1971, District Census Handbook. Calcutta, Calcutta, Govt. of West Bengal, 1973.
CENSUS OF INDIA, 1971, Series I, India, Part II C(i). Social and Cultural Tables, Delhi, Govt. of India, 298 p., 1977.
CENSUS OF INDIA, 1971, Series 22, West Bengal. Part II D (i). Migration Tables, Delhi, Govt. of India, 1980.
CENSUS OF INDIA 1981, Series 1, India. Paper 2 of 1981, Provisional Population Totals. Rural-Urban Distribution, Delhi, Govt. of India, 216 p., 1981.
CENSUS OF INDIA, 1981, Series 23, West Bengal. Paper 1 of 1981. Supplement: Provisional Population Totals, Calcutta, Directorate of Census Operations, 34 p., 1981.
CENSUS OF INDIA, 1981, Series 23, West Bengal. Paper 1 of 1981. Provisional Population Totals, Calcutta. Directorate of Census Operations, 225 p., 1982.
CHAKRABARTI, S., Housing Conditions in Calcutta, Calcutta, Bookland, 59 p., 1958.
CHAKRABARTI, S., The West Bengal Housing Board. Achievements, Problems and Prospects. In: National Seminar on Alternative Approaches to Shelter the Poor, Calcutta Session, pp. 10-12, January 1981.
CHAKRABORTI, K., Economy and Employment in C.M.D. An Objective Planning Perspective. In: Seminar on Economy and Employment in Calcutta Metropolitan District, Calcutta, CMDA, 19 p., 1983.
CHAKRABORTI, P. and BOWMICK, S., Organisation and Family Structure in Calcutta, The Eastern Anthropologist, Lucknow, Vol. 36 (1), 1983.
CHAKRABORTI, S.C, Delineation of Planning Areas. An Experiment on Calcutta 1961, Geographical Review of India, Calcutta, Vol. 24 (1), pp. 1-27, March 1972.
CHAKRABORTI, S.C, Social Interpretation of Space-Structure of Land Use in Calcutta. In: National Seminar on Land in Metropolitan Development, Calcutta, The Times Research Foundation, 1982.
CHAKRABORTI, T.K., Recent Trends in Hindu Marriage: A Sociological Study of Calcutta, Ph.D Thesis, Calcutta, University of Calcutta, 1977.
CHAKRAVARTI, A.B., Small-Scale Industries: Economy and Employment in CMD, 1983 to 2001. In: Seminar on Economy and Development in Calcutta Metropolitan District, Calcutta, CMDA, 7 p., 1983.
CHATTERJEE, A.B., The Hooghly River and its West Bank. A Study in Historical Geography, Geographical Review of India, Vol. 25 (3), Calcutta, pp. 164-182, 1963.
CHATTERJEE, A.B., Morphology of Howrah. In: Essays in Geography (Professor S.P. CHATTERJEE Volume), Calcutta, Geographical Society of India, pp. 45-76, 1965.
CHATTERJEE, A.B., Howrah. A Study in Social Geography, Calcutta, U. Chatterjee, 191 p., 1967.
CHATTERJEE, A.K. and BHATTACHARYA, N., Some Characteristics of Jute Industry Workers in Greater Calcutta, Economic and Political Weekly (Bombay), Annual Number, pp. 297-308, 1973.
CHATTERJEE, Lata, The Calcutta Region. Problems, Planning and Development, Focus, New York, Vol. 27 (1), pp. 9-13, 1976.
CHATTERJI, N., Lord Wellesley and the Problem of Town Improvement of Calcutta, Bengal Past and Present, Calcutta, pp. 13-17,1951.
CHATTERJI, S.K., The Changing Culture of Calcutta, Bengal Past and Present, Calcutta, Vol. 87, No. 1, pp. 1-26, 1968.
CHAUDHURI, M.R., (ed.), Industrialisation and Urbanisation in India, Burdwan, University of Burdwan, 182 p., 1977.
CHAUDHURI, M.R., The Industrial Landscape of West Bengal, Calcutta, Oxford and IBH, 205 p.. Particularly Chapter XV: "Greater Calcutta Industrial Complex", pp. 153-182, 1979.
10.2307/jj.2430527 :CHOUDHURI, K., Calcutta. Story of its Government, Bombay, Orient Longman, 378 p., 1973.
CHOUDHURI, P. and MUKHAPADHAY, A., Calcutta. People and Empire, Calcutta, India Book Exchange, 1975.
CHOWDHURI, C., A Slum in Calcutta, Anthropological Survey of India Bulletin, Calcutta, Vol. 27 (3-4), pp. 46-51, July-Dec. 1978.
CHUNDER, B., Calcutta: Its Origin and Growth, Calcutta University Magazine, Vol. 4, (4-6-10), 1897. Reprinted in: RAY, A. (ed.), Calcutta Keepsake, Calcutta, Riddhi, 1978.
CORPORATION OF CALCUTTA, The Calcutta Municipal Gazette, Calcutta, The Corporation of Calcutta, 1924.
CORPORATION OF CALCUTTA, Corporation of Calcutta Investigation Commission Report, Calcutta, Corporation of Calcutta, Two Volumes, 1949-50.
CORPORATION OF CALCUTTA, Year Book 1979-1980 and 1980-1981, Calcutta, Corporation of Calcutta, 554 p., 1981.
DAS, B.K., A Socio-Economic Study of Pavement Dwellers in Calcutta, Journal of Indian Anthropological Society, Calcutta, Vol. 13 (1), 1978
DAS, C., Planned Suburbanisation of North-Eastern Fringe of Calcutta, Lake Town, Bangur Avenue, Dum Dum Park. A Case Study, Unpublished MA Dissertation, Calcutta, University of Calcutta, 51 p. + maps, 1982.
DASGUPTA, M., Kalyani. A New Town for Calcutta, Unpublished MA Dissertation, Calcutta, University of Calcutta, Department of Geography, 90 p., 1981.
DASGUPTA, R., Material Conditions and Behavioural Aspects of Calcutta and Its Commercial Activities, Unpublished MA Dissertation, Calcutta, University of Calcutta, 1975.
DASGUPTA, S., The Central Business District of Calcutta and its Commercial Activities, Unpublished MA Dissertation, Calcutta, University of Calcutta, Department of Geography, 55 p. + maps, 1975.
DASGUPTA, T.K. and DASGUPTA, S., Trends in Industrial Development in CMD vis-à-vis West Bengal. In: Seminar on Economy and Employment in Calcutta Metropolitan District, Calcutta, CMDA, 7 p., 1983.
DATTA, A. and RANNEY, David C., Municipal Finances in the Calcutta Metropolitan District. A Preliminary Survey, Calcutta Research Series, Vol. 3, New York, Institute of Public Administration; Bombay, Asia Publishing House, 123 p., 1964.
DATTA, A., Intergovernmental Grants in Metropolitan Calcutta. Calcutta Research Series, Col. 10, New York Institute of Public Administration. Bombay, Asia Publishing House, XIV-50 p., 1965.
DATTA GUPTA, A.K., (ed.), Focus on West Bengal, Calcutta, Samatat Prakashtan, Oxford Book Stationery, 208 p., 1972.
DE, M., The South Eastern Fringe of Calcutta. Some Distinctive Features and Processes within its Garia. A Case Study. Unpublished MA Dissertation, Calcutta, University of Calcutta, Department of Geography, 28 p. + maps, 1982.
DEB, B.K. Raja, The Early History and Growth of Calcutta, 1 st ed., Calcutta, R.C. Ghose, 1903, re-edition: (Editor: S.B.Choudhuri), Calcutta, Riddhi, 255p. + 5 maps, 1977.
DUBASHI, J. and SETHI, S., An Area of Darkness, India Today, New Delhi, 5: 1-15 May, 1979.
DUTTA, A.K., An Analysis of Commutation to the Metropolis of Calcutta, National Geographical Journal of India, Varanasi, Vol. 10 (3-4), pp. 194-206, 1964.
DWYER, D.J., (ed.), The City as a Centre of Change in Asia, Hong-Kong, Hong-Kong University Press, 1972.
GANGULY, D.S., Regional Economy of West Bengal. A Study of Urbanization, Growth Potential and Optimization of Industrial location, Delhi, Orient Longman, 314 p., 1979.
GANGULY, M., The Nature of the Fringe Areas of Calcutta, Geographical Review of India, Calcutta, Vol. 29 (4), pp. 53-59, 1967.
GANGULY, R.N., Planning for Power, Retrospect and Prospect, The Statesman, Calcutta, 14 August 1979.
GEOGRAPHICAL INSTITUTE, PRESIDENCY COLLEGE, West Bengal, Calcutta, Firma K.L., Mukhopadhyay, 223 p., 1970.
GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY OF INDIA, Impact of Development on Environment. Souvenir of the Golden Jubilee National Conference with the Summaries of the Papers presented, Calcutta, Geographical Society of India, 46 p., 1983.
GHOSH, A., Calcutta, the Primate City, Census of India, 1961, Monograph Series No. 2, New Delhi, Government of India, 149 p., 1961.
GHOSH, A.K., Ecology of Metropolis: Calcutta. In: PRAMOD SINGH (ed.), Ecology of Urban India, Vol. II, Delhi, Ashish Publishing House, pp. 52-87, 1987.
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