p. 178
Texte intégral
1Akarlı, Engin Deniz. “A Bundle of Rights and Obligations for Istanbul Artisans and Traders, 1750-1840.” In Law, Anthropology and the Constitution of the Social: Making Persons and Things, edited by Alain Pottage and Martha Mundy, 166–200. Cambridge ; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2004.
2———. “Law in the Market Place: Istanbul, 1730–1840.” In Dispensing Justice in Islam: Qadis and Their Judgments, edited by Muhammad Khalid Masud, Rudolph Peters, and David S. Powers, 245–270. Leiden: Brill, 2006.
3Elveriş, İdil. Mahkemede Tek Başına: İstanbul Mahkemeleri’nde Müdafiliğin Erişilebilirliği ve Etkisi = Alone in the Court-Room: Accessibility and Impact of the Criminal Legal Aid before Istanbul Courts. İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2007.
4Elveriş, İdil, Galma Jahic, and Seda Kalem. İstanbul Asliye Hukuk Mahkemelerinde Yargılama Süreci: Taraflar, Davalar ve Işleyiş = Judical Proceedings at İstanbul Civil Courts: Parties, Cases and Process. İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2009.
5Koğacıoğlu, Dicle. “Law in Context: Citizenship and Reproduction of Inequality in an Istanbul Courthouse.” Ph.D. dissertation, State University of New York, 2003.
6Kuran, Timur, and Scott Lustig. “Judical Biases in Ottoman Istanbul.” The Journal of Law & Economics 55, no. 3 (2012): 631–666.
7Kurtege, Bengü. “The Historical Politics of the Juvenile Justice System and the Operation of Law in the Juvenile Court in Istanbul in Regard to Property Crimes.” MA Thesis, Boğaziçi University, 2009.
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Le séisme de Yalova-İzmit-İstanbul
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La Turquie en Asie centrale
La conversion au réalisme (1991-2000)
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