“Guests and Aliens”: Re-Configuring New Mobilities in the Eastern Mediterranean After 2011 - with a special focus on Syrian refugees
This meeting sought to give an account of the issues raised in Social Sciences worldwide by the migrations and mobilities of populations, particularly Syrian, caused by the upheavals taking place in the South and East of the Mediterranean since 2011. Researchers coming from various disciplines of Social Sciences, who are working on migration issues in Europe, the USA, and the Middle-East, in a historical perspective and with an ethnographic approach, participated in the Conference. A roundtabl...
Note de l’éditeur
International conference held at Istanbul 9-10 December, 2014. Organised by the Institut Français d´Études Anatoliennes (IFEA) and the Research Network “Re-Configurations. History, Remembrance and Transformation Processes in the Middle East and North Africa” at the Philipps-Universität, Marburg, with the support of the International Organization for Migration (IOM).
Éditeur : Institut français d’études anatoliennes
Lieu d’édition : Istanbul
Publication sur OpenEdition Books : 12 juillet 2016
ISBN numérique : 978-2-36245-062-4
DOI : 10.4000/books.ifeagd.1829
Collection : La Turquie aujourd’hui | 23
Année d’édition : 2016
Opening Session
Jean-François Pérouse
Welcome address: Jean-François PérouseAchim Rohde
Welcome address: Achim RohdeElif Aksaz
Welcome address: Elif AksazNatalia Ribas-Mateos
Welcome address: Natalia Ribas-MateosSession 1: Mapping Key Issues post 2011
Achim Rohde
Mapping Reconfigurations: MENA and Europe post Arab SpringChallenges for Scholarship and Politics
Claire Beaugrand et Vincent Geisser
The Role of Diasporas, Migrants, and Exiles in the Arab Revolutions and Political TransitionsNatalia Ribas-Mateos
Mobilities post-2011 in the Eastern Mediterranean: Transformations over Time or sudden Change?Session 2: Syrians in Turkey
Hafsa Afailal
Euro-Mediterranean Relations in the Field of Migration Management: Contrasting the cases of Morocco and TurkeySession 3: Urban Futures
Jean-François Pérouse
The “good” and the “bad” Arabs in Istanbul Streets since the End of 2012 (Beyoğlu: Tarlabaşı and Taksim Square)Andrés Mourenza et Imanol Ortega
“Syrians go Home”: the Challenge of the Refugee Influx from the Syrian civil War in TurkeySession 4: Understanding mobility-enclosure to the EU
Chiara Denaro
The Reconfiguration of Mediterranean migratory Routes since the war in Syria. A focus on the “Egyptian route” to ItalyChristoph H. Schwarz
German Refugee Policy in the Wake of the Syrian Refugee CrisisSession 5: Research on border zones: new mobilities and transnational networks of humanitarian response
Ruba Al Akash et Karen Boswall
Listening to the Voices of Syrian Women Refugees in Jordan: Ethnographies of Displacement and EmplacementSusanne Schmelter
On the Role of Policies, Institutions and Society in Managing Syrian Displacement in LebanonLaura Ruiz de Elvira Carrascal
Syrian Associations in the Turkish-Syrian Border Region and in Lebanon and PoliticsPreliminary notes
Session 6: Closing Remarks
Laura Ruiz de Elvira Carrascal
Closing Remarks From a Political Science PerspectiveÖykü Aytaçoğlu et Büşra Demirkol
The Education of Syrian Children in IstanbulCivil Society Programme
Lauranne Callet-Ravat
Middle East Development NetworkSema Genel
Support to Life / Hayata DestekSalim Salamah et Mette Lundsfryd Heide-Jørgensen
Processes of Forced Departure: The Case of the Palestinian Population of SyriaThis meeting sought to give an account of the issues raised in Social Sciences worldwide by the migrations and mobilities of populations, particularly Syrian, caused by the upheavals taking place in the South and East of the Mediterranean since 2011. Researchers coming from various disciplines of Social Sciences, who are working on migration issues in Europe, the USA, and the Middle-East, in a historical perspective and with an ethnographic approach, participated in the Conference. A roundtable with representatives from different associations and NGOs closed the conference.
A selection of full communications of the conference will be published by Edward Elgar Publishing (Migration, Mobilities and the Arab Spring. Spaces of Refugee Flight in the Eastern Mediterranean). This volume presents the abstracts of the conference communications.
AMiMo, Institut Français d'Études Anatoliennes, Istanbul
Centre européen de sociologie et de science politique, Paris
Director, Institut Français d'Études Anatoliennes, Istanbul
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Le séisme de Yalova-İzmit-İstanbul
Premiers éléments d’information et d’appréciation
Jean-François Pérouse et Fadime Deli
La Turquie en Asie centrale
La conversion au réalisme (1991-2000)
Bayram Balcı et Bertrand Buchwalter (éd.)
La présence roumaine à Istanbul
Une chronique de l’éphémère et de l’invisible
Sylvie Gangloff et Jean-François Pérouse
Migrations internes vers İstanbul
discours, sources et quelques réalités
Jean-François Pérouse et Fadime Deli
Les enjeux de l’ouverture de la frontière turco-arménienne
Les contacts transfrontaliers entre la Turquie et l'Arménie
Burcu Gültekin