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Fichte und Schelling: Der Idealismus in der Diskussion. Volume I

Lukas Held
Jean-Christophe Lemaitre
Till Grohmann

II. Systematische Fragen

Transcendental Deduction and Construction – Comparison of Fichte’s and Schelling’s Methodology

Ilmari Jauhianinen

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In the beginning of his System des transcendentalen Idealismus Schelling remarks that it is inappropriate to use teleological reasoning for proving e.g. that freedom requires the existence of a certain sort of matter. Although Schelling leaves the target of his criticism anonymous, it seems probable it was intended against Fichte who had just few years earlier argued in his Naturrecht for the existence of certain material media like air and light on the basis that they were needed for the communication between human beings.1 In one sense Schelling’s criticism seems justified: Fichte’s argument does appear to be teleological and thus feels like a fallback to the reasoning style of pre-Kantian metaphysics. Yet, if the teleological nature of Fichte’s argument is just an appearance and if Fichte has not broken the limits Kant had set to philosophical reasoning,2 Schelling’s criticism becomes more suspect. Then it is Schelling who has deviated from the Kantian ideals, and even if Schelli...

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