p. 9-10
Texte intégral
AAP : Asia Art Projects
AIFACS : All India Fine Arts & Crafts Society
ASI : Archaeological Survey of India
BAC : Bhubaneswar Art Collective
BDA : Bhubaneswar Development Authority
BKC : Bandra Kurla Complex
BMC : Bombay Municipal Corporation (Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation)
BUKC : Bhubaneswar Urban Knowledge Centre
CASP : Centre for Arts and Social Practice
CECA : Council on Economic and Cultural Affairs (New York)
CEIAS : Centre d’études de l’Inde et de l’Asie du Sud
CII : Confederation of Indian Industry
CIDCO : City and Industrial Development Corporation of Maharashtra
CoCCA : Coimbatore Centre for Contemporary Arts
CP : Concept Plan
CSCS : Centre for the Study of Culture and Society
CSMVS : Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Vastu Sangrahalaya (ex-Prince of Wales Museum)
DP : Development Plan
E&M : Entertainment & Medial /Industrie du divertissement et des médias
FICA : Foundation for Indian Contemporary Art
FICCI : Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry
Goa-CAP : Goa Center for Alternative Photography
GoM : Government of Maharashtra
HRIDAY : Heritage City Development and Augmentation Yojana
ICCR : Indian Council for Cultural Relations
IRD : Institut de recherche pour le développement
JNNURM : Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission
KMoMA : Kolkata Museum of Modern Art
KRVIA : Kamla Raheja Vidyanidhi Institute for Architecture and Environmental Studies
LKA : Lalit Kala Akademi
MAC : Musée d’Art contemporain (de Lyon)
MAHASSA : Modern Art Histories in and across Africa, South and Southeast Asia
MAP : Museum of Art Pudong
MCGM : Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai
MET : Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York)
MMAC : Mumbai Midtown Arts Collective
MMCA : Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (Séoul)
MMR : Mumbai Metropolitan Region
MMRDA : Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority
MOCA : Museum of Contemporary Art (Yinchuan)
MOG : Museum of Goa
MTSU : Mumbai Transformation Support Unit
NAREDCO : National Real Estate Development Council
NCF : National Culture Fund
NCPA : National Centre for the Performing Arts, Mumbai
NGMA : National Gallery of Modern Art (New Delhi, Mumbai)
NIUA : National Institute of Urban Affairs
NRI : Non resident Indian(s)
OTIA : Odisha Triennial of International Art
PAG : Progressive Artists’ Group
PUKAR : Partners for Urban Knowledge, Action and Research
RAC : Rockeffeler Archive Center (New York)
TIFR : Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
TMC : Thane Municipal Corporation
UCCN : Unesco Creative Cities Network
UDRI : Urban Design Research Institute (Mumbai)
UHNWI : Ultra high net worth individual(s)
UNCTAD : United Nations Conference on Trade and Development / Conférence des Nations unies sur le commerce et le développement
USIS : Unites States Information Service
WWA : What About Art?
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