Éléments bibliographiques
Texte intégral
Ouvrages et articles d’Edith Penrose
1940 Food Control in Great Britain, Genève, International Labour Office.
1951 The Economics of the International Patent System, Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins Press.
1952 « Biological Analogies in the Theory of the Firm », American Economic Review, 42(4), p. 804-19.
1953 « Biological Analogies in the Theory of the Firm : Rejoinder », American Economic Review, 43(4), p. 603-609.
1955 « Limits to the Growth and Size of Firms », American Economic Review, 45(2), p. 531-43.
1956 « Foreign Investment and the Growth of the Firm », Economic Journal, 66(262), p. 220-235.
1959a « Profit Sharing Between Producing Countries and Oil Companies in the Middle East », Economic Journal, 69(274), p. 238-254.
1959b The Theory of the Growth of the Firm, Oxford, Blackwell. Nous citons la troisième édition de 1995.
1960a « The Growth of the Firm – A Case Study : The Hercules Powder Company », Business History Review, 34(1), p. 1-23.
1960b « Middle East Oil : The International Distribution of Profits and Income Taxes », Economica, 27(107), p. 203-213.
1971 The Growth of the Firm, Middle East Oil and Other Essays, Londres, Frank Cass.
1973 « International Patenting and the Less-Developed Countries », Economic Journal, 83(331), p. 768-786.
1985 « The Theory of the Growth of the Firm Twenty-Five Years After », Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Studia Oeconomiae Negotiorum 20, p. 1-16.
Autres références
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