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Texte intégral

1First of all, I wish to thank the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research for financing my Rubicon fellowship at the École française de Rome, which allowed me to prepare and organise the conference Emperors and Imperial Discourse in Italy, c. 1300-1500. The conference was held at the Royal Dutch Institute in Rome, the Istituto Storico Italiano per il Medio Evo and the École française de Rome on 5, 6 and 7 November 2018 and I owe thanks to these three institutes for their financial support and for hosting the conference. I especially thank Pierre Savy, Grazia Perrino, Arnold Witte, Massimo Miglio and Christian Grasso for the pleasant collaboration. For their support during the publication process, I thank Pierre Savy, Franco Bruni and Richard Figuier. I thank my assistant Dario Kupper at the University of Bern for his editorial work on this volume. Finally, I thank the contributors to this volume for their continuing enthusiasm and for the energy they have put in their scientific work published here.

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