Table des matières
Tommaso di Carpegna Falconieri, Pierre Savy et Lila Yawn
Introduction / Introduzione / IntroductionKeynote Lectures / Lezioni magistrali / Conférences
Andrew B.R. Elliott
#Medieval: “First World” medievalism and participatory cultureFrancesca Roversi Monaco
Universitas studiorum: i miti di fondazione delle universitàAlessandro Barbero
Crociate, storiografia e politica: sentieri che si biforcano e destini incrociatiBenoît Grévin
Nationalisme et médiévalismeElizabeth A.R. Brown
Jesus Christ, Heavenly Bodies, and Catholic ImaginationsThe Apostolic Church, The Vatican, and The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Threads / Percorsi / Parcours
1. Religions and societies / Religioni e società / Religion et sociétés
a) The Middle Ages in early modern erudition
Bruno Varennes
3) Regarder le diocèse de Grenoble par le regard d’un autre. Étienne Le Camus (1671-1707) et l’œuvre de Laurent I Allemand (1484-1518)b) Remembering the Jews of medieval Christendom
Jeffrey R. Woolf
4) Contemporary agendas and medieval Jewish studiesc) Memory and perception of time
Galit Noga-Banai
2) Local medievalism: Bernward’s doors, Hezilo’s chandelier, and the memorial fountain for the Synagogued) The Pope, the planet and the medieval past
Louise D’Arcens
1) Medievalism, globalism and planetary deep time in the environmental writings of Pope FrancisRiccardo Facchini
3) Catholicism and the Middle Ages during the Second Vatican Council. From neo-modernism to neo-intransigency2. Gender / Genere / Genre
a) Women warriors and masculine men
Mathilde van Dijk
1) Female warriors: subjectivity, sexuality, and medievalismJianing (Ivy) Li
2) “I don’t need x-ray vision to see your six-pack”: representing masculinity on the body of Gawain and Supermanb) Medieval women in the modern world
3. Political medievalisms / Medievalismi politici / Médiévalismes politiques
a) La quête de l’identité nationale. Les usages politiques du Moyen Âge en France et en Italie, des Lumières au début du XIXe siècle
Clarisse Coulomb
1) “Liberty before liberalism”: the emancipation of the communes in urban histories in eighteenth-century FranceMarion Bertholet
3) Quand le Nord rencontre le Sud : origine du caractère national italien, de la liberté médiévale et de sa décadence moderne chez Sismondib) Memorie, miti, media
Corrado Zedda
1) Il problema della trasmissione della memoria nella storiografia sulla Sardegna medievaleMarco Muresu et Nicoletta Usai
2) Falsi miti del medioevo in Sardegna alla prova della ricerca archeologica e storico-artisticac) Political medievalisms 1
Berit Merete Kjærulff
1) For king and country. Politics and nationalism in Sander’s Niels Ebbesen of Nörreriis (1797)Heather E. Grossman
3) Medieval monuments and modern nations in the Mediterraneand) Political medievalisms 2
Davide Iacono
1) L’appropriazione dell’eredità crociata e il mito di Venezia nel Dodecaneso italiano (1912-1943)e) The new Middle Ages
Laurent Broche
1) « Nouveau Moyen Âge », « Retour au/du Moyen Âge » et consorts : réflexions sur des formules persistantes (début XIXe-XXIe siècle)Sarah Linford
2) Neo-traditionism and medievalism: avant-garde painting and politics in France in the 1890sf) Political medievalisms 3
Roisin Cossar
2) Inconceivable! Thinking critically about medieval history in the undergraduate classroomMatthias D. Berger
3) The Others of national medievalism: the case of David Greig’s Dunsinane4. Literature and linguistics / Letteratura e linguistica / Littérature et linguistique
a) Le Moyen Âge du long romantisme. France, Italie
Lorenzo Carlucci et Laura Marino
3) Johannes of Hauvilla’s Architrenius and Giacomo Leopardi’s Dialogue of Nature with an Icelanderb) The Romantic Middle Ages. Canada, Denmark, Russia
Lea Grosen Jørgensen
2) An undying death song: reinventing the warrior-skald in Adam Oehlenschläger’s Regnar Lodbrok (1848)Stephanie Richards
3) Western European medieval chivalry in nineteenth-century Russia: Alexander Pushkin on the decline of chivalryc) “Beastly anachronism.” Nature and politics in T. H. White’s King Arthur Cycle
Danko Kamčevski
b) The silence of the dogs: acceptance vs. anthropological pessimism in T. H. White’s The Once and Future Kingd) The Middle Ages in contemporary fiction
e) Linguistics and toponymy
Peder Gammeltolft
2) Going medieval to go modernJohnny Grandjean Gøgsig Jakobsen
3) Medieval place-name renaissance(s). Re-introduction of medieval and new invention of “medieval-sounding” place-names in post-medieval Denmark5. Forms and images / Forma e immagine / Forme et image
a) Reimpiego, rilavorazione, rifunzionalizzazione: la “lunga vita” della scultura medievale nei cantieri di età moderna
Laura Cavazzini
1) Fortuna del medioevo visconteo, tra riuso e memoria storicaClario Di Fabio
2) Riuso, riallestimento selettivo, rifunzionalizzazione di sculture trecentesche in Età moderna: tre casi genovesiPaola Vitolo
3) Alcuni casi di riuso e rilavorazione di sculture medievali durante l’età moderna in Italia centro-meridionaleb) The Middle Ages in the pictorial arts and design
Michal Lynn Shumate
2) Promising monsters: imagining medieval space at the ottocento Villa Torloniac) Il medioevo evanescente. Prove di stile nella Roma di inizio Novecento
Geraldine Leardi
2) Quale medioevo. In cerca di un Coppedè medievaleJelena Jovanović
3) Medioevo declinato. Mito e leggenda nel Padiglione delle Belle Arti del Regno di Serbia nell’Esposizione di Roma del 1911d) Architetture neomedievali e recuperi contemporanei delle architetture medievali
Mariella Nuzzo
1) Aristide Leonori (1856-1928), The Architect of the Pope. Prospettive extraeuropee del medievalismo romanoTommaso Zerbi
3) «Hoc Amet» e «Hoc Spernat» : il sorgere problematico di una storiografia dell’architettura sul “neomedievalismo” italianoe) A Disneyland of death: history and spectacle at Forest Lawn Memorial-Park, Glendale, California
Ingrid D. Rowland
2) The Last Supper of Forest Lawn, medievalism, and female entrepreneurship in Fascist ItalyJames Fishburne
3) Replicating Michelangelo: anti-modern and postmodern monuments in Los Angeles and Parisf) Re|source: medieval and contemporary art
Clare A. Lees, Sharon Morris, Neil Jeffries et al.
1) Re|source: medieval and contemporary art6. Public history / Storica pubblica / Histoire publique
a) Bringing the Middle Ages to life
Claire Pascolini-Campbell
1) Experiencing the medieval at the National Trust: edutainment, authenticity, and placeCristian Aiello et Antonella Giardina
2) Dal brand al blend: la cultura liquida che forma i territori. Il raggio traente di Adelasia del Vasto (1118-2018)Sandra Gorgievski
3) Reframing the Crusades: the representation of space, landscape and architecture in the comics series Croisadeb) Touring the Middle Ages
Alessio Innocenti
1) Middle Ages, tourism and cultural routesEdmund J. Mazza
3) The modern quest for the Holy Grailc) Accessible Middle Ages
Muriel Molinier et Patrick Fraysse
2) Le Moyen Âge tactile : exemple au musée de Cluny d’une médiation adaptée au public déficient visuelFabio Cusimano
3) Medioevo digitale, medioevo più vicino: il caso della nuova Digital Library ad accesso libero della Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana7. Performing the Middle Ages / Medioevo performativo / Un Moyen Âge performatif
a) Medieval movement and attire. Getting it right (and wrong)
Robert C. Woosnam-Savage
2) Of knights and winches, cranes and hoists… The myths of how knights mounted their horsesb) Festivals, evocations, and reenactments
Pedro Martins
1) An “Album of Pictures”: medieval tournaments and historical pageants in the Estado Novo (1935-1947)Alessandro Battistini et Federica Viglianisi
3) Lo studio dei manuali manoscritti di scherma nell’ambito della rievocazione storica: risultati ottenuti e prospettive di ricercac) From Belle Époque to gothic
d) Heavy metal medievalisms: a matter of identity?
Ruth Barratt-Peacock
2) Local signifiers and the Early Middle Ages in global communities: the case of WardrunaSimon Théodore
3) « Chroniques barbares » : utilisations et réception du Moyen Âge scandinave dans les magazines de musique métal8. Moving pictures and interactive technologies / Figure in movimento e tecnologie interattive / Images en mouvement et technologies interactives
a) “Power lies where people believe it does. It’s a trick, a shadow on the wall.” Images and forms of medieval power in Game of Thrones
Matteo Barbagallo
1) The game behind the throne: George R. R. Martin and the balancing power of game theoryb) Medioevo cinematografico / Cinematographic Middle Ages
Sonia Merli
2) Il docudrama Les Templiers (1961): la fine dell’ordine del Tempio raccontata al grande pubblicoSabina Rahman
3) Fifty shades of Lincoln Green: the intersection of medievalism and fetish culture in Robin Hood on screenc) At play in the Middle Ages: digital games and more