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Leonardo Quaresima
Valentina Re

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Abrams, J. J. 116

Abruzzese, Giacomo 159, 177

Agamben, Giorgio 16

Agolini, Luca 153

Aguilera, Christina 104-105

Altman, Rick 33, 52

Amelunxen, Hubertus von 134

Anderson, Maxwell 72

Anthony & The Johnsons 119

Aphex Twin 119

Aprà, Adriano 82

Armstrong, Gary 108

Autechre 119

Autelitano, Alice 134, 176

Bachand, Denis 134

Baldi, Alfredo 54

Balestrini, Nanni 165

Barenghi, Mario 80

Barlow, Aaron 18-19, 21, 23, 28, 51, 175

Barrymore, John 73

Batchelor, David 77

Bauche, Nicolas 176

Baudrillard, Jean 79

Baumann, Fabien 176

Bayard, Pierre 165

Beastie Boys 123-124

Beatles 120

Bejan, Bob 134-135, 163

Bellavita, Andrea 13, 92-106

Bellocchio, Marco 164

Bem, Caroline 66

Benedini, Alessandra 153

Benjamin, Walter 57, 79-80, 83,

Bennet, James 17, 19, 22, 26, 50, 52, 136, 175

Berke, William 73

Bernasconi, Fulvio 134, 141-142

Berthomé, Jean-Pierre 177

Besson, Luc 50-51, 57

Bettetini, Gianfranco 19, 128

Bianchi, Pietro 77

Biasin, Enrico 134

Bigi, Nicola 175

Biserna, Elena 168

Bittanti, Matteo 95

Boddy, William 19, 50

Böhnke, Alexander 54, 177


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