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Agriculture and The World Trade Organisation

Gurdarshan Singh Bhalla
Jean-Luc Racine
Frédéric Landy

Main Acronyms and Abbreviations


1AFSSA: Agence Française de Sécurité Alimentaire des Aliments (France: see FSSFA)

2AMS: Aggregate Measure of Support

3AoA: Agreement on Agriculture

4BSE: Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy

5BOP: Balance of Payments

6BST: Bovine Somatotropine

7CAC: Codex Alimentarius Commission

8CACP: Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (India)

9CAP: Common Agricultural Policy (EU)

10CBD: Convention on Biological Diversity

11CEECs: Central and Eastern European Countries

12Cif: Cost, Insurance and Freight

13CJD: Creutzfeld-Jakob Desease

14CMOs: Common Market Organisations (EU)

15COP: Cereals, Oilseeds, Proteins

16CTE: Contrat Territorial d'Exploitation = land management contract (France)

17EAGGF: European Agriculture Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EU = FEOGA in French)

18EC: European Community

19ECU: European Currency Unit (before the Euro)

20EU: European Union

21FADN: Farm Accountancy Data Network (France)

22FAO: Food and Agriculture Organisation

23FCI: Food Corporation of India

24FCO: Food Consumption Observatory (France: see OCA)

25FDA: Food and Drug Administration (USA)

26FEOGA: Fonds Européen d'Orientation et de Garantie Agricole (EU: see EAGGF)

27FF: French Francs

28Fob: Free on Board

29FSSFA: Food Sanitary Safety French Agency (France: see AFSSA)

30GATS: General Agrement on Trade in Services

31GATT: General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

32GCF: Gross Capital Formation

33GDP: Gross Domestic Product

34GOI: Government of India

35GMO: Genetically Modified Organism

36HACCP: Hazard Analysis at Critical Control Points

37HYV: High Yielding Varieties

38IADP: Intensive Area Development Programme (India)

39IDB: Integrated Data Base (India)

40IMF: International Monetary Fund

41IMR: Infant Mortality Rate

42INRA: Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (France)

43IPR (s): Intellectual Property Rights

44IRDP: Integrated Rural Development Programme (India)

45ISO: International Standard Organisation

46IVD: Indemnité Viagère de Départ = pension for farmers leaving their land (France)

47JECFA: Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives and Contaminants

48JMPR: Joint Expert Meeting on Pesticides Residues

49JRY: Jahawar Rozgar Yojana, an employment programme (India)

50LDCs: Less Developed Countries

51LFAs: Less Favoured Areas (EU)

52LMO: Living Modified Organism

53MEP: Minimum Export Price

54MFN: Most Favoured Nation

55MMR: Maternal Mortality Rate

56MNC: Multinational Corporation

57MPS: Market Price Support

58Mt: Million tonnes

59NAFED: National Agricultural Marketing Federation (India)

60NPK: Nitrogen, Phosphate, Potassium

61NREP: National Rural Employment Programme (India)

62NSS: National Sample Survey (India)

63NTBs: Non Tariff Barriers

64OCA: Observatoire des Consommations Alimentaires (France: see FCO)

65OECD: Organisation for Economie Cooperation and Development

66OGL: Open General Licence (India)

67PBRs: Plant Breeders Rights

68PDS: Public Distribution System (India)

69QRs: Quantitative Restrictions

70R & D: Research and Development

71RLEGP: Rural Landless Employment Guarantee Programme (India)

72Rs: Indian Rupees

73SAPARD: Special Accession Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development (EU)

74SPS: Sanitary and Phyto-Sanitary measures

75STC: State Trading Corporation (India)

76STE: State Trading Enterprises (India)

77TBT: Technical Barriers to Trade

78TOT: Terms of Trade

79TPDS: Targeted Pubic Distribution System (India)

80TRIMs: Trade Related Investment Measures

81TRIPs: Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights

82UPOV: International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants

83URA: Uruguay Round Agreement

84USDA: United States Department of Agriculture

85WHO: World Health Organisation

86WTO: World Trade Organisation

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