Agriculture and The World Trade Organisation
Indian and French Perspectives
The present volume offers to the reader a multi-faceted dialogue between noted experts from two major agricultural countries, both founding members of the Word Trade Organisation, each one with different stakes in the great globalisation game: France, the world's second-ranking exporter of agricultural products and headquarters of a number of very active agro-business companies; and India, crossing the one billion population mark while emerging from its traditional protectionism, and legitimat...
Éditeur : Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme
Lieu d’édition : Paris
Publication sur OpenEdition Books : 25 août 2016
ISBN numérique : 978-2-7351-1851-9
DOI : 10.4000/books.editionsmsh.7534
Collection : Colloquium | 1
Année d’édition : 2002
ISBN (Édition imprimée) : 978-2-7351-0944-9
Nombre de pages : 318
Jean-Luc Racine
IntroductionOf Food, Farmers, Trade and States. An Indo-French Dialogue on Agriculture and the WTO
I. The national legacies in India and in France
Christophe Blanc
2. Thirty-five Years of Common Agriculture Policy. Consequences on French AgricultureII. Market and regulation: the national scenarios
Bibek Debroy
3. The Uruguay Round, Indian Agriculture and the WTOJacques Loyat
4. The Common Agricultural Policy Reform Within Agenda 2000. A French Identity in the Framework of a Supranational PolicyBhupat M. Desai
5. WTO and Indian Agriculture: Beyond Trade Related PoliciesJean-Paul Charvet
6. Common Agricultural Policy and Regional Changes in FranceIII. Food security and food safety
Jean-Christophe Bureau et Stephan Marette
8. Food Safety, Consumers’Preferences and International Trade RulesJean-Pierre Doussin
10. Food Safety and WTO: a Scientific Perspective?IV. Trade in agriculture and WTO: benefits and problems
Ashok Gulati
11. Trade and Agriculture: Potential Benefits and Problems. A Reading from India’s PerspectiveJean-Marc Boussard
12. Market Dynamism, Trade and Comparative Advantage in Agriculture and Food IndustriesV. Trade in agriculture and WTO: property rights issues
Pushpa M. Savadatti
13. Trade and Agriculture: Implications of tripsHélène Ilbert
14. WTO, TRIPS, Agriculture and Environmental Issues: Interactions between Intellectual Property Rights and Common GoodsVI. After Seattle
Jacques Loyat
16. A post-Seattle Updating: a French Perspective
The present volume offers to the reader a multi-faceted dialogue between noted experts from two major agricultural countries, both founding members of the Word Trade Organisation, each one with different stakes in the great globalisation game: France, the world's second-ranking exporter of agricultural products and headquarters of a number of very active agro-business companies; and India, crossing the one billion population mark while emerging from its traditional protectionism, and legitimately concerned about preserving the interests of its huge farming community and not falling victim to the profit logic of the multinational corporations.
After providing the recent historical background of agricultural policies in India and France, the contributors address burning issues related to market and regulation, food security and food safety, the expected benefits from the WTO and the genuine problems raised by the new forms of international trade in agriculture, including the sensitive question of intellectual property rights in bio-technologies.
Whatever the differences between the two countries, and eventually their conflict of interests, this informed volume underlines the necessity of moving beyond the North-South divide, in order to address the real challenges of the future; a fair global order in a sector vital for the world, the multi-functionality of agriculture, the access for all to secure and safe food, the preservation of common goods and the ethical dimension of science and technology.
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Les professions et leurs sociologies
Modèles théoriques, catégorisations, évolutions
Pierre-Michel Menger (dir.)
Famille et mutations sociopolitiques
L'approche culturaliste à l'épreuve
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Les outils de la pensée
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Réflexions sur la traduction en sciences humaines
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Sociétés en guerres
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La fabrique de la démocratie
ONG, fondations, think tanks et organisations internationales en action
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