How to use the bibliography
p. 166
Texte intégral
1The style of the bibliographic references established by the present author is consistent with the first version of the DAF rules (i.e. as used up to November 1992).
3Each reference is preceded by a surname and date in bold letters, ordered alphabetically by authors’ surnames (except in the case of chapter 1.2) and, for each author, according to the chronological appearance of the publications cited. If an author published more than one work in a given year, these are distinguished by the use of lower case letters following the surname and date (e.g. Bulliot 1870a; Bulliot 1870b; Bulliot 1870c). These references may occur in different chapters.
5In the case of anonymous articles in periodicals, the use of the surname in the above convention is replaced by an abbreviation of the Journal title. This abbreviation is normally that cited in L’Année philologique (e.g. MSE for Mémoires de la Société éduenne). Where this is not possible, it is that provided in the “List of abbreviations" in the present volume. In all cases such abbreviations are followed by the publication date.
6As this work is intended as an annotated bibliography which is meant to provide the documentary evidence for future researchers, periodical titles are cited without abbreviation in the bibliographic references. Although contrary to standard DAF practice, this is here intended to assist in the identification of journals.
7Works of multiple authorship
8Works with more than one author are cited according to the following convention: the initial reference is to the first‑named author, followed by et al. and the publication date; but all author names are cited in the full reference [e.g. Almagro et al. 1989: ALMAGRO (M.), GRAN‑AYMERICH (J.)]. The full reference is only cited once, after the heading “surname et al. date " for the first author ; second and subsequent authors are cross‑referenced in the present bibliography thus e.g. Gran‑Aymerich et al. 1989: voir (see) Almagro et al. 1989. Multi‑authored works are cited after single‑authored works by the same author.
9Edited and directed publications
10For edited works, or those directed by a principal author, that author is identified by “dir.” [e.g. Guillaumet 1990a: GUILLAUMET (J.‑P.) dir.].
11Publication date unknown
12Where the date of publication is not securely established, this is included within square brackets (e.g. Almagro [1988?] a).
13Anonymous publication
14In cases where the author of a monograph is not identified, the full reference is preceded by the convention “Anonyme date". This convention is extended to articles in dictionaries, encyclopaedias, etc., contrary to international bibliographic standards.
15Lists of illustrations
16A list of illustrations (in their original order), with corresponding page numbers and captions (within inverted commas), follow each reference. These illustrations (there are over 1,200) may be searched by theme using the “Index of illustrations” included in this volume. Text within parentheses consists of commentary or detail added by J.‑P. Guillaumet
18Following the list of illustrations, a brief analysis of the text is provided, focusing on the position of excavations, and the structures and material culture recovered. The commentary is not intended as a full‑scale summary of the article or book under consideration, but as a guide to its contents for future users.
19Major works
20The use of the Symbol ▲ identifies major publications.
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Mottes castrales en Provence
Les origines de la fortification privée au Moyen Âge
Daniel Mouton
Géoarchéologie de sites préhistoriques
Le Gardon (Ain), Montou (Pyrénées-Orientales) et Saint-Alban (Isère)
Dominique Sordoillet
L’enceinte des premier et second âges du Fer de La Fosse Touzé (Courseulles-sur Mer, Calvados)
Entre résidence aristocratique et place de collecte monumentale
Ivan Jahier (dir.)
Lyon, Saint-Georges
Archéologie, environnement et histoire d’un espace fluvial en bord de Saône
Grégoire Ayala (dir.)
Les gisements précolombiens de la Baie Orientale
Campements du Mésoindien et du Néoindien sur l’île de Saint-Martin (Petites Antilles)
Dominique Bonnissent (dir.)
L’Îlot du palais de justice d’Épinal (Vosges)
Formation et développement d’un espace urbain au Moyen Âge et à l’époque moderne
Yves Henigfeld et Philippe Kuchler (dir.)
Bettencourt-Saint-Ouen (Somme)
Cinq occupations paléolithiques au début de la dernière glaciation
Jean-Luc Locht (dir.)
Campements mésolithiques en Bresse jurassienne
Choisey et Ruffey-sur-Seille
Frédéric Séara, Sylvain Rotillon et Christophe Cupillard (dir.)
Productions agricoles, stockage et finage en Montagne Noire médiévale
Le grenier castral de Durfort (Tarn)
Marie-Pierre Ruas