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Le Paléolithique moyen dans le nord du Sénonais (Yonne)

Valérie Deloze
Pascal Depaepe
Jean-Marc Gouédo


Texte intégral

11 The study framework

2The cretaceous plateau of the Senonais is situated on the south-eastern limits of the loess deposits of the Paris Basin. The soil cover is therefore fairly thin, favouring the formation of dolines (the very context of the Vinneuf deposits). The four neighbouring deposits of Lailly/Le Fond de la Tournerie and Beauregard, Molinons and Villeneuve-l’Archeveque were placed on the glacis of the erosion plateau/valley, or on the gentler slopes opening onto the valley of the Vanne. The region is richer in industries known paradoxically only from surface collection. The only sites which can serve as references are those of Champlost (Farizy 1985) and Chailley (Boeda 1982).

32 Methods and objectives

4The archaeological potential of the different quaternary sequences represented by the geomorphological units along the line of the A5 was defined and evaluated by a series of test-trenches cut by machine. The various Middle Palaeolithic occupations were encountered over large areas thanks to an adapted methodology. They have thus been reincorporated into a chronostratigraphical framework which correlates to that of northern France and Belgium.

53 Chronostratigraphical attributions

6The five excavated sites were successively reviewed and defined according to the stratified lithic assemblies and the pedo-sedimentological phases of which they were constituted. In addition, they were also subjected to a series of sedimentological analysis (granulometry, petrography, calcimetry, as well as the organic and mineralogical content of the clays). The synthesis of this data has allowed the characterisation of the origins, the deposition and the evolution of the karst system for the Vinneuf deposits, as well as for lithic sequences of the superficial formations common to the sites of the north bank of the Vanne. A chronology of the pedo-climatic phenomenae was provided by the micromorphological analysis of the sites of Vinneuf and Molinons. In the absence of complementary indications provided by pollen analysis, the chronostratigraphical relations of these five deposits has been established primarily from the results of the micromorphology of the two reference sites.

74.1 Vinneuf/Les Hauts Massous (the Senonais plateau)

8The people of prehistoric Vinneuf frequented a doline, some 80 metres in diameter, at the final stage of being filled in in the Interfuvial zone of the Seine and the Yonne. Four archaeological levels were isolated at the heart of a complex of Bt horizons (multi-phased palaeosols). The oldest level (N3, 3 objects) has been put at the end of the Saalian period. The following level (N2, 52 objects) is the result of the dismantling of an older level (N3 ?) and the arrival of bone splinters from an adjacent level above (N1, 1013 objects) by a process of illuviation. N1 and the final level, N0 (147 objects), have produced similar industries, hypothetically placed at the start of the Weichselian glaciation. On the basis of an analysis of the bifaced tools, it is possible to attatch the N0 and N1 industries to the Micoquian phase of central Europe. The presence of Levallois and laminar nonLevallois flakes allows a more pertinent linking with the Salzgitter-Lebenstedt industries (Tode 1982), judged to be on the fringe of the Micoquian, rather than a strict accordance with the aspects defined by G. Bosinski (1967). The spatiale analysis of N1 over 946 m2 showed evidence of zones of concentrations of artefacts, and of the centripetal circulation of certain products from the knapping zones or posts. The deposit has been interpreted as a site of temporary habitation, possibly linked to hunting stops.

94.2 Molinons/Le Grand Chanteloup (the Vanne valley)

10The excavation of this deposit has brought to light a mousterian level covering an unbroken area of 6130 m2. The palaeolithic presence is localised on the east slope of a hill where a relatively thick sequence of silts developed. This industry is situated on the summit of a decayed humic palaeosol which is correlated to the isotopic period 5a-5b. The production is characterised by the presence of Levallois fabrications of excellent quality, the elaboration of several bifaces and by the presence of a few blades. The tools made from flakes are dominated by simple scrapers. Different zones of activity were also evident: an area geared for knapping towards the east, a space for various activities towards the west...

114.3 Lailly/Le Domaine de Beauregard (the Vanne valley)

12The intervention on this deposit has allowed the identification of four middle Palaeolithic levels. The two oldest levels (C and D) have been attributed to the Saalian and the start of the early Weichselian respectively. The most consequential level (B) is in a chronostratigraphical position similar to that at Molinons (isotopique stage 5a-5b). Three chains of operations have been identified: Levallois knapping, the fashioning of bifaced tools and the production of blades following a volumetric conception of the cores. Once again, the tools are dominated by simple scrapers ; the laminar supports seem to have been chosen for tools of an upper Palaeolithic type. The most recent level (A) is contemporary with the lower or middle pleniglacial of the Weichselian period.

134.4 Lailly/Le Fond de la Tournerie (the Vanne valley)

14Three Middle Palaeolithic levels were identified on this site. The most important of these, contemporary with the lower pleniglacial of the Weichselian period, is characterised by the association of several types of operations : Levallois working, bifaced tools and laminar knapping with volumetric conception (scarce representation). The tools, with little retouching, are remarkable by the predominance of scrapers, particularly simple ones, along with a few bifaced tools. Areas of differing activities were also recorded (knapping, zones rich in tools, “mixed" zones). The low density and the depth of burial.of the other two levels (Saalian for the first, isotopic stage 5a-5b for the second) meant that these were only sampled.

154.5 Villeneuve-l’Archeveque/La

16Prieuree (the Vanne valley)

17The oldest of the three Middle Palaeolithic levels was found at the Interface of the Eemian and lower Weichselian palaeosols. This series includes ten bifaced artefacts, several of which resemble the bifaced tools at Vinneuf. The second level was contained at the top of a palaeosol dating from the beginning of the glaciation. Once again, there is the coexistence of Levallois working and blade production in this sequence. The tool-kit presents the same characteristics as that of the deposits at Molinons and Lailly. The bifaces are, on the other hand, absent.

184.6 The occupation of the Vanne valley during the middle Palaeolithic

19The four principal levels excavated in the valley have delivered mousterien sequences over very large areas. These are characterised by the use of the Levallois technique, by blade production following a volumetric conception of the nodules, and by the fabrication of bifaced tools. The flake-based tools are dominated by simple scrapers. Upper Palaeolithic tools are well represented ; notched and toothed objects are rather scarce.

205 The geomorphological and archaeological evidence : the results of the A5 operation

21The five sites studied in chapter 4 have contributed to the characterisation of two of the geomorphological entities on the line of the motorway between Montereau and Troyes. The results concerning the lithostratigraphy and the palaeolithic indices of the three others geomorphological entities have been regrouped, following on from the campaign of geological test-trenches and systematic archaeological evaluations. These geomorphological units are respectively:
– the northern Senonais plateau from Vinneuf to Soucy;
– the southern Senonais plateau from Soucy to Lailly;
– the disymetrical valleys of the Santonian region between Lailly and Estissac;
– the disymetrical valleys of the Coniacian region between Estissac and St. Germain;
– the disymetrical valleys of the Turonian region.
Described therein are more particularly the superficial formations and the lithosratigraphic contexts. Though sometimes associated with Indices of a Middle Palaeolithic occupation, these were not subjected to a fuller archaeological investigation after the evaluation phase.

226 The Middle Palaeolithic occupation of the northern Senonais region

23The absence of Acheulian occupation can be explained by the fact that no industries earlier than the Saalian period have been found. The occupation of the region would begin during the Saalian period with several groups which were not culturally differentiated (a Middle Palaeolithic type industry). There is evidence that a group of micoquian people were frequenting the then infilling dolines on the plateau or on its’ edges by around the start of the Weichselian period. They are replaced at the end of the Weichselian period, and throughout the lower and middle pleniglacial periods, by groups of mousterian people. These groups installed themselves on the lower slopes of the disymetric valleys, thus showing a very different landscape. The definition of the notion of a "Micoquian complex" is proposed, allowing a new classification of the micoquian industries in which those of the Senonais region are reintegrated. The mousterian industries, present for a long time, mark themselves out by their association of MTA bifaced tools and nonLevallois laminar working. They are thus difficult to attach to one of the facets of the “Mousterian complex" defined by F. Bordes and are, in effect, intermediaries between the MTA and the typical mousterian industries.

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