To conclude
The need to promote the creation of a European research task force
p. 153-154
Plan détaillé
Texte intégral
1Building trust is a complex process. Governance of the Internet of the Future must be multipolar and also involve diverse stakeholders. Current governance of the Internet considers the latter a tool ; in the context of the IoT, this will have to change to apply to an environment instead.
2Traditional reference points – relating to private life, territorial sovereignty, or time and memory – are undergoing transformation. It will be necessary to set up regulations aimed at promoting and guaranteeing a new and shared set of values.1
3The ideal of the neutrality of technology is necessary in envisaging Internet governance in political terms, but it is not enough. Insidious powerful constraints stem from the digital economy and the policy around it, yet at the same time mobility and widespread connection open up a whole range of new possibilities that can ensure that societies function democratically and that access to knowledge is more equally shared. Public institutions at national, European, and international level are well aware of these paradoxes and could find it worthwhile to support research in the field of humanities and social sciences in the same way they already further technological Research and Development.
4Having reached the end of our study, we can only stress the need to take matters further. Rather than answer all the questions raised by the Internet of Things, we have chosen to shed new light principally on the manner in which the issues are examined ; the answers are far from obvious where privacy, governance, standardization, cooperation, and other preoccupations are concerned.
5Each of these topics deserves to be examined separately from the global perspective of the development of the Internet of Things. In addition further deliberation on the subject may be pressing now that the development of technical solutions and new applications is increasing daily.
6Under these circumstances, it would no doubt be advisable to encourage complimentary research, at European level, into technical, economic, social and legal questions arising from the Internet of Things. This is an essential condition for the Internet of the Future to be more fully understood, and for Europe to find the means of defending the values of its citizens in this new digital environment.
Notes de bas de page
1 Cf. Mireille Delmas-Marty, Les Forces imaginantes du Droit, 3 vols, Seuil, Paris.
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