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Le mouvement ouvrier chinois de 1919 à 1927

Jean Chesneaux

Liste des abréviations utilisées dans les références bibliographiques1

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I. — Périodiques.

  • 1 Les numéros renvoient à la bibliographie générale

1AAAPS = Annals of the American Academy of Political Science, 84.

2CB = Chen-bao, 119.

3CEB = Chinese Economic Bulletin, 92.

4CEJ = Chinese Economic Journal, 13.

5CEM = Chinese Economic Monthly = 94.

6CJSA = Chinese Journal of Science and Arts, 85.

7CMMJ = China Medical Missionnary Journal, 86.

8CSPSR = Chinese Social and Political Science Review. 95.

9CWR = China Weekly Review, 89.

10CYB = China Year Book, 90.

11DSZL = Dang-shi Zi-liao, 151.

12ECB = Eastern and Colonial Bulletin, 97.

13EE = Eastern Engineering, 96.

14FDXB = Fu-dan Xue-bao, 223.

15FER = Far Eastern Review, 98.

16GMRB = Guang-ming Ri-bao, 224.

17HNLSZL = Hunan Li-shi Zi-liao, 149.

18HQPP = Hong-qi Piao-piao, 53.

19IPC = International Press Correspondance, 101.

20IS = Informations Sociales, 19.

21JDSZL = Jin-dai-shi Zi-liao, 150.

22JFRB = Jie-fang Ri-bao, 225.

23JWC = Japan Weekly Chronicle, 102.

24LDJ = Lao-dong-jie, 103.

25LCT = London and China Telegraph, 104.

26LSYJ = Li-shi Yan-jiu, 226.

27MDN = Manchuria Daily News, 105.

28MGRB = Min-guo Ri-bao, 121.

29MLR = Monthly Labor Review, 42.

30NB = News Bulletin, 107.

31NCH = North China Herald, 109.

32NQ = Nankai Economic and Social Quarterly, 106.

33PA = Pacific Affairs, 88.

34PDR = Police Daily Report, 12.

35PP = Politique de Pékin, ni.

36PPW = Panpacific Worker, 110.

37PV = Problemy Vostokovedenija, 319.

38QF = Qian-feng, 112.

39QHXB = Qing-hua Xue-bao, 87.

40RIT = Revue Internationale du Travail, 22.

41RT = Returns of Trade, 33.

42SB = Shen-bao, 125.

43SCMP = South China Morning Post, 113.

44SHSB = Shang-hai Shi-bao, 124.

45SK = Sovetskoye Kitaevedenje, 321.

46SMCR = Shanghai Municipal Council Report, 37.

47SSHB = Shi-shi Hua-bao, 126.

48SSXB = Shi-shi Xin-bao, 127.

49STSB = Shun-tian Shi-bao, 128.

50TIB = Trade Information Bulletin, 40.

51VI = Voprosi Istorij, 322.

52XD = Xiang-dao, 115.

53XGS = Xin-guan-cha, 54.

54XQ = Xian-qu, 114.

55XQN = Xin-qing-nian, 116.

56XWB = Xin-wen-bao, 129.

57YSB = Yi-shi-bao, 130, 131.

58ZGGR = Zhong-guo Gong-ren, 55, 118.

59ZZZB = Zheng-shi Zhou-bao, 117.

II. — Ouvrages.

60Annuaire =136.

61Chen Da, Question du travail = 188.

62Cmd. 2442 = 26.

63Congrès du Travail = 141.

64Deng Zhong-xia, Abrégé = 152.

65Deng Zhong-xia, Esquisse générale = 154.

66Deng Zhong-xia, la vague ouvrière = 153.

67Dossier Henry = 10.

68Gong Jun, Développement de l’industrie = 189.

69Grèves et lockouts = 24.

70Histoire du 30 mai = 185.

71Ho Kan-shih, Modern revolution = 257.

72Hu Hua, Exposé = 191.

73H. Isaacs, Tragedy = 261.

74Li Chien-nung, Political History = 275.

75Li Rui, Mao Ze-dong = 196.

76Ma Chao-jun, Histoire = 198.

77Ma Chao-jun, Histoire, n. éd. = 199.

78Martyrs de la Révolution = 220.

79Martyrs du Hunan = 222.

80Matériaux sur le 4 mai = 143.

81Matériaux sur l’édition = 140.

82Matériaux sur l’industrie moderne = 135.

83Matériaux sur le mouvement ouvrier = 145.

84Périodiques du 4 mai = 144.

85Premier recueil des combattants = 172.

86Tang Leang-li, limer History = 304.

87M. Wilbur, Documents = 138.

88Yan Zhong-ping, Statistiques = 139.


1 Les numéros renvoient à la bibliographie générale

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