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Dossier : Éros en jeu


The Debate over the Altar of Victory in 384

A Test Case for Bertram Raven’s Power/Interaction Model of Interpersonal Influence?

La controverse sur l’autel de la Victoire en 384. Un cas d’école pour le modèle de Bertrand Raven sur le pouvoir comme interaction d’influences interpersonnelles ?

Fabian Schulz


In 384, Senator Symmachus attempted to convince Emperor Valentinian to restore the pagan altar, a move which Bishop Ambrose of Milan sought to prevent. I hope to show that by examining the two conflicting petitions to the ruler through Bertram Raven’s ‘Power/Interaction Model of Interpersonal Influence,’ we will better understand this case of influencing rulers: first of all, there are surprising similarities; they both make use of the entire range of power bases including manipulation and threat. Thus, it is not only Ambrose who should be described as a power-broker, but Symmachus too. At the same time, the power bases are defined and weighted differently due to their personal background and situation. Raven’s model, when slightly modified and paired with historical criticism, has great potential: it can be a viable framework to guide our analysis. In principle, this heuristic method can be applied to different situations, epochs and cultures.

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Under autocratic systems, those who successfully influence a ruler’s attitude and decisions acquire a degree of power. This connection can be studied especially well in Late Antiquity, a time when political, social and intellectual upheaval altered the basic conditions for the exercise of influence. The period from Diocletian to Theodosius corresponds to the formation of the late imperial administrative apparatus and Christianization which established the essential discursive and institutional conditions for the exertion of influence in Late Antiquity. Many attempted to have the emperor’s ear: from court eunuchs who were particularly close to the emperor, to bishops who had risen to power through Christianization. The competition was fierce and often led to conflict and polemic. But, in the end, it is usually the victor’s perspective that comes to be remembered in history books.

By focusing on a case study, this paper will investigate which methodology could help us pinpoint differen...


Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen

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