Annexe IV. Implementation document of Joint Communiqué
p. 255-258
Texte intégral
1This document is prepared in order to define the principles of implementation of the cooperation envisioned in the Joint Communiqué signed between the Southeastern Anatolia Project Regional Development Administration (GAP) of Prime Ministry of Republic of Turkey and the General Organization of Land Development (GOLD) of Ministry of Irrigation of Arab Republic of Syria. The scope of this document includes the projects, training programs and activities which are to be initiated in the year 2002. New projects, programs and activities will be proposed by the Joint Technical Committee to the approval of the co-chairmen of the Steering Committee.
2Four custom-made training courses will be organized in 2002 by GAP in Turkey for Syrian participants. All courses will be translated simultaneously.
3Coursework will be supported by site visits and technical trips.
4These four courses are listed in the table below.
5Annual Catalog of the GAP Training Program will be published and distributed in August 2002. For those training seminars in which GOLD is interested, the GAP Administration is willing to spare a quota for Syrian participants. Any additional training seminar/workshop will be announced to GOLD directly.
6Two joint projects will be initiated in 2002. These are briefly described in the following:
B.1. Twin Villages Project
7Twin Villages Project will be implemented in two villages selected within the geographic mandate of both institutions and cover all rural development activities. The project will cover the spatial, social and economic development activities in the selected villages.
B.2. Joint Irrigated Agricultural Research Project (Twin Research Stations)
8Under this cooperation, partners will help one another replicate the projects they have carried out in their respective research stations. GOLD will work with GAP to establish experimental studies on suitable varieties of apple and mango in Koruklu Research Station, and GAP with GOLD to conduct modern irrigation technology projects in Martyr Basel Al-Assad Research Station. Preparatory work for these projects will be completed and researchers from the Koruklu Research Station, Research Stations of General Directorate of Rural Services of Turkey and Martyr Basel Al-Assad Research Station of Syria will pay mutual visits by the end of September 2002.
C.1. Management, Operation and Maintenance of Irrigation Systems in Southeastern Anatolia Region
9One visiting engineer from the Syrian side will come to Turkey for a period of one month in August 2002 in order to participate in the implementation of the project entitled “Management, Operation and Maintenance of Irrigation Systems in Southeastern Anatolia Region”.
C.2. Participatory Rural Development Project
10One visiting engineer from the Syrian side will come to Turkey for a period of one month in August 2002 in order to participate in the implementation of the Participatory Rural Development Project, which aims at improving the socio-economic conditions of the rural people on a participatory basis, starting in July 2002.
C.3. Improvement of Soil in the Leveled Lands Through the Use of Agricultural Residuals and Bio Fertilizers
11One visiting engineer from the Syrian side will come to Turkey for a period of one week in Autumn 2002 and Spring 2003 to participate to implementation efforts of the project titled “Improvement of Soil in the Leveled Lands Through the Use of Agricultural Residuals and Bio Fertilizers”.
Executive Bodies
121. The Joint Technical Committee: This committee meets quarterly. It is composed of the persons from both parties in charge of each program domain mentioned in this document and the focal points in charge of execution.
132. The Steering Committee: This committee is co-chaired by the President of GAP and the Director General of GOLD. It convenes twice a year. The Committee reports annually to the Turkish State Minister in charge of GAP and the Syrian Irrigation Minister. Other members of the committee are the members of the Joint Technical Committee.
14For exchange programs, both parties will provide internal transportation, housing and logistical support free of charge.
15For joint projects, each party will bear the cost of implementation in its own country as well as the expenses of the visiting experts of its partner. For these programs, third party funding will also be sought.
Focal Points
16The focal points for the implementation of GAP-GOLD Joint Communiqué are Tolga Erogan, Coordinator for International Relations Department, on behalf of GAP and Eng. Abdulaziz Al-Masri, Director of the International Waters Bureau, on behalf of the Syrian Ministry of Irrigation.
17Aleppo, 19 June 2002
18I.H. Olcay ÜNVER, Ph.D., President of GAP Administration
19Dr. Eng. Khaled Kallas, Director General of GOLD
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