Annexe III. Joint Communiqué between Republic of Turkey Prime Ministry Southeastern Anatolia Project Regional Development Administration (GAP) and Arab Republic of Syria Ministry of Irrigation General Organization for Land Development (GOLD) 23 August 2001 Ankara - Turkey
p. 251-253
Texte intégral
1Based on the invitation by H.E. Mustafa Yilmaz, Minister of State of Republic of Turkey; H. E. Taha al-Atrash, Minister of Irrigation of Arab Republic of Syria, accompanied by a technical delegation paid a visit to Turkey during the period of August 21-26, 2001.
2Several meetings were held between the two ministers and their respective delegations. The following points are agreed upon to be realised between GAP Administration and GOLD:
3Three groups of training courses will be considered under this program.
- International training courses of GAP will be made available for the attendance of Syrian experts.
- GAP will organize custom-made courses to be attended by Syrian experts.
- The two parties will organize joint courses.
4The basic principles regarding the training programs are as follows:
- Training courses can be conducted in English, Turkish and/or Arabic, as appropriate.
- Custom-made and joint courses can be gradually extended, upon mutual agreement, to the participants from other Arabic speaking countries. These courses can be organized/implemented in both countries.
5Both parties have agreed to realize the first custom-made course in 2001, and the first joint course in early 2002.
6GAP and GOLD will identify, plan and implement joint projects. Scope and basic components (location, content and finance etc.) of these projects will be determined jointly by both organizations and relevant agencies. One of the first projects could be the development of twin protection areas-one from each country to be studied, planned and implemented as a Twin Development Project. Such projects will be carried out, when applicable, with the participation of other organizations from the two countries.
- Exchange of visits of top executives, preferably on an annual basis,
- Exchange of experts and staff,
- Cooperation between the GAP Agricultural Research Station in Koruklu in Turkey, and the Martyr Basel Al-Assad Research Center in Syria.
7The General Directorate of Rural Services (KHGM) of Turkey can take part, under the coordination of GAP, in the above-mentioned programs, projects, and partnerships and can offer its standard courses and the services of its Agricultural Hydrologic Research and Training facilities within the framework of this agreement.
8Other parties, institutions, agencies etc., can be included in the abovementioned programs, projects and partnerships upon mutual consent of GAP and GOLD.
9GAP and GOLD will appoint, within one month following the signing of this document, their respective contact persons who will carry out the tasks for the implementation of this agreement.
10New topics, programs or activities that are not included in this document can be added in the future, based on mutual agreement.
11Dr. I. H. Olcay ÜNVER, President GAP
12Eng. Kays al-ASSAD, Director General GOLD
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