Annexe II. Protocol on matters pertaining to economic cooperation between The Syrian Arab Republic and The Republic of Turkey
p. 249-250
Texte intégral
1The Syrian Arab Republic and the Republic of Turkey, Recalling historic and cultural ties existing between the two countries,
2Desirous to add new dimensions to already existing good neighbourly relations,
3Bearing in mind numerous complementaries in the economics of their countries,
4Agreed to sign the present Protocol.
76 - During the filling up period of the Ataturk Dam reservoir and until the final allocation of the waters of Euphrates among the three riperian countries, the Turkish Side undertakes to release a yearly average of more than 500M3/Sec. five hundred cubic meter per second at the Turkish-Syrian borders and in cases where the monthly flow falls below the level of 500M3/Sec., five hundred cubic meter per second, the Turkish Side agrees to make up the difference during the following month.
87 - The two Sides shall work together with the Iraqi Side to allocate the waters of the rivers Euphurates and Tigris in the shortest possible time.
98 - The two Sides agreed to expedite the work of the Joint Technical Committee on Regional Waters.
109 - The two Parties agreed in principle to construct and operate jointly projects in the lands of both countries on the Euphrates and Tigris rivers for irrigation and power generation provided that the technical and economic feasibility studies of these projects are carried out in cooperation by the experts of the two countries.
1110 - The Turkish Side explained the details of the “Peace Pipe Line” planned to carry a portion of the waters of the Seyhan and Geyhan rivers in Turkey, through Syria by two pipe-lines, one going to countries of the Guld and the other to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to supply water for household purposes and limited irrigation for the region.
12The Syrian Side agreed in principle to the project and showed interest provided that the Turkish Side carries out its technical and economic feasibility study by an international consultancy firm.
13The Syrian Side undertakes to facilitate the feasibility studies pertaining to the Syrian portion of the project.
14In case of its positive conclusion, the Syrian Side will enter into negotiations for the final realization of the project.
1526 - The two Sides agreed on holding the Syrian-Turkish Joint Economic Commission in Ankara and the Syrian-Turkish Joint Committee for Road Transport in Damascus, on October 1987.
16Done and signed in Damascus on July 17, 1987, in two original copies in English language.
17Dr. Abdul Raouf EL-KASSEM, Prime Minister of the Syrian Arab Republic.
18Turgut OZAL, Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey.
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