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French and American Cultural participation

Elements of comparison, 1981-2008

Pratiques culturelles en France et aux États-Unis.Éléments de comparaison 1981-2008

A comparison of the results of these two surveys, which have been published in roughly similar periods since the early 1980s, gives a comparative study of the level of dissemination of cultural practices and their respective public profiles which spans almost three decades.
In the early 1980s, the American population, whilst being much more avid consumers of television, had a higher overall level of cultural participation, except in the area of book reading. The profile of cultural consu...

Leggi il seguito
  • Editore : Département des études, de la prospective et des statistiques
  • Collana : Culture études | 201-1
  • Luogo di pubblicazione : Paris
  • Anno di pubblicazione : 2014
  • Pubblicato su OpenEdition Books : 08 juillet 2015
  • EAN digitale : 978-2-11-139913-6
  • Numero di pagine : 16 p.
French and American Cultural Participation

Elements of Comparisons 1981-2008

Pratiques culturelles en France et aux États-Unis Éléments de comparaison 1981-2008


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