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Tourisme et Grande Guerre

Yves-Marie Evanno
Johan Vincent

II. S’adapter, ne pas renoncer, anticiper : l’après-guerre dans toutes les têtes

A shocked industry : the Swiss Tourism Industry and its anticipation of the post-war time, Switzerland, 1914-1918

Anna Amacher Hoppler

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Although the devastating effect of the First World War on the Swiss tourism industry – and European tourism in general1 – is widely repeated2, there is no deep analysis of how the Swiss tourism industry behaved. What happened with the tourism infrastructure like the hotels during the war ? Who stayed in the hotels : tourists, internees, army personnel ? How did the regional dispersion of the arrivals look like ? While this question about the hotel infrastructure interests in the immediate war years between 1914 and 1918, a focus in the long run suggests itself. Which consequences did WWI have on tourism professionals in Switzerland, in particular on hoteliers ? How did hoteliers adapt to and cope with the new situation ? How did they anticipate the post-war period ? How did this anticipation look like exactly ? This temporally different aspects structure this chapter.

In the short run : A shock and a smooth revitalization

Basically, wars can affect tourism negatively and positively, a...


Enseignante à la Lucerne School of Business (University of Applied Sciences and Arts). Titulaire d’un doctorat en histoire portant sur les prémices de la politique fédérale du tourisme entre 1917 et 1939, elle a récemment publié de nombreux travaux sur la responsabilité sociale des entreprises dans le tourisme alpin et sur l’électrification des entreprises ferroviaires suisses pendant la Première Guerre mondiale.

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