Standards for text production
The following document aims to provide the basic standards for editing texts (articles, communications, and others) to be published by CIDEHUS. Authors are required to follow these standards with the utmost rigour.
1. Author(s) and text presentation
The text shall be preceded by a presentation:
- Title: Arial 14, centred. Title and subtitle must be separated by a full stop.
- Author(s): Arial 12, italic, centred. Ordered as: Surname, First Name.
- Institution/affiliation, e-mail: Arial 10, italic, centred.
2. Text layout
- Text size shall be given in word count, case by case.
- Software: MS Word or equivalent.
- Sequential page numbering.
- Justified alignment and 1.5 line spacing.
- Tabulation: 1.25.
- Abstracts (100–200 words), in the original language and in English.
- Keywords (4–6), in the original language and in English: Arial 12.
- Footnotes with automatic numbering: text in Arial, 10, justified, 1 line spacing.
- Figures: diagrams, charts, and images must be delivered on separate files, sequentially numbered and with a clear indication of the insertion location in the text, on JPG or PNG (preferential), with a minimum of 300 dpi and up to 3 000 pixels. The respective captions should be centred and written under the figures. Arial 10, centred, simple line spacing. Designation in bold; caption text normal. Authors are fully responsible for obtaining permission to use any copyrighted material contained in their article.
- Abbreviations: abbreviations shall not be used in the title or abstract, and its use in the text should be limited. Every abbreviation must be explained upon its first mention.
- The texts should be submitted using guillemets (« ») and not quotation marks (" "). This does not apply for texts in English, where quotation marks are preferable.
3. Bibliographical references and quotations
A. Quotations
Quotations with up to three lines should be inserted in the text between quotation marks. Quotations with more than three lines should be highlighted as follows: Between quotation marks, font type Arial 8 Normal, with a 1.25 cm indentation, and 1 line spacing.
The bibliographic quotation inserted in the text should contain enough data to assure the exact correspondence to the bibliographic reference. Quotations may be presented as: (1) quotation on a note or (2) quotation in body of the text.
Quotations in the body of the text must be presented between parenthesis, and include the author's last name, the publication year, and the quoted paged, i.e.: "(Patton, 2015, p. 47)".
If the author's name is part of the text, only the year and the page numbers must be identified between parenthesis, i.e.: "According to Martín-Pérez (2023, para. 10), […]".
For cases not covered by the examples below, please consult the 7th edition APA style book.
Case 1 – Quotations by more than one author
In quotations with two authors, both must figure in the reference: «(Gussenhoven & Van de Ven, 2020, pp. 616–617)» ou «According to Gussenhoven and Van de Ven (2020, pp. 616–617), […]».
In quotations with three or more authors, the first must be mentioned, followed by the expression "et al.": "(Papastavrou et al., 2008, pp. 201, 207, 215–218)" ou "According to Papastavrou et al. (2008, pp. 201, 207, 215–218), […]".
Case 2 – Documentos do mesmo autor com a mesma data
If an author appears more than once in the bibliographic references, it is necessary to add a letter (a, b, c, etc.) to the publication year, both in the quotation and the bibliographic reference, to ensure the exact correspondence between the quotation and the reference. Example: «(Farrica, 2009a, p. 10)».
B. Bibliographic references
The references must comply with APA (American Psychological Association) standards and be presented at the end of the text, in alphabetical order, according to the author(s) surname. Only works mentioned in the text should be referenced.
When excerpts, or works, were not directly consulted by the author and the quotation was seen in another author's work, the quotation must be preceded by "cited by".
For cases not covered by the examples below, please consult the 7th edition APA style book.
B.1. Monographs
Case 1 – Single-author monographs
Surname, Initials (year). Title: Title complement in italic (edition if different from the first). Publisher. DOI or URL if applicable, without a period at the end
Case 2 – Monographs with two or more authors
Surname, Initials, Surname, Initials, & Surname, Initials (year). Title: Title complement in italic (edition if different from the first). Publisher. DOI or URL if applicable, without a period at the end
The sign "&" should always be placed before the last author's surname.
Only up to 20 authors should be referenced using the method above. In cases where there are more, the names of the first 19 and the last one must be mentioned, with elipses separating them and without the "&" sign. Elements in bold should not be indicated.
Surname, Initials [1st author], Surname, Initials [2nd author], […], Surname, Initials [19th author], … Surname, Initials [last author] (year). Title: Title complement in italic (edition if different from the first). Publisher. DOI or URL if applicable, without a period at the end
Case 3 – Edited book, with editors, coordinators, organizers, etc.
Surname, Initials, & Surname, Initials (Eds./Coords./Orgs./etc.) (year). Title: Title complement in italic (edition if different from the first). Publisher. DOI or URL if applicable, without a period at the end
Case 4 – Book chapters
Surname, Initials, Surname, Initials, & Surname, Initials (year). Title of chapter: title complement, without quotation marks. In Initials Surname, Initials Surname, & Initials Surname (Eds./etc.), Title: Title complement in italic (edition if different from the first). Publisher. DOI or URL if applicable, without a period at the end
Patton, M. Q. (2015). Qualitative Research & Evaluation Methods (4.ª ed.). SAGE Publications.
Mascarenhas, J. M., & Maduro, A. V. (2022). Barcos e artes de pesca nas costas da Nazaré e de S. Martinho, entre o século XVIII e 1930. Hora de Ler.
Blanco Carrasco, J. P., García Fernández, M., & Olival, F. (Coords.) (2019). Jóvenes y juventud en los espacios ibéricos durante el Antiguo Régimen. Edições Colibri; CIDEHUS-UÉ.
Papastavrou, E., Kalokerinou, A., Alevisopoulos, G., Papacostas, S., Tsangari, H., & Sourtzi, P. (2008). The pilot results of the family burden experienced by families with a member suffering from dementia: the health inequalities perspective. In L. Abreu & P. Bourdelais (Eds.), The Price of Life. Welfare Systems, Social Nets and Economic Growth (pp. 201–220). Edições Colibri; CIDEHUS-UÉ; PhoenixTN.
Fonseca, T. (2019). António Henriques da Silveira e as Memórias analíticas da vila de Estremoz. Publicações do CIDEHUS; Edições Colibri (Originalmente publicado em 2003). 10.4000/books.cidehus.3253
Martín-Pérez, A. (2023). Reutilización creativa del patrimonio industrial: El caso de las artes escénicas. In A. C. Matos, J. Sobrino Simal (Dirs.), S. Palomares Alarcón, A. Quintas, F. de L. Lourencetti, & P. Viscomi (Eds.), Património Industrial Ibero-Americano: abordagens diversificadas (parte 4, capítulo 1). Publicações do CIDEHUS.
B.2. Periodical publications
Surname, Initials, & Surname, Initials (year). Title of article: title complement. Periodical publication series title in italic, volume in italic(number), #–#. DOI or URL if applicable, without a period at the end
Gussenhoven, C., Van de Ven, M. (2020). Categorical perception of lexical tone contrasts and gradient perception of the statement–question intonation contrast in Zhumadian Mandarin. Language and Cognition, 12(4), 614–648.
Matos, A. C. (2013). The influence of the École des ponts et chaussées of Paris on the Lisbon Polytechnic School (1836–1860). Journal of History and Science and Technology, 7, 13–35.
Wiegers, G., & Ap, Colominas Aparicio, M. (2023). Iberian Minorities "Side by Side" and "Face to Face": An Analysis of Recent Comparitive Studies in Muslim-Jewish Relations. Hamsa, 9, artigo 8.
B.3. Thesis, dissertations and other academic examinations
Case 1 – Documents in online archives
Surname, Initials (year). Title of the dissertation [Type of academic examination, Institution]. Online archive. URL without a period at the end
Caso 3 – Others
Surname, Initials (year). Title of the dissertation [Type of academic examination]. Institution.
Farrica, Fátima (2009). Poder sobre as periferias: A Casa de Bragança e o governo das terras no Alentejo (1640-1668) [Dissertação de mestrado, Universidade de Évora]. Repositório da Universidade de Évora.
B.4. Other cases
Case 1 – Article in an online newspaper ou webpage
Surname, Initials (year, Month day). Title of article. Website name. Retrived on Month day, year, from URL without a period at the end
Case 2 – Webpage without author
Page title (year, Month day). Website name. Retrived on Month day, year, from URL without a period at the end
Case 3 – Webpage with colective author
Colective author (year, Month day). Title of article. Website name. Retrived on Month day, year, from URL without a period at the end
Flor, Aline (2023, 25 maio). Cidades-esponjas? Espaços verdes? Podemos chamar os jardins pelos nomes. Público. Acedido a 16 outubro, 2024, a partir de