List of Contributors
p. 21-26
Texte intégral
1Bahru Zewde (PhD), Emeritus Professor of History at Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia. Former Executive Director of the Forum for Social Studies, Vice-President of the Association of African Historians; Ethiopian Academy of Sciences, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
2Prof. Bahru Zewde is Emeritus Professor of History at Addis Ababa University and founding Fellow and Vice President of the Ethiopian Academy of Sciences. He has authored many books and articles, notably A History of Modern Ethiopia, 1855–1974 (Oxford: James Currey, 1991), Pioneers of Change in Ethiopia: The Reformist Intellectuals of the Early Twentieth Century (Oxford: James Currey, 2002) and The Quest for Socialist Utopia: The Ethiopian Student Movement c. 1960–1974 (Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer, 2014), a book finalist for the Bethwell A. Ogot Book Prize in 2015.
3Benoit Gaudin (PhD), Assistant Professor of Social Sciences, University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en Yvelynes (UVSQ), France.
4Dr. Benoit Gaudin is Assistant Professor at the Université de Versailles Saint Quentin (UVSQ). His research focuses on the social and cultural determinants of East African athletics. Among his recent publications, he is the author of the book Coureurs de fonds est-africains: Comment expliquer leurs performances sportives? (Paris: L’Harmattan, 2022).
5Bethlehem Tekola (PhD), Research Associate at King’s College London, Great Britain.
6Dr. Bethlehem Tekola is a transdisciplinary researcher with a keen interest in qualitative research and in working with marginalized and vulnerable groups. She is the author of Poverty and the Social Context of Sex Work in Addis Ababa: An Anthropological Perspective (Addis Ababa: Forum for Social Studies, 2005) and Narratives of Three Prostitutes in Addis Ababa (Addis Ababa: Center for Research Training and Information for Women in Development, Addis Ababa University, 2002).
7Constance Perrin-Joly (PhD), Director of the Institute for Social Research in Africa (IFSRA), Burkina Faso and Reseacher, Interdisciplinary Institute of Social Issues (IRIS) Paris (France). Associate Researcher at the Centre français des études éthiopiennes (French Centre for Ethiopian Studies) / Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
8Specialist of work, lifecourse analysis and visual studies, Dr. Constance Perrin-Joly is Director of the Institute for Social Research in Africa (IFSRA, Burkina Faso). Among her latest publications, the article written with Laure de Verdalle compares the cases of Germany, France and Ethiopia and is titled “Entrepreneurship: Moral Categorizations Across Three Countries,” in Shifting Categories of Work, edited by Lisa Herman and Benedicte Zimmermann (New York, Oxford: Routledge, 2022).
9Derese Ayenachew (PhD), Assistant Professor, Research Fellow, I Tatti – The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies, Florence (Italy).
10Former Assistant Professor at Debre Berhan University, the research of Dr. Derese Ayenachew explores the interactions and integrations of medieval and early modern Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa. His recent book is Selomonawyan: A History of State Administration in Ethiopia (1270–1529) [Amharic Edition] (Addis Ababa: JAJAW Publisher, 2021, 376 p.).
11Gennet Zewide (PhD), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
12Dr. Gennet Zewide is an academic and a politician. She was a member of the Ethiopian student movement and then of the Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Party (1960s-70s) and imprisoned from 1979 to 1986. A member of the Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF), she became Minister of Education of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (1991–2006) and Ethiopian Ambassador to India (2006–2014). She is the author of Resistance, Freedom and Empowerment: The Ethiopian Women’s Struggle (Dehli: Concept Publishing Company, 2014).
13Habtamu Mengistie Tegegne (PhD), Assistant Professor of African History, Federated Department of History, Rutgers University-Newark, New Jersey, USA.
14Dr. Habtamu Mengistie Tegegne is Assistant Professor of African History at Rutgers University, Newark. His research focuses on a critical understanding of the social and economic history of Ethiopia. He is the author of Barara-Addis Ababa’s Predecessor: Development, Destruction, and Refoundation: The Untold History of Ethiopia [Amharic Edition], edited by Bezza Tesfaw (Trenton: The Red Sea Press, 2020).
15Margaux Herman (PhD), Assistant Professor in Ethiopian and East African History, Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales (INALCO), Paris, France. Associate Researcher at the Centre français des études éthiopiennes (French Centre for Ethiopian Studies) / Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
16Dr. Margaux Herman is Assistant Professor in Ethiopian and East African History at the Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales (INALCO), Paris, France. Her research focuses on the history of Ethiopian women in a long-term perspective. Her earlier research focused on Ethiopian female elites from the Middle Ages to the 19th century. Her more recent research will explore the history of women at work, 1850-1974. Among her publications, she is the scientific editor of this volume and the author of “Towards a History of Women in Medieval Ethiopia,” in Companion to Medieval Ethiopia and Eritrea, edited by Samantha Kelly, 365–94 (Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, 2020).
17Marie-Laure Derat (PhD), Senior Researcher, Director of Research at CNRS, Paris, France; Director of the Archaeological Mission Lalibela (since 2019).
18Dr. Marie-Laure Derat is a historian, specialist in Ethiopia in the medieval period. After working on the Solomonic dynasty, which exercised power over the Christian kingdom of Ethiopia from 1270 onwards, she focused her research on the dynasty of the Zagwe holy kings (11th-13th century). She has authored many books and articles. Her most recent books are L’énigme d’une dynastie sainte et usurpatrice dans le royaume chrétien d’Éthiopie, xie-xiiie siècle (Turnhout: Brepols, 2018) and Lalibela, site rupestre chrétien d’Éthiopie (Toulouse: Presses universitaires du Midi, 2019) that she coauthored with Claire Bosc-Tiessé.
19Marina de Regt (PhD), Assistant Professor, Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands.
20Dr. Marina de Regt is Associate Professor at the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Her research focuses mainly on gender, labour and migration in Yemen and Ethiopia. She co-edited with Bina Fernandez the book Migrant Domestic Workers in the Middle East (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014) and is one of the coauthors of Adolescent Girls’ Migration in the Global South: Transitions into Adulthood (written together with Katarzyna Grabska and Nicoletta Del Franco) (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019).
21Meron Zeleke Eresso (PhD), Assistant Professor, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia.
22Dr. Meron Zeleke Eresso is Associate Professor at Addis Ababa University and Editor-in-Chief of Ethiopian Journal of Human Rights (EJHR). Her research areas are gender, migration, industrial jobs and conflict in the Horn of Africa. Her most recent publications are “Women in Ethiopia” in The Oxford Encyclopedia of African Women’s History, edited by Dorothy Hudgsons (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021) and with Lahra Smith, African Perspectives & Experiences of South-South Migration (London: Routledge, 2023).
23Pierre Guidi (PhD), Full Researcher, CEPED (Center Population & Development), Institut de recherche pour le développement / Marseille, France
24Dr. Pierre Guidi is a historian specialising in contemporary Ethiopia. His research focuses on the role of education in the construction of the Ethiopian nation. He also works on the history of women’s education and women’s activism in contemporary Ethiopia. He is the author of the book Éduquer la nation en Éthiopie. École, État et identités dans le Wolaita (1941–1991) (Montpellier: IRD Éditions; Rennes : Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2020).
25Rahwa M. Weldemichael (PhD), Associate Director of Health Financing and Health Systems Strengthening at PAI, Washington DC, USA.
26Dr. Rahwa M. Weldemichael is Associate Director of Health Financing and Health Systems Strengthening at PAI, Washington DC, USA. Her research focuses on sexual and reproductive health and gender. Among her recent publications is an article titled “Gender Differences in Experiences with and Adjustments to Infertility: The Case of Health Attendants of Family Guidance Association Ethiopia” (Ethiopian Journal of Development Research 39, no. 1, 2019) and a blog titled “Leveraging Social Accountability to Include Family Planning in Country-Level Universal Health Coverage: Four Lessons Learned from PAI’s UHC Engage Project” published in April 2023 on PAI website (
27Samuel Andreas Admasie (PhD), International Institute of Social History (IISH), the Netherlands, and Labour Movement’s Archives and Library (Sweden)
28Dr. Samuel Andreas Admasie is a regional specialist for Africa at the International Institute of Social History and an affiliate researcher at the Labour Movement's Archives and Library. He is the author of the book The Ethiopian Labour Movement: Trade Unions, Collective Action and Contestation, 1960– 2020 (Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2024), an associate editor of the Journal of Labour and Society, and member of the editorial board of Labour History.
29Shimeles Bonsa Gulema (PhD), Assistant Professor of History and Africana Studies at Stony Brook University (SUNY), New York, USA.
30Dr. Shimelis Bonsa Gulema is Associate Professor of modern African history and politics at Stony Brook University, New York. His research interest includes modern and contemporary African history and politics with a focus on Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa. He is the author of monographs, book chapters, and articles including the book he recently coedited The Horn of Africa and Italy: Colonial, Postcolonial and Transnational Cultural Encounters (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2018).
31Silvia Bruzzi (PhD), Assistant Professor, University of Turin.
32Dr. Silvia Bruzzi is Assistant Professor in African History at the University of Turin. Her research focuses on the social history of Modern Northeast Africa. She is the author of the book Islam and Gender in Colonial Northeast Africa (Leiden: Brill, 2018).
33Tamirat Gebremariam, (PhD candidate), senior lecturer in Ethiopian and African History, Debre Berhan University,
34Currently a PhD student in the Department of History, Addis Ababa University, Tamirat G/Mariam is a senior lecturer in Ethiopian and African history. His research interests include leisure, modern sports history and women’s history. In 2019, he published “Sports and Physical Education in Ethiopia during the Italian Occupation, 1936–1941,” in Sports in African History, Politics, and Identity Formation, edited by Michael J. Gennaro and Saheed Aderinto (Oxford, New York: Routledge, 2019).
35Thomas Osmond (PhD), Anthropologist, Associate Researcher at CFEE, Ethiopia.
36Dr. Thomas Osmond is a Social Anthropologist. For more than ten years, he was Assistant Professor at various universities in the Horn of Africa. He is a consultant for French and British organizations and an Administrative Manager for the French Academic Network for African Studies (CNRS, GIS Études africaines en France, Paris/Aubervilliers). His research mostly focuses in the Oromiya Region on identity dynamics, ethnic nationalism, religious reformism, cultural policies and regional migrations. Amongst his publications, he is the author of “The Awash River in Oromo Historical Narratives” In Movements in Ethiopia, Ethiopia in Movement, Proceedings of the 18th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies, edited by Mohamed Hassen and Eloi Ficquet, 333–48 (Los Angeles: Institute of Ethiopian Studies; Addis Ababa: French Centre of Ethiopian Studies, Tsehai Publishers, 2016).
37Verena Böll, (PhD), Cataloguer of Ethiopian Manuscripts at Monumenta Vitruvii and Qalamos, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Germany.
38Dr. Verena Böll’s research focuses on EOTC literature and all fields of religious life in Ethiopia. She is the author of Unsere Herrin Maria. Die traditionelle äthiopische Exegese der Marienanaphora des Cyriacus von Behnesa [Our Lady Mary. The Ethiopian traditional exegesis of the Qeddase Maryam of Cyriacus of Behnesa] (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, Äthiopistische Forschungen 48, 1998) and of “Rastafarian Perceptions of the Christian Burial of Emperor Ḫaylä Śǝllase I. (2000)” In Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity in a Global Context. Entanglements and Disconnections, edited by Stanislaw Paulau, and Martin Tamcke
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Educating the Nation in Ethiopia
State, Society and Identity in Wolaita (1941–1991)
Pierre Guidi Simon Dix (trad.)