Educating the Nation in Ethiopia
State, Society and Identity in Wolaita (1941–1991)
In analysing the educational dynamics of the Wolaita region in Ethiopia, this book traces the history of the nation-state from the perspective of its margins, between 1941 and 1991. From Haile Selassie's divine right monarchy to the Derg's Marxist-Leninist military regime, it looks at the ways in which the inhabitants of a region incorporated at the end of the nineteenth century reacted to their dominated position within the national structure by negotiating with schooling—its successive ideolog...
Note de l’éditeur
This book is the English translation of: Guidi, Pierre. 2020. Éduquer la nation en Éthiopie. École, État et identités dans le Wolaita (1941-1991). Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes; Montpellier: IRD Éditions.
This translation was funded by the Robert Mallet Prize for the History of Education and the “Open Science for African Studies” project (
Éditeur : Centre français des études éthiopiennes
Lieu d’édition : Addis-Abeba
Publication sur OpenEdition Books : 17 octobre 2024
ISBN numérique : 978-2-11-172320-7
DOI : 10.4000/12iy3
Collection : Ad'É Books, Contemporary Horn of Africa
Année d’édition : 2024
ISBN (Édition imprimée) : 978-2-11-172321-4
Nombre de pages : 355
Rebecca Rogers
Foreword: Deciphering Education at the Heart of the NationPart One. The Contradictions of the Assimilating School under Haile Selassie (1941–1974)
Chapter 1
Thinking about the Purposes of the National School System: The Ethiopian State, the USA and WolaitaChapter 3
History, Civic Education and Literature: Defining the Nation’s Identity and Projecting its DestinyPart Two. Education under the Derg: Emancipation and Encadrement (1978–1991)
Chapter 10
School Experiences: Openness and ViolenceIn analysing the educational dynamics of the Wolaita region in Ethiopia, this book traces the history of the nation-state from the perspective of its margins, between 1941 and 1991. From Haile Selassie's divine right monarchy to the Derg's Marxist-Leninist military regime, it looks at the ways in which the inhabitants of a region incorporated at the end of the nineteenth century reacted to their dominated position within the national structure by negotiating with schooling—its successive ideologies, its knowledge, its languages of instruction, and its practices of power—in order to take their place in the national political community. By focusing on everyday feelings of belonging and ordinary nationalism as manifested in school dynamics, this book bears witness to the way in which nations are constructed and reshaped in the interaction and tensions between various social groups and the state. The ways in which the Ethiopian governments appropriated the North American and then Soviet schooling models offer a special insight into Ethiopia's changing positions vis-à-vis the outside world in the context of the Cold War as well as the forms of translation at work right down to the local level. Featuring a wide range of actors—women and men, urban graduates and peasants, national and local civil servants, North American Peace Corps workers and East German advisers, Catholic and Protestant missionaries—this book will appeal to a much wider audience than Ethiopia specialists alone.
Centre Population et Développement (Ceped), Institut de recherche pour le développement.
ORCID : 0000-0002-7399-2077
Pierre Guidi is a researcher at the Ceped (université Paris Cité, IRD). His current research focus is on the history of education, women’s education and women’s activism in Ethiopia, on which he has published a number of articles and chapters. Guidi recently coedited (with Ellen Vea Rosnes and Jean-Luc Martineau) the book History through Narratives of Education in Africa, Leiden: Brill, 2024 and (with Jean-Luc Martineau and Florence Wenzek) L’école en mutation. Politiques et dynamiques scolaires en Afrique (années 1940-1980), Toulouse: Presses universitaires du Midi, 2024.
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