Emil Cioran: The transfiguration of Romania
p. 356-362
1Title: Schimbarea la faţă a României (The transfiguration of Romania)
2Originally published: Bucharest: Vremea, 1936
3Language: Romanian
4The present excerpts are from Emil Cioran, Schimbarea la faţă a României (Bucharest: Humanitas, 1990), pp. 39–43, 59–60.
About the author
5Emil Cioran [1911, Răşinari (Hun. Resinár; Ger. Städterdorf), (Transylvania) – 1995, Paris]: philosopher. His father was an Orthodox priest. After completing his secondary education in Sibiu in 1927, he went to Bucharest to study philosophy. He was one of the most original members of the “young generation” or “generation of 1927” (see Mircea Eliade, Spiritual itinerary). He also studied in Berlin between 1933 and 1935, benefiting from a Humboldt scholarship. With a German philosophical background and linguistic competence that he brought from the Transylvanian Saxon cultural context of his youth, Cioran was attracted by the German political changes of the 1930s. During this period, he contributed articles glo
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